Be Italy

>be Italy
>cultural centre of the Western world
>religious centre of the Catholic world
>all civilised countries use their alphabet
>only Southern European county that's still economically relevant
>used to rule the world, exported civilization to western Europe
>all major European colonial empires(British, French, Spanish, Portuguese) were just breakaway Roman provinces(Britannia, Gallia, Hispania, Lusitania) trying to impress Italia with their empire building exploits
>arguably the best cuisine in the world
>the cutest Med girls and handsomest Med men
why is Italy so perfect Jow Forums?

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Shame they can't win a Sensha-do match.

Romans were nords not m*doids

>Romans were nords

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Southern Italy is a huge shithole. Southern Spain is too but not as much, at least there is no crime.

Not every Italian is a med

Is that why they come here to work as bus drivers and waiters?

Terroni are not Italians

Italy is French clay.

Oh really now?

Never were, never will be



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my ancestor :)

It's because Pizza, that's why.

spaghetti is the lowest form of pasta

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What would a Slav know about pasta

I want to eat Carpaccio

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Why are you telling me?

Itlay is overrated

that all other forms of pasta are superior

Carpaccio is taken

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because of their spaghett

Or maybe that you should get back to eating raw badger hearts or whatever the fuck you savages eat

>talk shit about pasta
>italian starts calling you a savage
can't make this up

To be fair, most foreigners never had real pasta How many of these are known outside of Italy?

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tipico cucco piddino con la vocazione ad eterno cameriere, sempre pronto a mettersi a novanta davanti al primo straniero ed a lanciarsi in forzatissime elegie adulatorie mentre si asciuga la fronte imperlata di sudore

I know a lot of them

You can get all these at Olive Garden

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>La pasta con la sarda รจ siciliana
Ma veramente?

t. la bestia da soma

If they have pizzoccheri, I'm going to drink a whole bottle of Braulio

NO! Stop this lesbian blasphemy!

why is he kicking away the fettuccine?

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because it's american

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Never met an Italian that knew what chicken Alfredo is.

Popped a boner tbqh

It's because chicken Alfredo is an american dish.

Hina-chan x Taka-chan is canon
I know it hurts but you have to realise that Carpaccio is destined to end up with the best girl(Caesar)

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Italians/South Europe never ruled the world. What are you smoking?

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