How do you split the world into different regions?

How do you split the world into different regions?

Attached: IMG_20180507_103125.jpg (4500x2234, 1017K)

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Is the part about Sahara drawn correctly?

>cat vs dog
>coffee vs tea
dead or alive

Attached: death-penalty-countries-map-2-lg.jpg (480x312, 18K)

I divide the world using Madagascar, I call everything north of it "Place inhabited by subhumans"

That's good system.


Attached: Regional_Organizations_Map.png (800x370, 162K)

what does that stand for?

Also mercosur is a corrupt agreement that actually harms trade more than it helps, im surprised they havent got rid of it yet.
Hopefully the pacific alliance replaces it entirely

First you grab a bunch of useless criteria. Arbitrarily.
Then you decide which ones are more important than others, also arbitrarily.
Then you argue endlessly on corner cases, like gradual characteristics.
Then finally you yell you got some authority and get some imbeciles to believe in you.

>Celebes is pink
>Philippine is yellow
>they are exactly the same people

>Pakistan and india in the same country

northern green areas
russian area
australian area
and india area

make no sense

I would divide Europe this way desu

It would neatly agglutinate groups depending on their language family and language links, sometimes mixing 2 different families tho

Attached: ferrum.png (500x707, 386K)

wrong pic

Attached: EU_Regions.png (1270x1161, 64K)

First world countries
Second world countries
And also there are two kinds shitholes.


Attached: 5166c8f3-38c2-4251-89f6-c49441e51d9c.png (1200x596, 249K)

they are tho
genetically their are closer than most ppl think

>muh genes

Attached: romanmutt.jpg (1124x700, 143K)

poles and indians are the same people?

yes, indians are tanned poles

No, but most Poles share the same haplogroup as most Indians, acc. to that picture. It makes sense due to the Indoeuropean invasions.

>same haplogroup
They formed yet before Ice Age, so they are irrelevant today.

Greece and Bulgaria are wrong

EFTA is the European free trade association
It's the European single market for countries not in the EU

Tha's a really cute map, Japan.

so Morocco should be included in that then. im pretty sure they get free trade even tho they arent member states.

Bulgarian Ydna wikipedia:
"20% of whom to I-M423 (I2a1b), 18% to E-V13 (E1b1b1a1b1a) and 18% to R-M17 (R1a1a)"

Yeah you are right, by 2 percent.

Greek one is correct.