Today is Victory day

Today is Victory day.

F to pay respects to all the honourable men who laid down their lives in fight against a great evil of Nazism, regardless of their motivations.

Personally, I'd like to also remember the honourable men who lost their lives pressed into the fight on behalf of the evil against their conscience, and express pity for the ones whose conscience was wholly overridden by insincere, hypocritical ideologues of the day.

Let us remember the horrors of the war, so that we would not have to experience them again.

1. Your country
2. Does your country celebrate the Victory Day?

Attached: Patriotic_World_War_2_Poster_US_Allies_2LG.jpg (1500x2098, 1M) we lost two wars and won only one

Happy Victory for Marxism day!

No, it's tomorrow.

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>fucking Brasil
Che buffo, afendi


Happy Victory against Fascism day!

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No, we do not celebrate the victory of jewry


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Haha, go fuck yourself n*zi

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sorry, losers are not allowed here
maybe Jow Forums will be more suitable for you

ah yes, the day Poland won the Battle of Berlin with small help from USSR

yes, we celebrate

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The only losers are the fascists, sent to the trashfire of history

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Reddit is that way

Piss off nigger

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>Im so glad the germans are gone so mr Goldberg could import all the algerians in the world!!!!1

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it is thanks to defeat of Nazism that you can express yourself so freely today, pekka. Although it is a shame you choose to squander this privilege on spreading
>le joos le black immigrants

I don't browse this shitty website, Hans Muhammadi

THank you based Poland

>le joos le not black immigrants

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It wasn't a victory against fascism or racism, it was a victory against Germany and Japan.

The soldiers fighting weren't fighting for any ideological cause, that is something people have added in retrospect. They were fighting because Germany invaded Poland and Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. They were fighting because their Governments had conscripted them and would have punished them otherwise.

It was absolutely a victory over fascism and racism. It completely discredited and disgraced those concepts for decades to come. And it's a good thing they did.
And government styles of the nations involved mattered a great deal to begin with, as became apparent immediately after the war ended, as evidenced by wildly differing paths both sides of the iron curtain followed.


That's like saying it wasn't a weapon between armies, it was a battle between guns. The soldiers weren't fed on ideological conviction, obviously. But the causes of the war were set in motion because of ideology, and ideology determined alliances and rivalries. Ignoring the ideological aspect of the war is as foolish as ignoring the military history aspects.

And even if you disagree, what kind of a point is that to make? Of course it was a victory against fascism, because that's what Italy and Germany represented. Their ideologies were defeated, just as the end of the Napoleonic wars had an ideological side.

*war between armies


Sorry i dont celebrate jews holidays

1. flag
2. no

>this was a win against racism
>US forces was segregated by race and integration was hugely unpopular among soldiers
>Churchill wanted a White Britain


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Rest in peace, heroes of Stalingrad.

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>because that's what Italy and Germany represented
It always pisses me off when people say Germans were fascists. They were Nazies, the only ones claiming they were fascists were Russians since they were afraid people would rightfully ask what is the difference between socialism and national socialism.

Shadilay my fellow based pedes!

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Meet your fate, semite!

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All of thosr flags were assasins, murderers, criminals and thieves.

They murdered all these kids

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I don't see my flag in the poster

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