Parents didnt let me have friends or go outside alone (when i was 14yo)

>parents didnt let me have friends or go outside alone (when i was 14yo)
>they blame me now

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Is Spain not a safe country?

i guess, but my parents didnt let me go outside i dont know my older sister could go outside all night when she was like 14yo lol

When I was 12 all kids I knew went to a school in the city.
While my parents put me on an extra good school 20km away.
I always had to come home directly after school otherwise I wouldn't be in time for dinner.
And I had be home early to let the dog out. And the busses barely drove in the evening.

So.. I spend lots of time in public transport and zero time with friends.

No, I kept one elementary school friend who I see once a year.
Lots my virginity to some hookers.

You tell me.

Be happy for being alive.

Haha oh man
You can spend your free friendless time to become the best paella chef on the block
be like that one old jap who mastered sushi, but paella

What was their reasoning?

Same. Weirdly enough they gave my younger brother more freedom. I guess they learned from first hand experience that helicopter parenting doesn't work :ยด)

there are things worst than death.

I bet you had really religious parents

Imagine blaming your parents for X when you are an adult capable of solving problems and deciding your own fate.

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>parents take your childhood away
>why are you mad, are you not an adult? :^)

i dont blame them for my current problems. Its more like unresolved anger that can't be fixed. I want to cut off contact with them, but they're my family and even though they screwed up their heart was in the right place. Feels conflicting mang.

I went to a rich kids school and all my friends live far away, now I go out with them 2-3 times a year

Same, now they ask questions like
>when are you going to start your real life
For me it was
>my parents didn't let ME go out and that is the way it should be
>it's for your own good

>parents shelter me and dont let me go outside except for class until age 14 or so
>"WTF how come you dont have a gf yet"

man that sounds rough

that's not how it works you absolute retard

It's that troll who pretends to be a normalfag
I think he is going to say something like "just invest 300000$ in yourself"

Download a book callex toxic parents.....they were controllin npds not lovin ones

I've heard there are feral brits

I am sure reposting the same thread on Jow Forums (on a WRONG FUCKING BOARD) will help.

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The thing is they literally meant well, even if it did end up badly.

Just fucking tell them senpai. They deserve to know they did a shitty job.

just avoid brits

I just see cucks who follow parents rules, pathetic


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Then they are mentally ill or givin bs excuses just accept they dont love u n not capable ur ur own man now

Probably something to do with sunken costs and the complete inability to question their own upbringing, there is no point to punish them at this point. And yeah I know i'm responsible for my own life at this point, still my development suffered a bit and i'll just have to live with that.


I hate them...

Same senpai, mom never let me hang out with friends or walk outside and now im an autist with no social skills or friends and stay inside all day playing vidya and shitposting

don't focus on the past, focus on making life better for the future