I want to leave. Which European country is the best for freedoms and jobs?

I want to leave. Which European country is the best for freedoms and jobs?

Attached: 1525361183621.jpg (720x406, 47K)

Go to based Ireland or based Germany.





Fuck, i thought that's a Russian TV-channel


In Europe usually freedom and jobs are very conflicting. Best bet of finding a job might as well be over here (though other places pay better) while most freedom is found in Romania

They're so fat that I can't even comprehend who is the "star" of the show

el goblino wetbacko...

Return to the land of your ancestors.

The land of OP's ancestors is Africa

Which one?

Attached: dna results.jpg (2048x1284, 291K)

Czechia. Atm we will hire anybody. Can you walk? You are hired!

One-drop rule, so off to Africa you go.

If he has a degree he can probably get a job at a multinational faster than he can fart. A lot of them are shitty support jobs like Oracle of HP though. With a bit of investment, he can open up a food joint that we don't have here yet and make bank. Pulled pork is slowly becoming a thing and people have been going nuts for gourmet burgers for example. You can even own some type of guns if you pass the loony tests.

What's with your last name, can you trace it back to before it was burgernized?

Eww too mixed


Can't blame your ancestors for leaving..
Go somewhere on the med coast then, you'll be comfy there.