>Budapest, along with Warsaw, is locked in battle with Brussels over democratic standards and a refusal to accept refugees, and opposes any attempt to impose conditions on the billions in funds it gets from the bloc.
>“Hungary does not consent to any proposal which creates the potential for blackmail,” Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó told reporters in Budapest.
>Bulgaria, the country holding the rotating EU presidency, has reacted negatively to the proposal, pointing out that it may be contrary to EU treaties.
>“The funding is due to Central Europe as it opened its markets to western firms who made huge profits,” said the Hungarian.
>lazy sp*Noid beaner takes handouts from europe >Ay carramba! we can't have anyone doing something we do
Jackson Barnes
>merkel said welcome shitskins come here to Germany >now wants to cuck the whole eu because she fucked up
i dont see anything wrong with this
John Sanchez
>this is what westerners and liberals actually believe do you genuinely think that the EU is a big humanitarian project and that it isnt profitable to the western states as well damn those western political leaders are such good guys, truly selfless human beings
Hunter Ortiz
those toilets aren't going to clean by themselves, go back to work
Jose Nguyen
is it really siesta if you're shitposting?
Cooper Williams
Yeah but that will be fixed now, and if your countries are unwilling to contribute in times of need you'll face the consequences. Your country organized buses for the "shitskins" to get them into central Europe... No I don't, but I'm sick of seeing you people tell that all the development aid is actually nothing because there's no tariffs You'll have to bear a part of the burden
Logan Brown
EU is about cooperation, not dictate. If you dont like it, you can always leave. Also, we can veto budget.
Jose Sanchez
We'll see how it turns out. I'm not so sure the other Western European members of the EU agree with your point of view.
Dominic Ward
Budget needs to be accepted unanimously and that is a fact
Brayden Morales
>Your country organized buses for the "shitskins" to get them into central Europe
kek the average shitskin doesnt even know about hungary, nobody would stay here so why not make the whole process faster.
what part of the burden? just because one state decided to cuck itself it doesnt mean that was the general consensus of the eu, you cant force someone else to cuck itself too just because you were retarded
Charles Flores
we get the eu monies for letting your companies in and letting our workforce out flooding the country with muslims and niggers was not part of the deal and never will be and you cant do anything about it because Orbán licks your corporations' ass and they would murder Merkel if she tried to sanction us for real
Ryan Jones
>kek the average shitskin doesnt even know about hungary you're being really rude rn desu.
Benjamin Wilson
According to latest polls we are willing to accept financial punishment if the EU forces us to take in brown/black people. Money isn't everything. We have gone through worse, we are thinking about our future and our children. If germans and spnaiards want to get bkacked, go ahead just don't force us to take a part in this madness. Take your dirty money and fuck off.
Nathan Hall
But this also includes countries that pay into the EU to agree to the aids given to receiver countries... The EU border wasn't properly defended, hundreds of thousands of migrants came to Europe, and now it's supposed to be solely our problem. As the Polish user said, the EU is about cooperation, and when the EU as a whole fails to defend it's border it's not fair that only few countries have to deal with the consequences
Lincoln Young
no migrants are going to come to Poland or Hungary anyway, and if they do they'll just slip back to Germany later on. The governments of Poland and Hungary are blatantly exploiting a non-issue to gain popular support. However, the EU/Germany are being major fucking faggots so I'll still side with V4.
Jace Powell
>The EU border wasn't properly defended your government actively agitated against us when we started properly defending the EU borders, so Merkel isnt in a position of bringing that argument up
Nicholas Cruz
>The EU border wasn't properly defended, hundreds of thousands of migrants came to Europe, and now it's supposed to be solely our problem
yes because you were the one who opened their arms and said come here shitskins, also we have been defending our part of the schengen borders for years, without any support from anyone
>your government actively agitated against us when we started properly defending the EU borders can you give me a link? >yes because you were the one who opened their arms we suspended the Dublin agreement when Greece couldn't handle the number of migrants any more. Of course the other countries prefer to ridicule that decision instead of helping relieve member states like Greece or Italy
you know that the Dublin agreement was de facto already suspended in 2011 when deportations to Greece were stopped because it were too many and Greece couldn't deal with it (asylum seekers have to apply where they first reach EU soil) By building the fence you just forced the migrants to cross the border at Croatia so that you wouldn't have to deal with the asylum applications
Adrian Anderson
>now it's supposed to be solely our problem it is, how can you be this fucking delusional?
you are truly retarded holy fuck >muh de facto but we still bitch about sending them back to hungary >so that you wouldn't have to deal with the asylum applications they don't have to, 99% of asylum "applicants" leave the country towards the west you retard
have your (You) and kys
Samuel Watson
I don't think the budget issue is about refugees. It is about Hungary and Poland undermining their judical system. How can the western countries be sure that their money doesn't go into private pockets if rule of law doesn't apply in Hungary and Poland?
Cameron Thomas
>return the favour by accepting uneducated third worlders What
Colton Lopez
The main purpose of the hungarian government is to secure the safety of Hungary. Hungary closed its borders so only those could get into the country who were willing to apply for asylum in Hungary. It's not our fault other countries did not do the same thing.
