I've never been abroad

>I've never been abroad.

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>I'll never be a broad

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Shame. It's actually a lot of fun visiting other countries

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why not?

Return to work, tovarish

No money (

Work your ass and get some cash

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Can you travel to the Baltics? Or Finland?

>I like to visit other countries

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No. I live in Siberia. The nearest country is Mongolia.
I guess I have no other options.

I've never been abroad, but I could be abroad if I got a sex change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>sex change

a broad = a lady
abroad = in other country
very funny and clever


Have you ever seen the sea?

nearest beach desu。
It is easy to access it from the city, and swimming and fishing and a boat can be done.
It is a place of 2018 Olympics sailing.

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You're welcome!

Can't you work hard at university to get a scholarship for studying abroad?

>Have you ever seen the sea?

the way japanese people speak is cute

do japs do a lot of sailing?

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Same here.

I'm hoping that the uni give us a chance to study abroad for a few months thought.

Only scholarship we have is French one. So knowing French language is mandatory condition to get in.
I only know Russian and Runglish.

Is the mega lake near?

You're Russian. There is no need for you to go overseas when everything you have is located in Russia.

1,5 - 2 hours by bus. But still, lake is lake...

>everything you have is located in Russia.
There isn't good and client-respect service.

Really? I beg to differ. I went to 4 different cities in Russia and they have good service, albeit no one really smiled.

You haven't heard the worst service in the world which is Hong Kong.

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Jow Forums: Why don't Americans see the world for what it is?
Also Jow Forums: Go home mutt, get out of my country

Still you will feel better if you sometimes look it.

is this really true?
I am mgtow