1.ur cunt

1.ur cunt
2.where do you draw the line?

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kill them all

I don't. All of those will be food when WW3 happens.


At p*rk.

The ones I own and that I find cute, why is that part of the human condition so hard to understand?

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everything after bunnies is food to me

right where they drew the line on the billboard

>even bothering with a line

Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!

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I like rabbit shank

Kill all the bunnies but leave the horses alone.


1. Sweden
2. Rabbit is delicious and I wouldn't eat dog. So that's where I draw the line.

Rabbit is good, even if it's a pain in the ass to eat (shitload of small bones everywhere). Horse is kinda like beef but a bit stronger in taste.

Between dog and rabbit.
Once the meat reactors are good enough though, lot of those beasts are going to be extinct.

... What, these worthless cunts think if we stop killing the cows and what-not, they'll thrive ?
Their only purpose is to be eaten, without that, they will be reduced to near-extinction level like the horse.
Scratch that, horses at least can actually live in the wild, cow and pigs and whatnot can't stand up to a crippled lone wolf, let alone the niggers that are spreading in all human countries.

Man, i really can't wait until i drink from the Well of Eternity and finally become immune to your retardation, meatbags.

Horses are also kept for their meat. It is a popular deli meat here.

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True, same reason you would want to save your family over some stranger.

here fixed.

NOW FITE ME Jow Forums

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Bunnies are rather tasty, so are horses. The line right after dogs obv

most agree

>they'll thrive ?
some domestic species like hogs are kinda invasive species to the local eco-system
those vegans and Buddhists have many activities to free those domestic animals (and even fish and clams) directly into the wild

stupidness is one of mankind's original sins

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this, I'm prepared to eat almost everything if it tastes good

I ate a dog in SK (Boshintang) once, so it is all food for me.

What are meat reactors?

At the start. You can always just eat fish.

2. at rabbit

No line, it's just the ones on the left tend to taste like shit.
t. actually ate dog once
Also this.

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Australians are literally not human.

Aren't all animals holy to you hindus or something?

Fuck you, filthy kike. Pork is the food of the gods.

That bird at the top

depending on the circumstances they could all be food.
but since its peacetime the line is at rabbit

All rabbits deserves to be killed. Fucking vermin.

You must be Chinese, aren't you?

Rabbits raped your mother?

No rabbits are a huge pest in Australia. Scientists are always trying to genetically engineer new diseases to kill them.

no, not really apart from cows - you're thinking of Dravidian Hindus. They worship very different gods and have little link to Vedic Hinduism. We eat meat every day here in punjab or another north-west state

they'll never take my jugged hare away.

I've eaten d*g and it tastes pretty good, kill all d*gs

t. Zhang
Fuck off you chink

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My dad used to take me out to shoot rabbits. Good times.

fuck off subhuman

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1. chicken
2. chicken

I dont. Not really

Also pretty retarded to put five dogs and three cats in there. Did they run out of animals or realize that as humans we eat most of them except those two and their point would have been moot?

All except dogs are food. Never had cat meat though but ansolutely wouldnt be opposed to eating that

swap rabbit and horse then put the line between them.

Rip slopebois

Why do murricans oppose horse meat?

Was about to post this.

Animals were made to have their succulent flesh eaten.

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are you Hindu ?

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You must be a gypsy, aren't you?

Between the dog and the whale

Whats up with vegans always forgetting that we use animals for other things than eating them?

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chicken, but i wouldn't mind trying bunny or horse

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kill all midget dog
pet all cats and non midget dog
eat all the others

Grilled cat tastes like shit, dog meat is better trust me.

I don't eat meat.

probably wouldnt eat dogs, they are already disgusting alive

rabbits are fucking delicous you cunt

chicken is the worst kind of meat

Good man

Probably a peruvian living in Argentina

yeah cats have barely any meat in them. dogs too but not as bad I guess.

Nowhere. I can keep a pet rabbit and eat rabbit meat at the same time. The same applies to any other animal.

How horse meat tastes like?

close to beef, taste a bit stronger

no, u

If it tastes good, I want to prove it.

It kind of has a metallic taste.

I'm vegan, all animals deserve to live, although I miss the taste of death

>Be vegan
>Get eaten

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>1.ur cunt


>2.where do you draw the line?
Islam is the code
You can eat herbivores in general except horse/ donkey/ mule etc.
You cant eat carnivores, at all so NO cats, dogs etc.

also why would anyone want to eat doggies and kittens?
that's just sick

After horse. Horses are cool

At cat, their meat is really yucky. Dogs are delish and are basically meant for food.

I don't eat meat

Blood of Genghis flows through my veins.

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I draw no line by species.
Animals are property, the owner has the right to kill his animal.

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>pigs and whatnot can't stand up to a crippled lone wolf, let alone the niggers that are spreading in all human countries.
Our southern states prove otherwise.


There is no line

I feel like the horse and rabbit should switch places.

>different kind of dog and cat breeds on the left
>varied species on the right
why are vegans so spastic?

I agree, if you're not Mammalia I can eat you.

No line, I’d try any animal at least once depending on the way it’s served.

I thought this was Ultimate Kars from JJBA for a moment

i believe we have a right to eat other humans.

All is edible when you're despair
And fuck vegans for not putting human in this list because I'd be glad to eat some human sashimi

All herbivores are fine but I would never eat a carnivore

Every time I eat carnivore meat it's hard, disgusting and stinks, actually ate lion once,it was gross enough to make me cringe

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