James Sullivan
kek, a bit too late for that lad, wasnt it obvious from 2010 and onwards what happens with the money?
and they can make a law whatever they wish, they got 2/3, they are untouchable, just dont kick us out till i get another citizenship
Matthew Long
just proves how retarded germans are
Hunter Campbell
>How can the western countries be sure that their money doesn't go into private pockets if rule of law doesn't apply in Hungary and Poland? Oh boi they can be sure it does go into those private pockets. In a formerly 100% legal way though
Gavin Roberts
we dont wanna kick you out, but we want to see my tax money invested to help to improve lives of other europeans, and not to dissapear in private pockets
Nathan Morales
>Poland undermining their judical system Excuse me, who says so?we are kicking out old judges who served commies and never took the responsibility for their actions in the past. This is not your business what we do with those people. You literally know shit what is going on in our countries, yet you are playing smart ass. Germans are truly cancer of europe.
Caleb Myers
>join EU >>profit greatly from development aid >>screech when it's time to return the favor So Western European companies could better use their populace as cheap labor.....
Samuel Carter
you are right, it is not our business, poland is a sovereign country. But it is our business what happens with OUR money. If we can't be sure that the money is used as intended, we better keep it for ourself
Levi Brooks
>How can the western countries be sure that their money doesn't go into private pockets if rule of law doesn't apply But this has happened ever since the eastern countries joined which is for more than a decade even if we count the expansion with Romania and Bulgaria. How did someone suddenly remember to remove these deficiencies right at this time?
James Torres
you dont understand, they will not stop doing what they do, and they have the means to legalise it
Henry Cooper
>Your country organized buses for the "shitskins" to get them into central Europe... Buses or not they don't want to stay in places like Poland and Hungry. It's that simple they'll just returning to Germany, Sweden, etc. unless you put the in camps or end free movement.
>OUR money seems like they won't be getting any more of YOUR money so why wouldn't they pull through with their judiciary reforms anyway?
Mason Thompson
You live in a bubble full of lies that come from your antipolish media. Our system must be reformed and most of our people support it. If you think that our judicual system was better when ex-communist were in charge then take all these judges to germany, they will serve you better.
Colton Taylor
they are a sovereign country, they can do what we want, but we are a sovereign country as well, so we can do what we want. And we don't want to pay money to countries that don't respect rule of law
Robert Reed
>remove these deficiencies right at this time? convenient eh?
Austin Reyes
>they can do what we want :^)
Jackson Carter
I heard that Poland is breaking it's constitution by sacking judges. German people don't want give free money to a country that doesn't respect rule of law
>free money its not free money no matter how hard you parrot it, you use our cheap labour and market in excange for some pennies
Camden Harris
its the period where the new budget is going to be discussed, without the brits so you dont need a conspiracy as of why now
Benjamin Scott
>I heard That's the problem. You head but you know shit. I'm off, no need to waste my time anymore.
Kevin Torres
I really am this naive
you agreed to follow the rule of law in exchange for being member of eu and getting development funds. If you dont fullfill your part of the bargain, neither will the EU
Luis Sullivan
>don't respect rule of law that's also very vague, how do we know user isn't true what are they doing exactly that is disrespecting the rule of law?
Jose Stewart
That is for the EU comission to decide. I am not an expert, but I trust the EU comisson more than I trust Poland
>if you dont accept rule of law you dont get monies fixed it for you, my european friend
at the end of the day, we have to decide for ourself which authorities we trust. I think EU is trustworthy and Poland is not
Jackson Martinez
which rule of law says we have to accept shitskins?
Cameron Morris
>“The largest faction in the European Parliament is not that of the EPP, but that of George Soros,” he said, referring to the Hungarian-American financier. Is this Turkoid actually retarded?
Brody Flores
personally, I think the migration crisis was badly handled by Germany and western Europe. But it is still true that the executive powers in Hungary and Poland are willfully ignoring the separaton of power and rule of law
Kevin Flores
Holy shit. An American who understands the EU.
Hunter Ortiz
literally this, to the letter
Logan Robinson
you keep repeating rule of law but im yet to hear an example. and we shouldnt accept shitskins just because of how germany handled it
>One key new Polish concession would restrict the right of Poland’s supreme court to effectively overturn past court verdicts, the draft bill published by parliament showed.
>Under a so-called extraordinary appeal procedure approved last year, the supreme court gained the right to overturn court verdicts from the last two decades, a move critics said could destabilise the whole judicial system.
>Another concession in the new proposal would give the president the right to appoint junior judges instead of the justice minister, who is also the prosecutor general.
>However, the EU said that move was not sufficient.
their original plan doesn't sound so disrespectful but i'm not in the judiciary either
Noah Richardson
realtalk though, if the commission gets this power they're going to get some real bite up until now there was basically no political control over the money flow because it, it was formulaic economy indicators I'm not sure national leaders would give them this power, I'm not even talking about the leaders of countries that are immediate targets Poland and Hungary may be in trouble today, but this can be turned on anyone when the commission finds an excuse and a reason in the proposed for of the legislation you'd need 2/3 of leaders to stop a motion initiated by the commission
Nathan Barnes
>Whines about other ethnicities in the country >Whines at the same time that other ethnicities were removed from the country a hundred years ago Only Turkish rape babies can be this retarded.