Happy birthday, Marx

Happy birthday, Marx.

Does your country love Marx?

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Used to, now only some people do it

No, we call everyone slightly left leaning marxists. On second thought I'm not sure if most Americans even know who Marx was.

no, but i think he's cool

No, mainly because I don't think most know anything about Marx

Of course. Long live communism!

No, we hate communists as much as we hate nazis.


Brainletry seems to be a neverending resource. How about giving a renowned academic a chance to instill some education into your microscopic leftist brains?




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Dengism is the only decent form of communism, the rest is trash

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It's not Communism though

>This is my wise opinion and I'm educated by youtube.


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y'all are just jealous that unlike your failed systems Dengism actually works

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Many people are fond of marxism as an abstract thing. Even economists use The Capital to study the foundations of the capitalism. Many non-communist people just think that marxism bring us modern social protections (which is true, in a sense, when you think that capitalist states feared communist ideas spreading all over the place).

As for my country, I suspect there are a decent amount of people with sympathy about true marxism, even if it's only because the Communist Party was the only one actively resisting Franco's regime. But all went to shit when said party became full revisionist and later transformed into a socialdemocrat party.

People think there are no communists anymore, but that's not true. [spoiler]I'm one.[/spoiler]

>From Spain, a country who had based Franco's regime
>Support communism
Brainwash is a hell of a drug, Manolo.

hes ideas are cool and I likw them a lot but idk, I just don't feel like helping poor people

>stefan molymeme

the guy is basically an incel with big words lmao

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and Lenin, we have museums for him

Think of it as a long term investment into a future with lesser crime and a less murderous underclass that is kept suppressed by force

It's not about helping poor people, it's about making it so there aren't any poor people anymore.

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I love Marx, but my country does not.

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Close but not perfect

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makes sense
thanks lads

I don't love marx, but my country does

Xi Jinping Thought: Lock up anyone that dares say a word and masquerade it as anti corruption ?

well, their making the world's largest omelette

How about buy a ticket, you cheap little shits.


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the deaths of these children would be considered collateral under capitalism

Yep the billions of confiscated dollars stashed in the villas of officials that get paraded on tv each week are all fake.


Marx, along with W. Benjamin, M. Foucault and P. Bourdieu are major influences on Humanities programs at our Universities.

Mas os fascistas não concordam e tentam compará-lo a embustes do nível de Mises, Rothbard e Ayn Rand.

marxism-leninism vs maoism third worldism, what will win in the end?

>Ayn Rand
This has to be bait.

Third worldists if only they had their PS2s.

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lmao that debate between him and sargon was hilarious

More countries should think like that. Both are absolute cancer.

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He's saying fascists say that Marx is a liar and a threat the likes of Mises, Rothbard and Ayn Rand, the three of them being hardcore liberal capitalists. I guess that since Marx spoke of a stateless society, the fascists do mental gymnastics to try to equate him with the other guys.

But its a secret

Hell yeah youtube.com/watch?v=fXth0XeHP7M&t=8s

Christian communism is the best. All rich people will burn in hell.