1.Your cunt

1.Your cunt
2. Do you hate your current political system
USA, yes!
Our legislature is so bland, you have like 435 seats and each of them have bland names like MN-3 and OH-2, would much rather prefer a parliamentary system, also our politics is so bi-polar that it is ridiculous.

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amerimut civil war when?

go to sleep wilson

>southern Texas
Gerrymander my shit up senpai

Fuck off.


Attached: 929BD381-3352-4821-83D6-BEF7FBA5E997.jpg (1200x675, 130K)

My post didn’t imply that lol, it’s just that our naming system for congressional districts is so bland and there are only two parties that actually win seats.

Which state has the worst gerrymandering and why?
I'm actually very much interested into the subject of gerrymandering desu.
Especially how it all plays out to demographics and drawing the lines to ensure the optimal result for either party.

North Carolina, reason being r*Publicans and their endless perfidy

North Carolina used to be absolutely horrendus.
They essentially went block by block to put the minority/black voters into districts 1 and 12.

Attached: 4BD397E6-0F9D-49AA-969C-4E1614B4ECB4.png (1600x749, 831K)

Je ne sais pas s'il est dans le pire état (je suis californien et je crois que nous sommes autant terrible) mais le quatrième district congressionnel de Illinois est plutôt frappant.

Attached: file-20171108-14205-190ar5y.jpg (1356x668, 221K)

That map really drives home just how badly the Democ-rats were schooled in '16.

Baltimore and Chicago are fucked too.

You do realize they gained seats?
The democrats on the House/Senate/Gov and Local ballots weren’t as incompetent as Clinton.

65,844,610 > 62,979,636

Why exactly? 55% to 45% of electoral vote

Nah, I rather like it. Prior to our current political system, we had the Third and Fourth republics, where the president was nothing more than a figurehead and the prime minister was the real head of state, but even he and his government were at the mercy of the parliament, which meant that ruling efficiently was impossible because the legislature could easily overthrow the government, and they did it on a regular basis. In our current political system, the president is maybe a tad too powerful, but at least that means he can rule and reform efficiently like Macron is doing right now.

et alors pourquoi y a-t-il le soutien pour la sixième république ?

You can’t reform in our system lol, Senators can just filibuster until the next midterm when you lose your surge.
Obama had 60/100 senators at one point and failed to pass a decent healthcare package.

Look below. The Dem spambots already whipped out their butbutbut Hillary won da popular vote maymay.

Oh shit how is that even legal?
How were the actual votes distributed?
I'm assuming 60-40 for Rep?

>Las Vegas went red

That’s surprising. Isn’t the city Mexican and other non-white now

The map clearly showed Congressional wins which is really what counts and the fact stand that in Congress, state, and local governments, the Democrats were utterly devastated. In fact they have lost seats every election cycle since 2010.

>for either party.

It’s like 95% republicans. They don’t even pretend to hide it.

It wasn’t legal, that’s why the Supreme Court had to throw the map out and force them to make a new one.
The state is actually pretty democrat and even has a democrat governor.

Democrats gained seats in the 2016 House election, brainlet.

Parce que quand je dis 'reform efficiently', je parle au niveau institutionnel. Mais en pratique il y a d'autres facteurs qui entrent en jeu, comme l'opinion publique qui est d'une importance capitale dans un pays comme la France où manifestations et autres mouvements contestataires possèdent un statut coutumier auprès de la population. Et cette même opinion publique trouve que les représentants du peuple au gouvernement ne les représentent pas assez bien malgré le fait que notre système politique actuel est défini de démocratie 'représentative'. C'est ce genre d'insatisfaction qui pousse certains à réclamer une sixième république.

Subtract NYC and LA from the equation and there goes those three million Hillary votes.

>subtract the two cities with the largest GDP in the country

Christ, you guys are real fucking morons.

>subtract some voters from hillary and trump wins the most voters

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>if you subtract enough votes from the winner they actually become the loser
ah yes, a republican definitely wrote this


Funny because that's the exact opposite of reality

Yes, I'm sure all those people whipping and pissing on each other in the Folsom Street Fair are Republicans.

Yes, and you say that despite the fact that Utah is in there.

>Dem spambot samefags three replies

>and repeats here

You think he could have made this slightly less obvious.

this isn't /p*L/ kid, people aren't conservatards here

Who's fault was it that Hillary didn't bother campaigning in the Upper Midwest because there was no possible way those states could ever flip.