Be german

>be german
>live in the city of hamburg
>refer to yourself as a hamburger

Attached: 1444306368960.png (646x690, 289K)

but only if there are no american tourist in sight
we don't want to get eaten

>be Swedish
>live in Swedeny
>refer to yourself as a fucking gay peice of shit cunt that raids his own dads shithole for poop like a pireate that fucks himself and wanks over pictures of warwick davis like a fucking gaybo poofter wank stain on humanity fuck you

>german humor

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Attached: ujhm.jpg (660x574, 28K)

>German """humour"""

Got em

>german "humour"

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Heh, that was pretty funny

Attached: mesto.jpg (551x857, 85K)


haha put me in the screencap reddit ;)))

Ah yes, german humor, it never changes.

haha it’s funny because it’s true, I like burgers haha

is it possible to learn this power?

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>G*rmanic “”””””humor””””””””””

Attached: 5D95A942-0C1D-4E63-8B37-01C1F83699AF.jpg (600x510, 49K)

hehe got any more jokes Hans?

>be swede
>be gay


what's the difference between Santa Claus and a Jew?

jews come out of the chimney

>hehe got any more jokes Hans?

Attached: Sweden.png (652x999, 203K)

hey come on that's not nice

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(no offense though)

Attached: 3cb.gif (800x430, 564K)

oh my god

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Literally the funniest man in Germany

Why does the russian steal two cars in Germany?

>German humor

Attached: 5475f07b98fe34f609a8e5f46ead6b85--the-frog-frogs.jpg (170x179, 6K)

Attached: kelley.jpg (444x621, 31K)

Because they have to pass through poland

Yanks on suicide watch

Wasn't it Hitler?

So this is the power... of German humour.

How did you know it?


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if this post was made by an Australian or Finnish flag, everyone would go crazy

and they said german humor is no laughing matter

Cute, he's trying to make us laugh

>German "humour"

Attached: zootopia.png (277x251, 139K)


t. northern italian

God dam it, how the fuck do you guys keep pulling this shit? HOW?!

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he wasn't german.

Put me in the screencap nigger.

To be fair thought, It actually made me smile a bit.

Well, your post made me laugh.
Not because of its content, but still.

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German (((Humor))).

Attached: (internal knifehand intensifies 2).jpg (291x326, 24K)

Attached: 1494447392804.jpg (596x526, 33K)

Well done, always funny to see everyone lose their minds because of le German humor XD. Meta humor at its finest.

I'm laughing my ass off. Please put me in the screencap ;)

Attached: mfw3.png (243x278, 147K)

i thought it was funny
good post hans

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comedy gold

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He's Austrian but there is barely a difference.

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