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California secession in on the way.

If only California Washington and Oregon would join us.

Hawaii can come too.

America want to secede THIS?

I, Washington, would join you
no hate towards America xoxo but the way things are going I'd go to Canada if there was a chance, sorry

Libtards and commies don't want to be ruled by Trump.

You fags don't even know shit. Majority of their money that they have goes to illegals. That's why what they pay in taxes they get all back from federal funding cause they're fucking broke. Also the state of Cali has like 50 million people. Obviously their economy is gonna be than that of an entire country.

Canada would be so much better with the edition of California.

The western coast of North America will secede from the US and Canada and form the Republic of the Pacific

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I actually think California would be better. As a Canadian province they'd have less autonomy and jurisdiction than an american state, and this would immediately eliminate most of their dumber laws.

That's a bit much. Should be just Cali through BC & Hawaii.

Yeah, why include the landlocked desert states if you're going to leave out alberta and alaska? Or the Yukon Territory for that matter?

Y'all niggas are STUPID
Fuck Canada and California

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All silicon valley desu.

Colorado and the Southwest are rightful Californian land

But California is rightful Russian land. Does it imply Colorado and the southwest are Russian land too?

Why is California so rich?

This. Being ruled by California would be no different than being ruled by Ontario anyhow.


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Well, we always supported american independence and rights for freedom.


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