Why don’t Europeans have any megadiversity/biodiversity?

Why don’t Europeans have any megadiversity/biodiversity?

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Because white people hate animals.

Probably because Europe is small, doesnt have an insane variety of climates and we killed all nature

because people actually live here

There's actually probably a good question in there somewhere.
I wonder if during the last ice age, the landmass that would become Europe got hit harder than other parts of the world?
Or is it strictly down to humans?

this is the actual answer. This map makes it seem as if If all of China or the DRC has mega-diversity, even though its only a number of limited pockets on their land

Humans fucked up everything.

Attached: Fig2_British_Isles_2.jpg (394x500, 30K)

British isles Brides lmao

Attached: 1352503580-0.jpg (600x679, 51K)

We razed the original forest to make way for civilization.

Cold ecosystems are never diverse, not as much as tropical ones.

Europe is easy mode: the continent
That's why whites are so pathetic

>europe had big glaciers

keked heartily, try again

Attached: glaciation4[1].jpg (864x776, 63K)

>Europe is easy mode: the continent
That would be the Middle East (I know it's not a continent, but it's about as big as Europe).

>europe had big glaciers
Never said anything like that.
Why is it always a competition for Yanks?

Europe is easy mode because we made it easy mode
It's called civilisation you thick retarded yank cunt

middle east is easy mode? lolwut

Not really when Humans first inhabited the Middle East it was lush and green same goes for the Sahara Desert.

>haha yanks have no culture
>WTF yanks it’s not a competition...

Yet Australia and the USA maintain their biodiversity and we’re both infinitely more successful than your pathetic North Atlantic shitspeck

because it's countries are fucking tiny

also no tropical regions

Attached: alaska_on_europe[1].jpg (1280x989, 236K)

Exactly, back then it was the ideal place. Even now you can argue that it's pretty much as good as Europe, they just have a smaller carrying capacity.


Because DIEversity is codename for anti-white.

Thought you were a Brit because flags are bugged but still assuming you are based on your nasty vocabulary

Attached: CF985224-5876-4E08-B501-4FF1BA6FFC70.jpg (1125x1736, 426K)

>damage control

Attached: world_climate_map-large[1].jpg (950x524, 170K)

well I guess you're right but they stopped being easy-mode ever since the mongols fucked them up

This. Europeans kill EVERYTHING.

The macaronesian archipelagos (Cape Verde is independent, but the rest of the islands are European even though some of of them are geographically in Africa) and French Guyana are tropical/equatorial though. Also, Malaysia, the Philippines and Ecuador are quite small, so it's not so simple.

15 times more people live in Alaska than Belgium.