I will go to an autism specialized center in a week

i will go to an autism specialized center in a week

probably my psychologist there will be a female psychologist

i will feel bad because i cant talk to a girl knowing that she has had cum on her face

Attached: feel.png (645x773, 7K)

Doesn't your sister's boyfriend leave cum on her face all the time? How do you talk to her?

>implying i talk to her

>tfw recognize these posts on first sight on the catalog

turn off your oc

Por que no puedes hablar con una mujer a la cual se le han corrido en la cara jorge?

It's because Spain is normie central so when a post seems autistic, it must be one guy.


Attached: 1519546997037.png (580x580, 252K)

there's nothing wrong with that. women need to stop degrading themselves so eagerly.

All women had cum on their faces once, your mother included.