Be born

>be born
>you're a female
>you literally won the life lottery
>kill yourself because ur chad bf left you
fuck i wish i were a female, they are so fucking retarded if i were a cute female id rich now

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what if you were ugly though


ugly girls are happier than average males

>bwaaa being an ugy girl is hell why doesn't chad notice me, why do i have to choose between all my 7 ugly suitors

>Born female
>Won the life lottery

This shit happens only in Jow Forums, I swear. I thanks god everyday to be a guy. Who wants to be a female honnestly ?

hideous piercings

>I thank god for being born a second class citizen

It's literally the opposite irl

Any source on this?

>he wants to menstruate
>he wants to run a risk of pregnancy
>he wants many, many doors to be closed to him because of his sex

I know you don't work or you wouldn't be saying this retarded dumb shit.

yes yes good goy

>he wants many, many doors to be closed to him because of his sex
this literally never happens but the opposite does because of affirmative action

c'mon jorge, recognise you fucked your own shit up
i did

Do some pushups everyday bro, your arms will be more muscular and fit

are you retarded?


I talked about France, don't worry

I'm female and ugly
It's being lowest than the lowest

At least ugly men can still find partners if they're career-wise successful, smart, rich, athletic, musically-talented or whatever. You have many more channels. We just need to be pretty and when we fail on that, we're nothing - regardless of other qualities.

I don't even have friends.

be my gf

If you are blonde with blue eyes, you can find love with refugees. You will be a trophy even if you are ugly

If i was born a girl i would be the sluttiest cum dumpster on the planet

Even an ugly woman can get a decent man. Fuck off roastie.

Unless you're overweight i can't believe you're that unattractive. Every Germanic girl is attractive in some way.

Don't give up, femanon, we love you.

you're sweet

please be my gf, you're never asked out right, surely you can't afford to be picky?

marry each other

i'd rather be alone than with a straight up womanhater

Chile-user, we can have a goat farm
i'll make you meatballs and ask you every day how your day was

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Well, you lost the beauty lottery. Poor Swede.
t. Stacey

so you can afford to be picky
glad we clarified that part

I'm officially shipping you two now, don't disappoint me

>Russian stacy
Hello there

anyone can afford to be picky when the acknowledged alternative is being alone

I would gladly accept :)

You don't understand women, do you?

you're sweet José
hope you had a good day

I understand that they could date a desperate loser but they choose not to, so any woman that cries about being alone simply isn't willing to
>but you can do it too
i can't that's the thing

Fake and gay

Thanks, have a nice day too.

might help if you dont consider and call women "so fucking retarded"

>The Mapuche and the Viking shieldmaiden, a love story

>Every Germanic girl is attractive in some way.
That's not exactly what Germanic girls have been known for in any way.

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>be a f*male
>95% chance of being a womanlet (can get pregnant
>female ufc fighter are weaker than 12yo bois
>can't eat whatever you want because of your estrogen levels
>your brain can't accept the fact that you will never understand what it is like to be a thinker
>get absolutely mad bleeding cunt a couple days a month, can't survive without taking a shower once a day
>need to take care of your skin, hair and other stupid things to look better somehow in s*ciety

You talk a big game on Jow Forums but I bet if I brought some Wal-Mart obese as fuck scooter girl to you you'd say no.

That's life m8

>tfw no qt3.14 generously sized scooter girl

The bad side is that i'm Russian.

Nothing wrong with that
7/10 chicks I write to on Interpals are from there anyway

most of this losers don't even mind "ugly" girls, they only focus on those pretty girls who are clearly out of theirs league and reject them.

that's why they think that women have it easier.

This, also women over 25 are worthless

That's the equivalent of uglier chicks that still will reject you and focus on top of the top males out of their league despite not being able to afford them

People are just overly ambitious

Can I be your friend femanon?

> Interpals
Are you retarded or what.
It's even worse than Jow Forums

i think that those people reject other because they are too shy/cowards to say yes, not because they don't like them back.

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It absolutely isn't.

They should train themselves to say yes, then.
They want to have a partner, after all. It takes one person to be happy.

yes, that would be nice

>They want to have a partner
i think most of the guys who end up incel care too much about finding the perfect match, and finally it never comes.

and if it ever comes to their life they are too naive and inexpert to realize and take advantage of the situation

my ugly gf is a fucking mess

What's wrong with her?

What's wrong?

