meme aside is your country full of muslims/blacks ?
I have been living in one of the most mixed part of france
>some cities are full of blacks, they are maybe 80% >youngs french say " wesh " to say hello, this is an arabic word > I only met maybe 5-6 " true french" who had both french parents, most of them have spanish/portuguese mom/dad and they are mulltato >segregation at schools, white/arabs/blacks >they are all prouf of their" heritage " and claims themselves as africains > I asked a kabylian algerian if he felt more french or algerian and he told me " im algerian more than french, he doesn't speak arabic " >when I go out I always see arabs/blacks
France hast lost everything, but to me winner is always right, they won so they are right
I live in some rich coastal city in the Azure Coast. I literally never see Arabs.
David Ward
Je suis en Ile de france moi, dans le 94
Jaxson Bennett
Joseph Morgan
learn to read fucking nigger, i said its a good thing, and wanted to check other europeans countries
Christian Jackson
>>youngs french say " wesh " to say hello, this is an arabic word lel only europe could be this cucked
David Cook
How is so hard to understand that it's not desireble to be a stranger in your native land?
Colton Watson
its no joke lmao
Thomas Thompson
Dur. J'imagine que t'es déjà en train de préparer ton départ.
Cameron Powell
Wyatt Williams
Non je vais rester ici ca me fais chier de me casser de mes propres terres
Après c'est vrai que dans le Sud/Ouest j'en vois aucun, par contre le Nord c'est la misère, je connais des connaissances à Dunkerque y'a des vrais migrants qui trainent avec des machettes
Jackson Roberts
Go away CHI
Eli Sanchez
>m-maybe if I h-hate myself the euros will accept me as w-white
Kayden Foster
t. Tyrone or Carl the Cuck
Noah Green
No I hate niggers and spics more than the euros do
Gavin White
>Eurotrash is literally sent into an autistic fury at the mere sight of a person that isn’t the same color as him
Sebastian Rodriguez
wesh beurette
Jacob Collins
If anything we're more racist than they are, which isn't a bad thing
Who are you quoting? I dont want america to become brown, same for europe. You're not arguing with me but with a strawman of a european with a superiority complex. Stop worrying, we don't hate white americans(we love them).
Jackson Williams
pls leave my country. You are either a massive niggerspic or a male soyfeminist
Easton Clark
>If anything we're more racist than they are, which isn't a bad thing >Minorities are a plague to society.
There is nothing wrong with black people. Only when they adopt AMERICAN style black culture will the problems start.
Tyler Cox
No but hopefully she will be my children's mother
Connor Thompson
yes i saw two black dudes this week
Anthony Martinez
Owen Jackson
" two "
Austin Anderson
Im happy with the ammounts of shitskins in france You think this is bad? you should see argentina
Jaxson Nelson
he probably lives in Hellsinki, I haven't seen anyone non-Finnish in like a month except one Russian girl
Jack Hill
What happens in France, why are there so many blacks? Why people keep voting for the left-wing?
Caleb Carter
Things are worse in the east and north. Yeah that's a fine and dandy attitude to have, until wake up one day and find yourself the minority in your own country.
>hurr I hate myself xD am I white now Kill yourself.
Ayden Hall
lots of arabs in the streets, i get to work and everyone is white with a few asians and 2 blacks Its kinda weird to see the segregation
Charles Edwards
Fucking tard, no integration means public disorders, just look at all the terrorist attacks that 2nd generation immigrants born and raised in France carried out, they were marginalized and not integrated at all in the society. People like you should unironically kill themselves
Angel Robinson
>france is socialist, we need to be less socialist and more like America, let’s privatize our healthcare cus MUH VENEZUELA
Oh yeah I noticed that too, all the shitskins you see in the streets are no where near university classes,cafes,bars and restaurants which are full with white people t. non french France doesnt have a socialized healthcare you retard
Jason Torres
Why exactly do you pretend to be knowledgeable about France?
Ryan Clark
>xd if I am nigger then everyone are Fuck off el atrocidad
Thomas Taylor
I see you are a berni-cuck, please kill youself
Jaxson Jones
It's a perfect size, also round and tight
Henry Perry
Venezuela is a shithole because people are subhuman, not because of any political system.
