Well lads, I made it -- despite your directions.
Steamed hams but it's a /brit/ edition
Other urls found in this thread:
wacky bruce, welcome
i hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon
>not an upside down pic
missed out there
the deans of the different colleges
top rated films by women and men
based kanye is red pilling the normies
shit maymay
Are you sure these weren't rated by 6 year olds?
men like action women like drama
what's the difference?
Why are there so many labels?
he says he lives in a rented flat but that's clearly a house m8
Imagine leaving your car and seeing this unit coming towards you.
went into a gay bar once, it was vile, men on all fours picking up used condoms off the floor and drinking the cum out of them
told my boyfriend we were leaving and went home
I can legally have sex with women.
it's a house divided up into several flats
oh here flats are commieblocks
one of the professors looks like a lesbian with the dyke little boy haircut
v. cute
>sending other people to die for us
isn't that one of our great historical triumphs?
oh fuck hes been sectioned
Yes, be proud.
love bears, such cute, whimsical creatures :3
being messed around here.
tumtum"s malfunctionng from a poopoo overload
send in the clowns
trump's malfunctionng from a poopoo overload
why do yanks do this?
I like how Ben made him whiter
are you graduating?
>Ends brapping everywhere
Rate my nose.
white and based
my sister
try and keep up
animeposters are the absolute worst ones on this site
someone needs to put tim out his misery.
Does she know you are posting pics of her on Jow Forums?
just came out to my parents as gay and my dad disowned me and kicked me out i cant stop cryingg
watching sister act
not as bad as I remember
Based magyar
she does not like greasy jew boys
frikk off
i'm so jealous of them. i also want a piece of paper that tells me i'm smart
why does ben always draw trump as fit, handsome and muscular?
is he bent or just utterly delusional?
fake but not gay
I will have you know I have just had a shower.
yes goy?
this happened a gay chav I know
truly baffling that it can happen
0/10 not consistent with stereotypes about your ethnicity
>has a small nose
no wonder you are still a virgin
not true
isn't it satire of a very twisted sort
brexit britain everyone
After 'CAAAAALEDGE' what do yanks do with their lives.
why do you hate irish people so much?
no you're thinking of that onion cartoonist
work or more school
Spring in the UK is absolutely lovely. Not looking forward to summer where I'll be stuck to everything and sweating.
I'm not. Think you are confusing me with the other Israeli?
I made an edit to fit the stereotype better.
reality has an Irish bias
would you shag her?
wonder what a gay chav is like...
I'd probably enjoy the novelty of shagging one if he was fit
/guts/ edition alri
no she's my sister
virgin freak
HOWLING at the virgin freaks ITT who think a healthy passion for female feet is anything but normal
Orientals have always been super gay and degenerate
even in the bronze age the Greeks knew this
have a fairly limited diet at the moment
we gotcha scumbag
and actually which on of the gazillion people on the picture is your sister? can you mark her
The Greeks would of course know who was super gay because of their own rabid homosexuality and pedastry.
>He was that kind of boy anyway
always gets a howl out of me
i'd shag my sister if she wasn't so fat
she's cute in a homely way, like velma from scooby-doo
you know your ugly when you wouldn't want to shag your sister
Is this the legendary Tasmanian posting?
pics right now
have only eaten rice and rice crispies for about a week
oh this is all college of business brainlets
that's why it's taking so long
virgin freak incels believe they're better than this
the gf
Well, getting dressed and going out with family after 2 days of coke and booze and no sleep and yet am still likely to be able to be funny and witty and the centre of attention and sexually harrass waitresses to the point of sexual assault but boys will be boys especially when the food costs £500. And people act like they're doing me a favour when I'd rather have a fucking Big Mac and chicken wings. CUNTS
Guess the difference.
bit of the ol 'nime for the warm weather lads
>posts the G-d-King of Israel
Good goy