Imagine if Germans did this for every Greek citizen

imagine if Germans did this for every Greek citizen

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Imagine if Germans were exterminated for their crimes during WW2...

We just imprison ours and force them to do hard labor


what a wonderful world

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>imagine if Germans did this for every German bank who was in bakrupt but took insteal the money of tax payers

why do you guys hate us? :(

Growing up is realising the Germans have destroyed Europe more times than Jews.

And this fucking lie about Greeks have to stop.
Most Greeks had a lot of fucking savings, but the German PRIVATE banks started to give free money to some Greeks (the actually richest ones something like >10-6% of the population, that wasted them in retarded business, it's what happens when you give free money, everybody think to be a succesfull businessman).
Those money were wasted and so GERMAN (and FRENCH, mostly French in reality) PRIVATE BANKS were going in bankrupt so the cucks in Greek govern (actually the ones who represented "elites" with debts) decide to destroy their country to save their asses.

Those fucking Banks were something like Leman Brothers.
Think as if someone like that happened in US and then the govern decided to tax the shit out of the tax payers to save that bank and insult them to be lazy and dumb.

>take free money
>stilld doesn't find a way to become a businessman

Are you saying Greeks are lazy and dumb?

>those EVIL profit oriented corporations are trying to earn money!
>those stupid Greeks are dumb enough to screw themselves
Meds --> [trash]

90-95% of them had no fault, and no, they are the opposite of lazy, check how many hours a Greek works and how many a fucking German scum works.
They were fucked in the ass when they are bend to work.

Dude, your happy hours are ending right now. We are kicking out the cuck party who fucking put us in this situation.
Prepare to have a recession.

pay reps

There is literally nothing wrong with hating Krauts.

Seems to me that it's pretty dumb to democratically elect dumb people to rule over oneself...

>work hours
What a meme.
Efficiency is all that matters.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that g*rmans literally tried to exterminate us less than a century ago?
People say times has changed, you shouldn't live in the past, move on etc. but essentially people don't change (i am talking about g*rmans first of all). There is no reason to think that given a chance you won't try to do that again.

>Greek citizens on posters will become national heroes

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>Efficiency is all that matters.
Productivity is all that matters, the one who needs 5 hours to earn 150 Euro is still richer than the one who needs 4 hours to earn 140 Euro

Who control the media? Who can reach most of the ppl?
Right now nobody believes media anymore here in Italy.
This is why things are changing.

I think you are being rather unfair. We only tried to genocide you once.
After we have tried it two or three times, sure, you could say that there is a common pattern. But as it stands right now, you should give us the benefit of the doubt

What about the fact that Germany isn't surrounded by hostile countries that are about to exterminate Germans anymore?

ah yes, the mainstream meteor is why you're a financially irresponsible deadbeat

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>Productivity gne gne
>Efficiency gne gne
this is another argument, I read about a retard who said that Greeks are lazy. How can they be lazy if they work almost the double of the Germans?

Excuse me, explain what are the financial problem of Italy.
Whe just payed for the bankrupts of German bank.
We LITERALLY raised taxes to pay them while we had nothing to do with them.

All in the name of solidarity.

So EVIL German banks made your democratically elected government run a massive deficit for several decades?

Are you saying the dumb people elected by Greeks control the media who in turn manages to control smart Greeks which are the majority of the population? So... the media which is smarter than smart Greeks... is controled by dumb Greeks?

Work hours just means hours spent at the workplace, it says nothing about productivity.

So DUMB leftist, that watched media payed by Germans, voted for leftists cuck that praise Germany and give its our money.

so you agree that italian people are to blame?

if you fail in life just blame the Germans, it'll get better then

Is a meme.
You know what is my productivity? Data mining and sell it.
Hour spent? 2 for week.
Am I productive? No it's just fucking speculation and parassitism, I'm not productive, I fucking drain capitals to do almost nothing, I don't produce richness, I just fucking take money because I put a hand where the money flow is right now.

Traitors have to be hanged.
This doesn't change that Germans betrayed our trust in them and they fucked our beautiful continent once again. You will get what you deserve too: you will be treated as you treat Greeks now.

>Data mining and sell it.
I'm pretty sure you don't know what Data Mining actually means.

t. Data Scientist

Wow WTF I hate Germany now

>you will be treated as you treat Greeks now.
stimulus package in return for strict austerity measures?

