If you could buy a country and be its king, which one would it be?

If you could buy a country and be its king, which one would it be?

I think I would get myself Etiopia. Interesting ancient history, christian majority and only third world/shithole enough to have freedom to govern it as I please but not enough to be ungovernable

Attached: depositphotos_50637497-stock-illustration-ethiopia-political-map.jpg (1023x773, 97K)

if it was necessarily to be circumcised after becoming king of that shithole, would you do it piedro>?

>Multiple ethnic groups who are at each others throats

Ethiopia isn't very stable atm.

North Korea, I'd turn my backwater shithole ito a futuristic dystopia

Russia lol

Probably some African country and try to make it into a decent place, Ethiopia seems like a nice option

America, of course
I'd institute government-run racemixing programs to create the American race.
Also I would give provided gfs which match you with a gf who's of equal attractiveness to you. She'll always be a different race, since it'll be part of our racemixing program as well.
Then I would ban all transfats and tax people for being fat. People would be forced to go to the gym for at least 2 hours a day and are fined if they're not becoming more fit.
I'd also force people to eat well so they have the proper nutrition in their early years to grow tall.
Can't forget free education and healthcare as well.

Some SEA country, probably thailand

>after becoming king
the nice loophole is that my first mandate as a king would be "no circumsition allowed"

the situation is still better than hispanoamerica, nothing that can't be solved with some good ol ethnic cleanse

>christcuck majority
Somehow that’s a good thing?