Do asians study greeks, rome, byzantines, european middle ages, renaiscance, great navigations, illuminism...

Do asians study greeks, rome, byzantines, european middle ages, renaiscance, great navigations, illuminism, industrial revolution etc.. in school?

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it's called the enlightenment, you dirty m*nkey

chinese people study this and seethe thinking of europeans

wrong it's called "siècle des lumières"

yeah, i just used a cognate kek

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If you meant Indo-Europeans (they were from Asia), so yes they do.

P.S. You posted chinese warrior, but, it is obviously that chines empire's army was pretty pathetic releative to armies of European and Indians(and close East) empires.

I mean people that reside on the asian continent
Here we barely study anything about asia in history classes. Except the middle east

>implying isn't "The Big Mistake".

Because was the first big step towards the fall of west civilization.

>forgetting the french revolution

Dem cheeky brits

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Said finn.

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I suppose in Isreal and Turkey schools puppils study at leadt history of Roman and Byzantia.
And I think almost everybody in the world studyed history of industrial revolution in school, cause it was very important for the whole world.


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Don't worry, it was just a joke, my yellow friend.

a little
a bit more
who the fuck even learns about them if they don't live in the region
a little
>industrial revolution
a fair bit


No philosophy until uni over here, and they like East Asian/20th century history

>who the fuck even learns about them if they don't live in the region
Even we learned about them pretty little.

that's just wrong though. Europe didn't colonize the world in the middle ages

>t. pajeet