

Attached: california.jpg (2082x1440, 142K)

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Maybe in the 1950s

>global warming will soon make california a coastal texas
>west coast will be hell from the heat
>east coast will be hell from the hurricanes

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absolutely based

>global warming is real

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australia is just california but british

at the very worst california just becomes mexico, which means california will become texas

>Being so much in denial


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>amount of green house gasses in the atmosphere are going up
>green house gasses make things hotter
>things wont get hotter

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Secession fakken when?

fuck off vlad

why do europeans like california so much, massachuettes is the most european state

get out and stay out

Mass is a fake Europe. Why would the lake little fake Europe?

Brexit fakken when?


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You have to realise that what people are worried about is not the planet in and of itself.
They're worried about the people on it.
Nature would survive 150 degree celcius summers, humans would not.

Hollywood makes california look very cool in movies. I really want to see LA

LA is shithole. Visit north cal, but not SF, it's shithole too.

the fact that it happened a lot during earth history, and to much higher degrees, doesn't mean that the intervention of humans, especially with industralization, isn't having profound effects on the earth climate

the point is to assess whether or not it is dramatic or whatever

most europeans (as in most humans) are dumb allured simpletons

not me though

-30 C every junuary here. WHO THE FUCK CARES?

>coastal texas
what's that supposed to mean

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