
karbalaian night edition

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first for make iran and iraq sunni again



3rd for a great levantine union.

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Thank you based Shah Ismail for making Iran, Iraq and Azerbaijan shia ^^

Stop posting, too much french flags are un-aesthetic + your posts are cancerous

I miss winter

why isn't pan-maghrebism a thing

blame that on Saudi pan-arabism(aka gulfie control)

it is already especially amongst the diaspora

Because of the algerian moroccan conflict
That's super cringy tho

>must slab self for ali uhuhuhuh

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>You will never be this based and btfo the two biggest parties in the country just by putting the face of a respected university professor on election posters

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what the fuck they're all black

>the algerian moroccan conflict
Lol I love how is it always portrayed as something deep and serious event in history

Where is it?


It is serious when the borders are closed and morocco just termimated its relationship with iran because of it.

Almasjid an-Nabawi

Wasn’t it because of Iran suspected of funding some Sahraoui militia in Western Sahara?


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i'm tired of just reading the quran the ahadith and didactic materials:

where can i find arabic literature in both audio & text format?

something like this:


but with the fucking accompanying text, lest i don't understand shit

a helpful answer will mean dozens/hundreds of fruitful study hours for me, so i thank you in advance for it!

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Holy shit a pro ben ali party just won a municipality.
Now I know why nida didn't do that well.

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Sadly this SoundCloud account doesn't have text with the audio

Yes. How is that not a part of the algerian moroccan conflict?

How is it? You mean Morocco would cut its relations with Iran just because there’s an Iranian embassy in Aljzair?

The western sahara conflict is an algerian moroccan conflict

Why are Palestinians and Lesbian Christians so ungrateful?

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didn't except this to happen in siliana

>lesbian christians
Hezbollah is doing great job in Lesbianon

النتائج الأولية لبلدية الڨطار
#البلدية 2018

التواصل 52% ( مستقلة)
النهضة 16%
رؤيتنا 12% ( مستقلة)
الجبهة 10%
حركة الشعب 6%

النداء 3%

Why is it surprising?

cause this party is literally ben ali reformed ancient party
and siliana was supposed to be one of the neglected areas


Alone at the airport, spending the night here, waiting for early morning flight

i'm here :3

What are you doing?
There's nobody around me except some policemen and the hommes de ménage along with a group of blacks at the café

my body is too lazy for school tomorrow please help.

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please buy and share iso

they dont want to ship to poland

Saudis are BLACK

The waitress working at the coffee came and started talking to me. She told me she can't sleep without her pills because she lost her two brothers in the plane crash. I felt from the beginning that she wanted to talk by the looks she gave at me. She's bringing me a coffee rn

i'm watching anime

Which one?

levantine KARA BOĞAS are stronger than Sa*doids

NA and Levantine alliance against the gulfy menace when ?

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Eat more soy.


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Romeo no Aoi Sora
fuck the levant we only make alliance with our algerian bros

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y though ?

rude tbqhwy

We share a common enemy that is the gulfies

But kurds should stay as part of syria and iraq, no more divisions

Because it's healthy for you !أنون

i love kurds

didn't say that i wanted that though, just if people stopping autisticly hate us. im also half syrian so.

don't know if my testosterones agrees with this statement حبيب

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Errybody dead?


I wish

its funny how from +40m algerians there are only one "regular" poster and one that posts occasionally.

why are you guys such normies ?

6 hours left

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That is true but it dosent affect anything in this situation.
Its just that Algerians are more normy than tunisians, they wouldnt know about a site like this.

Same for Egyptians apparently. +95 millions of them and not a lot of posters here

Or they probably can't talk English for shit.

I’m not going to make it

You are all sleeping like babies

tfw no Arab gf

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>just discovering that algerians are utter subhumans

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Good morning

Sounds cute did you get to talk to her more

She left around 3pm and wished a good flight to me. It was awkward at first but actually pretty comfy afterwards... I mean some night talk in an empty airport. She needed to be heared though, she wanted to talk

She also talked to me about her family and childhood, how her brothers used to spoil her and protect her and said to her that they will teach her future husband how to take care of her. It was pretty sad. Her doctor advised her to move from her city (Batna, where she lived with her brothers) because she can’t even sleep there, she’s still depressed about her brothers’ death

Is that how Arab brothers usually are? Super protective?

>comfy afterwards... I mean some night talk in an empty airport
That's actually really cool kind of romantic like a movie 2bh

>Brothers used to spoil her and protect her and said to her that they will teach her future husband how to take care of her.
That's kind of weird tho


Ahah it wasn’t romantic tho
Well she was the only girl so maybe that’s why...

Das pretty sad niqqa

Indeed, felt bad for her, she was about to cry at some point but she said she guessed time was going to heal things so she will wait

How's ya day boys?

Didn’t sleep, about to enter the plane to fly back to France, you?


>no /mena/ bf
why even live?

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Are they even mena?

Pan-maghrebism good, pan-Arabism better

there is no arabs in the maghreb you fucking retard, even our king being descendant of the prophet is just a meme he is also a berber rape baby.

fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehdi_Ben_Barka , Ben Barka was a lot more credible for suggesting panafricanism unity ( berbers being africans ofc )

unfortunatly he got kidnapped killed and his corpse was dissolved with acid by retarded king Hassan II that ruined everything

Everyone identifies as Arab except for butthurt rapebabies like you. You can't deny it

reminder this is a linguistic board

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This makes me feel dirty for some reason

Do you muslims honestly believe that heaven is about carnal pleasures?

they can't stop thinking about the hor ayn, i remember when i was still muslim and went to the mosque to make the prayer of friday, everytime the imam talked about the Hor Ayn people get so pleased and start smiling kek ...

idiot muslims, what do you expect from people that believe that mohamed went to the skies on a wingy donkey

it's basically a whorehouse with beer,virgin bitches and cute shotas
Imo thats just a bullshit to get sexualy frustrated sandniglets to die for your conquests

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Arab girls are fat, ugly and stupid


watch this music video that sums it up, that is """Heaven""" for muslims, beer virgins and gold XD

We say شنطة too

>carnal pleasures
Sexual pleasures never mentioned in the Quran

>what is " ma malakat aymanukum " ? (:


>the coran even permits you to fuck your daughter if you want to ( video related )

islam is basicaly sex religion :
- you can fuck 6 yo girls that is still playing with barbies
- you can fuck your slaves
- you can have 4 wifes and fuck them
- you go to jenna to fuck virgin hour al ayn
- you can fuck your daughter

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