I knew a 6/10 girl (easily 7/10 with make up and good clothes) who was virgin at 25yo. She only knew one guy in high school but did not sleep with him.
Sexual and affective distress can touch everyone

Because incels world revolves around the idea they aren't having sex, so the fact that a woman could go out and probably more easily get fucked is all that matters to them.

Nobody likes desperation

That's ok we're all human beans
My ex was Russian and oddly enough, being Russian was the one thing she wasn't depressed about, ironic huh

I think it's also because most people don't have enough personality to make up for lack of looks

real ugly or meme ugly? I know some girls think they're ugly when they're actually cute, just because they're not the supermodel definition of beautiful

Cool femanon!

>They should train themselves to say yes
This would have helped me a lot. When people declared to me or when I noticed that I was being liked by someone I was too fucking retarded to say yes even if I didn't minded being with them.

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severe anxiety/depression, can barely look after herself if at all, no self esteem, no value for her own life, can't socialise even afraid of meetings at work, never leaves the house but is always bored

real ugly

So why are you dating with her?

>no self esteem, no value for her own life
I think it happens regardless of beauty

Make her feel beautiful then

Stuff like anorexia, etc. is entirely too common

because she is otherwise the most interesting girl I've ever met, we got along amazingly well at the start and I really fell in love with her. Attraction has grown over time
not to the extent that they want to kill themselves and barely view mirrors
I have tried to for 3 years and its only getting worse. I can't fix these problems for her

You sound like a really nice person user. I'm glad that you are there for her.

>Stuff like anorexia, etc. is entirely too common
Yes. I want to kms not because my appearance, but my fucking stupid decisions

I hope it works out lad. I know what its like to have a gf with issues that seem impossible to fix. Hopefully you two will be happier than I am.

>this literally never happens but the opposite does because of affirmative action
Again, proof that you've never worked a day in your life.

Look at small business owners.
Look at management.
Look at pro-athletes, soldiers, engineers, astronauts.
Look at millionaires and billionaires.

All overwhelmingly male. You're fucking stupid and this pathetic sob story bullshit is just making excuses. Either kill yourself or man up.

>getting worse

So suicide will arrive for her ?

This is true

I understand, it'd be neat to have a time machine to go back and undo all the stupid shit
Mistakes help you grow though and you can't dwell on it

not really. We met on an autistic online site and she was the one who reached out. Any self hating robot can get a gf if he lowers his standards enough.
thanks mate. I'm far from perfect though, and I must admit I'm becoming very exhausted by it. If it weren't for my own hobbies, training etc I would probably be insane by now
thanks user. Actually just this week she's agreed to start seeing a psychologist for tactics to deal with anxiety and confidence. there's a very long way to go but I'm convinced if she can get to the point of picking up her old hobbies again (guitar, drawing) she'll improve a lot
she's tried before and she was recently sectioned, but released after I spoke with the examiner and doctors

That's a good sign. Hobbies are great, especially if you can do them together somehow.

Make a child with her, she will be focused on him/her after.

>some losers don't get laid
it's their fault for being unfuckable
>some women don't have good careers
it's a plot that is putting them down we should give them free things i mean it's current year it's not their fault

I agree that being a loner is my fault but you can't apply that retarded feminist logic about opression and blame me for my problems at the same time with a straight face.

It is normal to be exhausted by something like that, I don't blame you. Instead it makes it clear that you are willing to do a lot for her.
Also, I'm glad thet she had agreed to start seeking help, I hope that you both can make it and be happier for a very long time.

Whine whine whine

You're pathetic.

no shit retard thats the point

unless you have severe facial deformities (you don't) you'll be much more attractive by being in decent shape, having a decent diet (and skin) and just generally looking after yourself. Focus on that and doing activities you enjoy to become more interesting


Incel genocide when

I would be an ugly guy over and ugly girl any day. At least you can punch above your weight with money/charisma/social status. Men only giving a shit about looks isn't a meme

>if i were a cute female id rich now

get out you fucking chad

I wish i was born a gril, I'd be super cute

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By sucking dix and cox perhaps.


It's not the way where you can get serious money. Friend of mine tried to launch drawing-channel on Twitch, she succeeded but she can't monetize this.

what if you turn 25 one day though

Spanish incel poster is the worst poster after the buttblasted jew. Please migrate to r9k.

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>user doesn't know how social classes work
Just because some stacy has it better than an incel/neet doesn't mean they won a lottery ticket, user.
Almost anyone at this point might have it better than you(me).

Communists are taking over this board

Let's be platonic friends

If I was a gril, I would ride the cock carousel to make people happy