School lunch in america

School lunch in america

Attached: school-lunch-food-revolution.jpg (375x500, 180K)

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>no salad-pizza

So this was Michelle Obamas healthy school lunch plan

Only poor people get school lunch in the US. The rest of us pack our own lunches because no one wants to pay for that commie slop

remember when Michelle was portrayed as literally Adolf Stalin by republishits for trying to get their fat fucking kids to stop guzzling fries

Looks good with your european eyes because you think with european ingredients but don't be fooled, the meal is literally disgusting.
Meat washed with bleach, no taste. Ketchup completely filled with sugar, the taste is just sugar.
Fried things which have a taste of fat and that's it.
Chocolat dessert and drink filled with HCS, ultra sugary taste

100% accurate

>having the inferior choice is a shown of wealth

america is 3rd world country

Cheese in america

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Is being constipated a common thing in American schools? I don't think I've ever seen it brought up on TV or in films

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I wanna go live in the USA and have my kids eating this at school

In Russia

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it's not actually

this is an image from 8 years ago taken at Fitch High School in Groton, Connecticut

it is representative only of the lunches served 8 years ago at Fitch High School in Groton, Connecticut and possibly the school district said school resides in, nowhere else.

not only does this meal predate the latest change to federal standards for school nutrition in the US by several years, but those standards aren't strictly enforced either way and most regional locations will have wildly varied ingredients and meals.

Is that porridge?

It's polenta

I'm not that guy, but I guess its mashed potatoes

bruh, this is really sad, but trust me when I say some public schools get lunch that looks worse than the OP. It's really bad. A lot of cities would rather cut the school aid then cut back on spending for police departments and other shit. It really bad.

Still better than the crap they served at my school.

Looks tasty.

Mine was this, in high school. There are no cafeterias so you go to the nearby bakery ot shop.

School was 8 to 14 or 14 to 20, so you can have a proper lunch at home.

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I went to public school and ate the food there. It's not even that bad I don't understand why so many complain.

My school meals were based. Pasta, rice, grilled meat and fish, fresh fruits and vegetables everyday.


yum yum

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Here in France

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it's actually worse. in my high school we had shit like that sure but most kids i knew just bought french fries and poured a shit ton of old bay on it or a cup noodle. i usually packed lunch but whenever i had to buy i fell back to one of those two choices too

fyfan så äckligt

Actually ate this for my lunch. I bought it at the canteen.

Attached: 1522897707888.jpg (1280x960, 137K)

Lär dig äta fisk, Jonte

Lunch at my school rarely had fast food
Usually we had a steamed vegetables, potatoes or noodles, a piece of fruit, and a salad (we had a salad bar)
Fast food was served on Friday, which would cycle between pizza, burgers and fries, and tacos
Do flyovers really eat fast food every day for lunch?

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>all those fries

>Do flyovers really eat fast food every day for lunch?
my mommy always packed my lunches with a peanut butter sandwich, an apple, salad, and with a cookie

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and now you have diabetes

really adds a new meaning to the term french fries

Breakfast in America

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>she doesn't buy wholesale Sysco pizzas for pennies on the dollar

Attached: square_cafeteria_pizza.jpg (640x458, 57K)

People are not fat in the photo, it's a normal size.

nah im 120lb skelly. contrary to what euros think, having a cookie isn't gonna kill you.


>only poor people afford to pay for their lunches
>the rest of us rich people bring our own sandwiches
you are genuinely retarded.

>the only way to damage your health is to be fat
Too many carbs, user

>his mom didn't make him a hearty homemade meal because she didn't know how to cook so he was forced to eat his schools shitty food

>only poor people eat school's lunch
>a multiple course lunch is cheaper than a sandwich
You aren't the smartest kid in the family, are you?
>French school lunches

Funny thing is I have a friend that works in a prison and they used to feed inmates better food than they do kids at the school until recently when they actually got funding.

so? it is still junk food

They don't eat fries everyday tho, I remember in HS, it was occasionally.
Another meal

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American nutrition/food/eating habits are terrible. In some ways American food has become worse than British. Which is a shame because America used to have a great culture and great cuisine.

Traditional American ingredients have been removed form the diet and pretty much been replaced by corn, soy and beef products. American do not eat bison anymore, and do not get me started on real bread or proper fats.

Most American do not know how to really cook which has led to a huge disconnect between the plate and the farm, this is probably why so many people are becoming faggy vegans. Fuck I had a boyfriend who could not eat meat if it was on a bone, seriously huge problem here.

Looks good for school food. Would eat/10

>All those fries and no drink

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You can see water jug in far right

>sweetie, they're FRENCH fries

Attached: french-cliche.jpg (293x420, 29K)

The tater tots and ketchup are two portions of vegetables. The pudding and chocolate milk are two portions of dairy. This is actually an extremely nutritious school lunch in America.

Every classroom smell lile farts

Taste of motherland.

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