Germany treats Greece very good.
If it wasn't for Germany giving Greece money, their whole country would have collapsed already

>Tax payers from Italy, France, Austira, Belgium, Nethelands and Germany giving German Banks money

yes, if you borrow money, you have to give it bank.
One would think an Italian would understand this concept, you guys invented the banking system, after all

Greeks are indeed a dumb people

You don't understand, uh?
All the above are giving free money to German banks without any sense, just for a fake solidariety to Greece.
If a private bank give so much money to people that cannot pay back, that bank should just fail.

hmm i thought you said Germany bullied Greece. And now you are against solidarity with Greece

They sort of did those yuros

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It's not solidariety, it's all a fake, it's just about some elites taking money from the citizen and giving them to a really tiny international circuit, but you are too stupid to understand.
Something like 500-600 bilions where from only German taxpayers.

nobody said the same about Iceland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland

you are right, I am too stupid to understand. I think Greece borrowed money and now has to pay it back

we borrowed from whom though?
care to specify that detail?

From private investors. Greece got low interest due to being part of Eurozone, so they used it to borrow as much money as possible

the only one that has to pay is Germany


the muh German tax payer moneys lie is now debunked
now, responsibility should fall on both parts for fucking up, right?

since greece can't pay back, it either defaults, or german tax payer pays to investor, and greece pays to german tax payer

Greece had not to fucking pay!
Privates gave money to privates, full stop.
Those banks had to fail, there is nothing else.

greece had the option to default, get out of eurozone and go back to drachmen. They chose not to

we both defaulted (at a slower pace) and you got to bail your corrupt and failed banks
it was a win win but only for you german. don't try to mask your banks' bail out as solidarity

it wasn't a win win, it were measures to prevent a bad situation from turning worse

that meant your banks were done during a wolrd financial crisis and the aftermath could have not not been predicted
in reality we were the only ones who showed solidarity

>prevent a bad situation from turning worse
for you

It turned a "not giving a shit" situation to a devastating one.

if you wanted to, you could have defaulted and left eurozone. there is nothing we could have done to prevent it

yeah sure, greeks are enduring austerity because they want to show solidarity to german banks, lmao

>the mental gymnastic of Mediterraneans in this thread

pay denbts

>you could have defaulted and left eurozone
indeed, soon there won't be a eurozone anyway
>greeks are enduring austerity because they want to show solidarity to german banks
we showed solidarity to what you said could turn worse for the german state too.
the more realistic approach would have been to let the german banks default and let the germans take care of the mess they created

>the more realistic approach would have been to let the german banks default and let the germans take care of the mess they created
And what do you think would have happened to Greece, then?

You're the one to talk

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default, what else?
why is that so scary for you?

you are out of eurozone, your currency is worthless, and nobody will borrow your money.
That would be pretty bad for Greece

Based Germans making meds actually have to get a job.

>out of eurozone, your currency is worthless, and nobody will borrow your money.
a process that occurs in any country that defaults and after some time the economy restarts, currency stabilizes etc.
would have made more sense, nobody is lending us now anyway

>actually have to get a job.
quite the contrary

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Shut up, ape.

We are lending you money.
Sure, your Economy would have restarted eventually, but it would have been even more painful than it is now

>We are lending you money.
that's right never forget that and you profit from it, so cut your whinning
>but it would have been even more painful than it is now
says who? some fear mongering voices on the tv? cheap propagandists and talking heads, what metric did they use?
or are they the same people who indirectly threatened sanctions if we were to leave?

Your electet leaders decided it is better to stay, said that

you think Greece is a sovereign country? i know i know, we should have known better ok ok
and under whose pressure did said leaders say that?
actually in 2012 Papandreou tried to call for a referendum since he saw that the so called bail out was leading nowhere. Merkel herself announced that IF the referendum was to happen it would be about in or out. Both Srkozy and Merkel pressured him not to go on a referendum and he didn't, months later his gov fell
3 years later, actual referendum, retreat
actually many of our leaders are outright eu functionaries like Venizelos who turned the loans to english law that is much more "lender friendly"

Why do you blame us if your representatives dont represent the will of the people? Britain has shown that it is possible to leave EU

I don't blame you. Most greek politicians are ridiculous.
It's just the way things are. There are those in power and those reigned upon. Even bongs couldn't escape the vindictive eu and pretty much accept everything, a small irrelevant country that was created as a barrier to the ottoman empire much more.

Yes. Belgium and Poland were the real threat around world war 2

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I apologize for the autistic italian that clearly knows nothing about economy and politics screaming in this thread.
His favorite secessionist-turned-nationalist (lol) party got slightly more votes than last time so he got a bit uppity.


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