Muh heritage

I've recently done a thorough genealogic search of my family. It involved questioning 3 sides of my family that never gave a shit about me: French, English and Italian.

My English grandmother told me she didn't know her grandparents, but that she heard they were wealthy and worked in photography.

After a thorough search through birth and marriage certificates, it turns out they were just all working class folks with nothing interesting to know.
The only weird addition was finding an ancestor whose surname was "Behr Goodaker", which I believe is partly German.

On all the other sides of my family, they were all labourers or peasants.

I'm sorely disappointed.

Please share your own experience with genealogy.

Attached: téléchargement.png (224x225, 10K)

i'm descended from the shittiest ethnic group on the islands so it's kind of comforting really, explains a lot about my life

>I'm sorely disappointed.

What were you expecting to be the descendant of nobles? You do understand that you just fell into the most statistically likely (by a landslide) scenario right?

I do, but my ego wanted something else.

weirdly enough, I'm Syrian and my dad is too, but the family name doesn't really sound Arabic (some even have hard time pronouncing it right) its apparently widespread all over Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, and some Balkan nations.
my entire family really knows nothing past my father's grandpa's history.

other than that my father's grandpa moved to Canada at age of 14 and lived there until he was 40 years old, married a Anglo Canadian and had a kid with her. then for god knows why he left her and moved back to Syria, married a Syrian and lived there.

not disappointed, but really confused.

he was also a business owner who worked hard as hell to eventually managing to buy a his own supermarket (unfortunately he sold it after he left and its now a house, quite sad tbqh) and settle

Noble blood matters little if the world doesn't recognize it/couldn't care less. Family learned that the hard way.
Could that surname have come from Hungarian/Slavic soldiers in the Ottoman army who moved to the Middle East? I'm making wild guesses as to when and where your family lived, but it's an explanation I've heard

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What did he do as a job before buying the business?

Also perhaps the name did come from the Balkans or the Ukraine/Russia and got transported to the Ottoman empire through enslavement or conversion, I guess.

>upload spit to the cloud
>get this email three months later

Attached: worry.png (785x328, 16K)

>Jow Forumslack's worst nightmare

Is this really from you? Are you actually aware of any Jewish heritage?

I've asked some Hungarians about my last name and confirmed that its Hungarian. so probably?

I can trace my maternal grandfather's line up to the 1700s.
They were hidalgos (minor nobility) who lived in the north of Spain.
The son of the cousin of my grandpa did the research and has the original documents and stuff.
I would post proof but I do not have it right now.

i think he just sold something (i can't recall what it was) in markets with just portable stand when he started. other than that i don't know whether he changed occupations or not mid-way.

pic of him too.

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Well, he obviously is not arab, I don't know why you acted so surprised at your first post

>Family came from Scotland in the mid 1700s
>Fought in the revolution, settled in Virginia
>fought for the south in the civil war because “muh slaves”
>My father is the first in 200 years to settle outside of Virginia/North Carolina

Muh heritage.

holy hell did this actually happen? kek

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I can trace my ex-noble ancestors since the genealogy were tracked with care despite they put away their noble title for running away from the Dutch. However beside that was unknown. Some said that one of my ancestors was from mena. Some said that one of my ancestor was a muslim north chinese merchant.

On one side my family were formerly slave owners descended from English colonists
On the other side I know nothing. My grandfather ran away from home and cut off all contact at 15, and my grandmother was never one to talk about her parents.

Dad's side was poor gook slaves. Mom's side was poor Slav serfs. Nothing special.

my mom was adopted and she doesn't know her real parents and my dad escaped from war

>dick suddenly got circumcised and nose grew several inches

Holy shit I'm just imagining some Jow Forumstard getting this email. There should be a movie about this idea