Italians aren't whi-

>italians aren't whi-

Attached: 1525620767148.jpg (533x800, 39K)

Who are you quoting?

The world


Attached: 1525546476208.png (388x718, 192K)

Northern italians are southern germanic

Attached: Once-Upon-a-Time-season-4-episode-1-Anna.png (363x330, 172K)

OPs pic looks Finnish. You do know Attila the Hun sacked Rome right.

she is 100% sicilian you dumb n*rd

Attached: 1525621193070.jpg (336x505, 34K)

Is this the same one?

Attached: PF__2170.jpg (3080x2104, 835K)

No it's not

Attached: chiara-appendino.jpg (2000x1000, 130K)

>OP btfo

Attached: C_2_fotogallery_3002613_23_image.jpg (2400x1602, 322K)