This is delicious. Thanks, Argentina!

This is delicious. Thanks, Argentina!

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>tfw having some havanna (gift from my aunt in Mar del Plata) with mate.

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And this. So delicious. Thanks and love you, Argentine!

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what’s that thing inside?

Really concentrated milk with sugar and sometimes other stuff like cinnamon.

kek, we sell that stuff to other countries?

Oh, what do you mean by kek? Isn't it popular in Argentine? At least we love it and you can buy it everywhere in Japan.

sounds like it would be too sweet, but still really tasty, though I think some peanut butter would also work

You're welcome

you could also consider this Finnish bisquit

Attached: finn-bisquit.jpg (550x238, 38K)

It's literally for girls.

>there is food for women and food for men

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Yes, there is. Why do you think it's so much more common for women to eat chocolate or maintain vegetarian or vegan diets?

If package is pink and says something feminine on it it doesn't means that I can't devour it you dumbass

Kind of does.

Yeah, really popular here, it's just strange seeing it in the other side of the world

shut the suck up

Good thing, girls eat all the tastier things.

Eating like a woman makes you womanly in body and mind.

mine is better

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shut the suck up, being afraid to eat whatever you want because of fear of being considered womanly is womanly as fuck.

It is too sweet for euros. In LatinAmerica it is extremelly popular though.

Thanks Sweden

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I mean it in a very factual way. That's the effect. It makes you soft and weak, decreases your T levels, changes your psychology completely, etc.

I don't care how you mean it, gayboy. At the end if the day, y'gayboy.

>doing this extremely unmanly thing is what actually makes you manly

This is classical feminist subversion and you don't even realize how indoctrinated you've become in it.


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by saying the exact opposite with this vehemency
shows that you are just as indoctrinated as him

Use words, like a man, if you are able.

What I advocate is true and healthy, whereas what he is saying is subversive and degenerate. You literally are what you eat. Never forget that.

What are they called exactly and what company? Cant tell from the havanna wrapper or whatever that thing is.

You don't even know what point you're making, retard. You're so insecure you can't eat something because it comes in pink packaging? What a fag.

you dont advocate anything, you argue that eating chocolate wrapped in pink is unmanly and unhealthy. that means eating red meat and drinking beer is manly and the healthiest diet around

The point is simply this: eat like a man if you are to be a man. It has nothing to do with insecurity (again, that's your feminist indoctrination speaking).

It is unmanly and unhealthy. Eating red meat is quite healthy actually, contrary to whatever myth you've been spoonfed recently. Processed meat isn't so great though. Beer should probably also be avoided. But ordinary meat? Eat it and grow strong.

>you argue that eating chocolate wrapped in pink is unmanly and unhealthy.

Also, please take one step back and consider the kind of world you live in in which you DON'T immediately agree that eating chocolate wrapped in pink is unmanly and unhealthy. It's a sign of erudition, if you are able to do so.

>i follow a cartoonish representation of what masculinity is that feminists used for decades to mock it
>you are an indoctrinated sissy faggot though
yes you are insecure as fuck to be honest

It's not cartoonish in the least to say that pink chocolate is girly and that grown men shouldn't eat it. It only goes to show how deep the feminist indoctrination has reached, the way you're trying to argue. Such incredible cognitive resistance.

Relax man, you're not convincing anyone of your manliness. This is honestly embarrassing. I bet if we spontaneously barged into your room on a friday evening we'd find you in front of the mirror with women's underwear on. You gotta get your insecurities in check.

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>that pink chocolate is girly and that grown men shouldn't eat it

thats the logic of a 9 year old, if you base your idea of manliness on something as trivial as not eating pink chocolate you are clearly not a man and never was, and this isnt a question of feminist indoctrination

Looks absolutely delicious.
>it's so much more common for women to eat chocolate

All I can do is tell you the truth and try to pull the veil of indoctrination from your eyes. You can attack me with the classical rhetoric that you've been indoctrinated with ("if you criticize something, then you are it!" etc.), but it changes nothing. I really wish you'd stop poisoning your body and mind though. Because it affects the rest of us.

It's not trivial though. It makes you weak. It's unhealthy in many ways and it certainly says something about the state of culture when nobody is supposed to bat an eye at men behaving like women.

>you are clearly not a man and never was, and this isnt a question of feminist indoctrination

That is is exactly what it is though. Classical female arguing: "You're not a real man yourself!" etc. Just attack the manhood of whoever is speaking, while double-thinking that it's supposed to be manly to eat pink girly chocolates. It amazes you the first time you see this kind of twisted logic, but it gets boring when it becomes a pattern.

>9 year old
I think you're onto something Hungarian anti-satan.

Aha yes I'm definitely going to read all that *doesn't read it*

That's very immature of you. Don't act that way if you want people to respect you.

i never sad that its manly to eat pink chocolate, but its also not manly to fight against even the most trivial things that doesnt fit your sterotypical figure of the true alpha male. it is the same single-minded autism that feminists parrot all the time

It's not trivial when it says something important about the cultural state and its development. It is by no means the strongest indicator, obviously, but it is bad enough as it is. Also, the mere fact that you are willing to argue (using typically feminine arguments) against someone saying that pink and girly chocolate is unmanly and unhealthy, that in and of itself is interesting from this perspective.

>it is the same single-minded autism that feminists parrot all the time
I wouldn't called feminists "single-mindedly autistic". That implies that they like to follow rules to their logical conclusion, avoiding double-think and other fallacious thinking. That is almost never the case. Feminist logic is full of internal contradictions and denial of external evidence. It is a very masculin to actually have principles and follow through on them based on observation.

Oh, I see.