Who else absolutely love these things?

Who else absolutely love these things?

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I hate them so much. But they keep building them here.

I love them

i love residential towers

Not me, they're disgusting.

I have mixed feelings. They're shit, no way around that, but I am somewhat drawn to gloomy and intimidating architecture.

i like low storeys commieblocks.

huge commieblocks are disgusting

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desu commieblocks makes people depressed, that's the reason why suicide rates are so high in eastern europe

It's terrible. I was growing up in them and I'm glad I don't have to go back ever again. Fuck this style of life. You should be proud of your own country.

architecturally they are bland but that's kind of a given considering the rapid number of urbanization. but i like them for their convenience. they are usually self contained communities with groceries and services on the ground floor that make it really easy to get shit done.

I like them so long as there are lots of low level single family homes all around them which never happens.

>t.never live in one

commie block are concrete sarcophagus, oppresing and depressing for most people.

>groceries and services on the ground floor
No actually not. That's the issue with these. If you are in a resettlement here. There are no stores, no small bakeries, or little shops closeby like in city centers. You have the big supermarket at the end of the settlement where you can only go by car. The settlement itself is bland and fucking grey and empty. It's depressing as fuck. Also, mostly poor people live there, because these are mass produced houses. Thus, hipster bakeries and cafes wouldn't even be able to survive there.

pic is the one where I was living

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Are they getting rid of these in favor or neighborhoods with houses or are these still built a lot?

The would be fine with fresh paint, good cladding and no cheap AC unit

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They are from old GDR times. They are teared down slowly. Nobody wants to live there. Mainly poor people or people living on neet bucks use them, because they can't afford any better.

no thanks. they're ant farms.

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I absolutely love them

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Nice to hear. Hopefully one day the east will be brought to the same standard as the west.

Great window views at night

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It would be better if they had balconies.

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First of all tearing down huge apartment blocks for single family houses isn't financially viable, secondly it would be a major urban planning error because a lot of these are reasonably close to the center as they've been built in bomb flattened neighborhoods after the war, and if you made the area low density now you'd regret it for a long, long time.

Dealing with them can't be generalized, it depends on the area and the potential of the building. Some closer to the center get renovated entirely. Some on outskirts of shrinking cities where there's zero appeal for housing left get torn down entirely. And then there's this really interesting approach of reduction where they'll take a few floors off the top, cut a few gaps right down the middle and turn the remaining substance into three or four floor tall smaller apartment blocks with added balconies and sometimes other additions. Ends up significantly cheaper than tearing down the entirety and then erecting new apartment blocks. These here used to be a single big long commieblock.

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The east is in a quite high standard already. These blocks are mostly empty. And nobody owns them anymore, except some bankrupt house owners. So it's impossible to remove so quickly, as nobody is responsible for it, except the city who can invest the money in more useful things than tearing down rotton buildings. It's the same as Detroit in the US.

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>old pics from Norilsk
That doesn't count

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Here alot of these resettlement were mostly built on the outscirts of the city or were entire new cities just built of commieblocks. Pic is Erfurt city center, most of the city centers are fine and look better than west German cities.

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This is what happens when you are to smart too plan ahead.
Saint-Petersburg btw.

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Those aren't commieblocks

I'm well aware of how Halle Neustadt is built, my dad grew up there. Halle however wasn't a bomb target, no vital infrastructure in the city, the important bit was Leuna to the south. There are different examples though. Magdeburg got largely devastated and now has commieblock neighborhoods dotted all over the place. I used to live in a commieblock neighborhood in Leipzig 15 minutes footwalk to the historical center, very valuable location, that's why they renovated it entirely.

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Those ARE commieblocks, Ivan.
Also that wasn't Norilsk, is Vorkuta.
And 90% of small russian cities look exactly like that, Ivan.

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tfw no cyberpunk Japanese capitalistblocks

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fucking awful
completely defaced one of the prettiest neighbourhoods in my city with these monoliths of shit

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No, that's pre-commie architecture from SPB, you brainless fucking retard

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Where are the windows? Is every room apart from the living room artificially lit?

They have windows they are just small. Keeps the heat in during the winters

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anyone but eastern europeans

Those on the other hand look fantastic. Straight and clear and crisp and just the right amount of pastel contrasts in the windows. Absolutely timeless.

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I like tall buildings, but only when they are built to look nice.

>Meine Stadt, mein Bezirk, mein Viertel, meine Gegend
Meine Straße, mein Zuhause, mein Block
Meine Gedanken, mein Herz, mein Leben, meine Welt
Reicht vom ersten bis zum 16. Stock
Do you have many blocks in west Germany ? East Berlin has some mos impressive I've seen

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There are only a few of them in the west. Eastern Berlin has the largest number of commieblocks

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