Incels are not right, looks arent everything

incels are not right, looks arent everything

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incels and the black pill are objectively correct

looks are EVERYTHING
This guy is a literal felon who was immediately awarded a modeling job after he got out of prison because he looked hot in his mugshot. Now he's engaged and impregnated a bongs billionaire daughter and has his entire life set out for him.
A good-looking man (and women in general) has his life handed to him in a silver platter. He can be lazy, he can be an asshole, he can be a criminal yet women will love and worship him anyway.
Normie men go out of their way to get a good prestigious job, an interesting personality, a lot of money, a good physique etc just so they can attract a woman. Jow Forums WILL deny this, but sex and companionship are pretty much the primary drivers of most men, without it society simply collapses.
But at the end of the day Chad still completely outclasses the normies simply because of his superior genetics, a normie's girlfriend never truly loves him, she will always desire Chad.

But Jow Forums refuses to take this pill. Instead we get daily threads about MUH CONFIDENCE, MUH GO TO THE GYM, MUH GO TO COLLEGE. As if women give a shit about any of this.

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only cucks will deny what you've written

The fact that you're (supposedly) born in Australia makes you by default have a better life than 80% of the people.
Be glad you aren't born in rural China, Bangladesh or India.

>b-but Chad is born with superior genes and that makes me mad because life is unfair!!
Yeah? And Paheet, Zhang and Rajesh have it even much (literally) shittier.

It's not even entitlement.
Incels suffer from mental illness.

sure it's better, but is it really living

If youre ugly chances are you are defective

This, you can either take the black pill and say fuck it it's too much work or you can take the redpill and try to improve a shitty situation.

You want a gf? Get a fucking gf.
Or would you say that crying about Chad all day makes a gf suddenly appear out of thin air?

lol you're probably an incel in denial

This, you have to fucking earn/take what you want.
No you're a pussy bitch, go cry more faggot.

yeah, just go to twitter and search 'incel', you will see a lot of ugly numales and neckbears talking about 'le toxic masculinity'

Honestly, incels are just like children.
Fucking entitled bitches who cries when everything doesn't get handed on a silver platter to them.

It's sad really.


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Im an autist subhuman, these threads are cathartic for me

Jorge pls

Why are some incels so proud to be incels?

it's all they have left

ugly males have two options

blackpilled incel

or bluepilled feminist cuck

>you're not starving so eat the fucking peas

So what do you want exactly?
To have sex at least once? Achievable unless you are 100% mess.
To get a wife? Since there are approximately the same number of men/women, that's achievable too (the wife quality will be comparable to yours though).
To fuck a new woman every day? Harder to achieve, but life is a hard thing.

forget about this incel garbage

how the fuck you talk to a girl without wanting to kill yourself?

I am LITERALLY a 5'0 asian male

PLEASE tell me how to, "Get a fucking gf".

I'll fucking wait. You're so disconnected from the reality of millions of people like me fucked over by genetics just enough to be a social outcast, but without the sympathy some kind of medical condition would get you.

That's true though

Good looks just make everything social very easy to achieve.


>5'0 asian male

I want someone to like me ,why is that so hard?

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Damn, OP permanently BTFO

whites cannot be incel

just go for a fat chick if you're an incel
you'll be doing her and yourself a favor
then you slowly make it up from there and bang better chicks as you gain confidence
t. virgin

Chads are the "Jews" of people to blame on personal social failures. 95% of the time it's your own fault on why you ended up a bitter virgin but people nowadays love to play the victim card and blame other people for their own mistakes instead of owning up to them and improving.

What if I blame myself for the shitty health of mine?
(it wasn't made like that because of actions or something)

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how do you even continue living? The average person could literally pick you up and kill you and you'd be too powerless to do anything

be an honorable cuck

Become a cute trap and find a lesbian

Right now I'm in medical school, my plan is to go back to my hometown in Vietnam and help the people in my shitty country.

Too old. You need to start at least before you're 24 or you'll forever be an ugly faggot.

I don't know about you but you're implying Australians are savage enough to just lift manlets and kill them for no reason. Even a third world country like us don't resort to that.

you're not an incel if ur in med school, to get into med school you need charisma and chad qualities

Women want to fuck chad but will settle with a beta faggot for later in life cause of stability. And beta fags will take them in cause they're happy to take the scraps/leftovers. Then they end up getting divorce and she takes half of his shit. Truly retarded

>Lol you want money, then get it
I'll try this advice to a homeless dude next time I see him thanks

Are you retarded, do you not know what incel even means?

You don't need to be charismatic. You just can't be completely autistic, and can actually be able to talk to people normally. That's literally all the social skills you need.

Bullshit fuck off Normie

It's true tho

>no porn for women
>no brothels for women.

They dont even like sex. or maybe a little.

blackpill is unironically right, even chads agree