Name a single diference between Venezuela and Colombia

Name a single diference between Venezuela and Colombia.

Both are failed states.
Both are 90% mining exports.
Both are violent shitholes.
Both their poor people are starving.
Both export drugs, narcos, whores, thiefs to the rest of latinoamerica.
Both are brown regueton shitholes.
Both countries are corrupt shitholes.
Both fuck donkeys.

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kill yourself 0n

pena ajena

si tanto odia su pais por que no se va para otro ldo?

No hay nada malo con odiar a tu pais si no hay ninguna razon para amarlo.

No me quiero ir del pais boludo.
pero no vengas con el cuento de que es el mejor vividero del mundo hijueputa.

One is much more functional than the other.
Also, Colombia is nice.

>he thinks colombia is better than penezuela

Se le alboroto la esquizofrenia al calvo. Hora de la pastilla Jamundi

En ningun momento he dicho qeu es el meor vividero, pero parece que tu subconciente te traiciona y te hacer decir ese tipo de cosas.

Por que no te queres ir? Por que vivir en un pais que odias?

Tirate unas redpills aca 0n

>he thinks colombia is better than penezuela
It is. Yeah it is a shithole (like all Latam) but hey if it was worse than Venezuela then you wouldn't have the number of immigrants that you have.

He live close to the ecuadorian border. There aren't probably a lot of venezuelans where he lives, so he isn't able to measure the magnitude like some from a big city. Also, trust me you aren't going to win any argument against him because he'sfully conscious of all the good and bad things about the country. He's only doing this to gather (yous), which he probably see as some form of currency or maybe they give him some kind of self gratification

I come here to argue about dumb shit, but hey, shitposting memes are much better.

>He's only doing this to gather (yous), which he probably see as some form of currency or maybe they give him some kind of self gratification
I already know that, denying that your country is best that Venezuela is a sign of bait. But I don't like seeing people shitting on their country so...

40% of colombians are under poverty or extreme poverty.
homicide rates of 30%
extreme income inequality.
40% of workers making less than 300 USD per month.
The state doesn't have control under a third of the territory.
Literally the same economic model of venezuela (oil and carbon based).
Collapsed healthcare system where entire towns doesn't have a single doctor and the hospital on cities are literally like el niagara en bicicleta song.
Amerindian kids starving to death on news.
Half the territory without access to energy or clean water.
Criminal gangs having control over a quarter of the territory.

Wow, such improvement over venezuela.

Colombia seems better right now because Venezula got destroyed beyond a point of repair. But when Venezuela was somewhat stable, It was pretty obvious that Colombia was a bigger shithole (without taking the internal conflict into consideration as an aggravating factor)

>when Venezuela was somewhat stable

like when caracazo happened?

before chavez.

that was before chavez.

Poor lad. Stop giving him yous retards.
He unironically believes all the shit he says. he even invented a new method in which you can measure homicide rates in terms of percentages

>Amerindian kids starving to death on news.

fucking cerrejon man.


hey man, don't mind this shitshow. You don't need to see this shit, son :/