1. Fuck you cunttree

1. Fuck you cunttree
2. From left to right starting with the number One; which do you rate from highest to lowest?
3. Post club thots from your cunny.

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number them first of all to make it easier for us

I'd wife 3 from the left maybe bang the two before her

How hard is it to go from left to right starting with one

>mutt education

The D says 1 or 4. The D dies when looking at the second from right.

>going for the obvious 40 yo of the pack

Not even ashamed.

>club thots from the Netherlands
Like 90% of them are non-white and the other 10% are with Jay Jay

Rate ordinary Russian women.

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why are they all fat

second from right is a viable milkcow and the only one who matters, despite looking like every gril who ever rejected me
3 is runner up

because they are not hungry anymore.

Attached: eh.jpg (1184x727, 138K)

wtf I though all russian women looked like this

Attached: 1517598619553.jpg (800x1202, 165K)

Some of them are racemixed.

Memes aside most of them looks like cute but average.

Attached: gOalJOpeKeg.jpg (1280x853, 252K)

They all look terrible doe

guys am i gay if i dont find one woman posted in this thread attractive

No. 2D is superior anyways.

1. England
2. 3 and 5 are quite pretty. They're all really just generic slags, they wouldn't look out of place here in England except 4 who looks foreign.
3. Pic related

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what do those slags smell like

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start off perfume smelling, then get progressively more smelling of alcohol as the night goes by

Attached: njk889.jpg (720x960, 80K)

Fuck 1. Shotgun to the face 2

1 Romania
2 Impregnate all
3 i don't keep my fap folder on my phone, lel

brb moving back to the motherland

Attached: slags6.jpg (640x640, 142K)

Living in Italy from Poland




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never met an English-american before, you're usually all Irish or German or something

for me it's the two on the left in the OP

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Attached: average polish chapel.jpg (1257x760, 406K)