Anti-Samsung thread

Controlling press, bribing government, suppressing union, hiring goons against anyone who might come in their way.

Fuck this company. You always have alternatives. Don't buy anything from this company.

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>Controlling press, bribing government, suppressing union, hiring goons against anyone who might come in their way.
you've officially been Americanized :)


korea is nothing without samsung though

Samsung literally carries your country alone. you should rather suck Samsung's cock and be thankful

I have an LG phone.
Is LG just as scummy as Samsung Korea-kun?

shill all you want fag, I'll never not buy a Samsung over appleshit or some plastic chinkphone meme

At least we can drive out those Family of Lee who think Samsung and Korea is their kingdom and do anything for their own

That's why I buy only Huawei phones, as Samsung and Apple are both capitalist swine companies that exploit the noble proletarians. Also this way the capitalists cannot spy on me. All my information is safe and secure with the Chinese Communist Party. You should try it.

It's too expensive for me

Samsung offers low, mid and high prices. It's for every budget.
Fucking illegal paki in Calais

Can't say they are good guys, but RELATIVELY better in a nano-scale

At least they don't control intelligence service like Samsung does

Samsung Smartphone
About 1% share in China

why the fuck should I care about the wellbeing of dog eating gookniggers

Attached: SubhumanSlantsActuallyDefendThis.jpg (678x381, 49K)

At least they don't skin the dogs alive like Chinks do.

Samsung owns South Korea though.

Samsung is too huge

there's literally no reason why should i care if they give me stuff i like anyway

>more than half of korea's GDP is samsung
>they still want more money and fixed RAM prices to get over 60% profit over R&D excuses

You just mad they are going to make mad dough when unification happens. Someone has to develop the north.

>more than half of korea's GDP is samsung

Samsung is to South Korea as intercontinental-range nuke missiles is to North Korea.
That's what's making the small country alive and recognized. When Samsung falls Korea falls too.

>Also this way the capitalists cannot spy on me.
>All my information is safe and secure with the Chinese Communist Party.
>You should try it.
WoW that shilling is just... WOW
How much $$$?

>controlling press
they're all fucking muppets anyways

>bribing government
actually i disagree. didn't the government (park geunhye) actually threaten Samsung? If I remember correctly, that was the reason why samsung gave money.

>suppressing union
>hiring goons against anyone who might come their way
If a bunch of people are coming to destroy productivity by going on a bunch of random strikes companies lose their competitiveness. THAT IS A NET LOSS FOR EVERYONE IN THE NATION

fucking stupid I swear to god.

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I didn't know Korea was a capitalist dystopia

can i hold you in my arms?

Why is east asia such a corporatist shithole? In Japan and Korea, the government supports mega corporations and their iron grip on the economy.

this is why nobody cant think off new japanese companies, because the big established ones push them out of the market with support from the government

I only care if they give me a better product than the competition. If they fuck up in your country then you and your countrymen should do something about it.

shouldn't that be techlose

No, according to one study in 2012 it was 17%, and that's for the whole Samsung conglomerate (which includes but it's not limited to: Samsung Electronics, Samsung SDI, Samsung Electro-Mecanichs, Samsung SDS
Samsung Display, Samsung Corning Advanced, Samsung Life Insurance, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, Samsung Card, Samsung Securities, Samsung Asset Management, Samsung Venture Investment, Allat, Samsung Heavy Industries, Samsung C&T, Samsung Engineering, Samsung Biologics, Samsung Bioepis, Samsung Medison, Samsung C&T, Cheil Worldwide, Everland, S-1 Corporation, Shilla, Samsung Welstory,
it also includes the output produced by the Samsung Medical Center and the SERI Research center, and it even includes all of their sports clubs like
Samsung Lions, Suwon Samsung Bluewings, Seoul Samsung Thunders, Yongin Samsung Blueminx, Daejeon Samsung Bluefangs and Samsung Galaxy)


>ethical consumption
>under capitalism

t. ネトウヨ

Is samsung to korea what agrofert is to CR?

>dog eating
How's that even a problem?

But they make good SSDs with good warranties.