1. Fuck you cunttree
2. From left to right starting with the number One; which do you rate from highest to lowest?
3. Post club thots from your cunny.
1. Fuck you cunttree
number them first of all to make it easier for us
I'd wife 3 from the left maybe bang the two before her
How hard is it to go from left to right starting with one
>mutt education
The D says 1 or 4. The D dies when looking at the second from right.
>going for the obvious 40 yo of the pack
Not even ashamed.
>club thots from the Netherlands
Like 90% of them are non-white and the other 10% are with Jay Jay
Rate ordinary Russian women.
why are they all fat
second from right is a viable milkcow and the only one who matters, despite looking like every gril who ever rejected me
3 is runner up
because they are not hungry anymore.
wtf I though all russian women looked like this
Some of them are racemixed.
Memes aside most of them looks like cute but average.
They all look terrible doe
guys am i gay if i dont find one woman posted in this thread attractive
No. 2D is superior anyways.
1. England
2. 3 and 5 are quite pretty. They're all really just generic slags, they wouldn't look out of place here in England except 4 who looks foreign.
3. Pic related
what do those slags smell like
start off perfume smelling, then get progressively more smelling of alcohol as the night goes by
Fuck 1. Shotgun to the face 2
1 Romania
2 Impregnate all
3 i don't keep my fap folder on my phone, lel
brb moving back to the motherland
Living in Italy from Poland
never met an English-american before, you're usually all Irish or German or something
for me it's the two on the left in the OP