Jayden Ortiz
Also notice how maghrebi ghetto culture and vocabulary is becoming rampant among young french >saying words like inshallah, hamdullah >listening to maghrebi and black muslim rappers
Matthew Johnson
oui c'est comme la culture afro-américaine qui est devenue très populaire chez les jeunes blancs américains, sauf que dans notre cas il y a une certaine connotation religieuse assez malsaine
Kevin Hernandez
>sauf que dans notre cas il y a une certaine connotation religieuse assez malsaine Vrai. Pour avoir vécu dans un lycée tres mixte je peux t´assurer que des blancs qui trainaient qu’avec des arabes ont finis par se convertir a l´islam
Parker Stewart
Speak english you frogs The religious connotation is part of the irony of white irreligious kids using it, they are not being converted
Landon Morgan
Yes and no, We live in a true socialism with all kinds of controls, restrictions and a nonexistent private sector. It was the people's fault for choose this but not beyond that.
Carson Rivera
>>saying words like inshallah, hamdullah why? are they retarded? cucks?
Michael Sanchez
Speak english, if you're trying to prevent us from comprehending what you're saying know that we can understand you even if you speak French or verlan
Christopher Phillips
>if you're trying to prevent us from comprehending what you're saying Why would they do that when Google Translation exists? Retard.
Liam Foster
conversion to islam what
Hunter Rodriguez
I think my town had a single black family in it. It wasn't until I went to college that I started seeing minorities, but almost no blacks. I live in a terrible city now and they're everywhere
Carter Bell
>assis sur un banc dans un parc >derrière moi, 2 racailles se disputent avec quelqu'un au téléphone >à vue d'oeil, un portugais et un """"français"""" >"sur la vie d'Allah jvais niquer ta mère" J'ai un peu ri intérieurement, mais je me suis senti triste aussi.
Easton Howard
No they’re not. But a lot of young whites living among arabs end up converting. Because arabs here keep using it everyday and everywhere as well as in the music industry where most of them are rappers and rap is popular among the youth so... Plus since it’s ghetto culture it’s seen as "rebellous" or "cool"
Carson Rivera
es ironico first frog said that its like american kids using getto lingo but getto lingo in france has religious connotations the second one is scared about white teens becoming muslims lol
Grayson Flores
>But a lot of young whites living among arabs end up converting. JUST
Benjamin Jackson
This is so sad
Liam Flores
I just said that, from my experience, I’ve been seeing whites who spent their youth hanging out with arabs mostly converting to Islam But it’s realy only about influence I’m pretty sure they didn’t really feel like Islam was the right religion
You're that crazy French poster from /mena/ aren't you?
Andrew Turner
If it can make you a little less sad I’m talking about whites living in suburban areas or in heavily multicultural areas so not that much but still a relevant little portion
Luis Lee
Non je hais les crouilles de mena qui viennent sur /fr/, monsieur
Nathaniel Miller
Do white people not live in the suburbs in France? Here in the US suburbs are usually whiter than the cities they surround.
Sebastian Cruz
Estan exagerando pedazo de mogolico son como el 80% los blancos y cada vez es mas dificil emigrar
Jason Davis
There are suburbs full of crappy apartment buildings built in a rush and thats where most shitskins live And there are suburbs full of middle and high income housing full of whites
Charles Nguyen
>>youngs french say " wesh " to say hello, this is an arabic word Literally never heard this word in my life.
Hudson Long
why don't you just move to detroite inner city if you love niggers so much
Jonathan Harris
Yo se, pero siempre veo noticias de atentados en Francia y en una aplicación tipo penpals veo bastantes asiáticos/negros/arabes, lo que me preocupa es que no veo reacción de los franceses cuando es momento de votar.
James Flores
Americans do the same thing
Parker Morris
In France (and in most European cities I think), rich people live in the center. The further you go, the cheaper it gets. Of course some suburbs are also nice and rich (west of Paris for example).
Wyatt Thomas
> lo que me preocupa es que no veo reacción de los franceses cuando es momento de votar. la segunda vuelta fue entre macron y lepen ambos anti inmigración y nacionalistas
Brayden Stewart
It's full of brazilians It's literally worse than muslims and blacks combined
Gavin Wilson
The biggest french cities I know by heart have some serious high income suburbs, it seems normal for a city to have both types
Carson Howard
Macron hasta donde se no es anti-inmigracion, se de sus medidas para frenar la inmigración actualmente pero el no prometía esas cosas en campaña.
Henry Morris
>Macron hasta donde se no es anti-inmigracion menos Jow Forums >pero el no prometía esas cosas en campaña. el tema numero 1 en todos los paises europeos, si no prometia nada en campaña estaría lepen de presidenta
Jayden Brown
Yes, but I live in London There are hardly any english whites in my area, there are some whites but they are either Polish or Romanian Main groups here are Indians/Pakis and blacks. There aren’t as many arabs but people use words like “akhi” and say “wallah” as slang Most London slang cames from Jamaican words