Subconscious assumptions you make on Jow Forums

>all British flags are white English Londoners name Nigel
>all Canadian flags are white prairie farmers who speak the Fargo dialect
>all Croatian flags wear Croatia football shirts at all times

Attached: smurt.jpg (205x246, 10K)

bunch of guys with avg sex life and social life who spend time making black humor

>all Finns are gay sissy sluts

Attached: 1462384270194629196.jpg (557x570, 42K)

>Most American posters have never left their country and also have an intense dislike for a state or group of states in the U.S.
>Most British posters are working class and drink a ridiculous amount of tea. They're also skinnyfat.
>Most Japanese posters are just Westerners using proxies and typing in broken English to try to be funny

delete this

>all brazilians have big butts
>all germans are engineers
>all finns are gay

I unironically assume every American flag is a Chicano. Probably cuz I spend to much time on /sp/.


chi here

in all fainess i unironically assume half of british posters are desi lol

I always initially assume that every american flag that replies to me is a cute tall white american femboy

>>Most American posters have never left their country
Wrong for me
>and also have an intense dislike for a state or group of states in the U.S.
VERY right for me (Fuck the South)

>all Americans are not worth the (you)s
>all Russians drink while they post
>all Germans need special attention and extended explanations for efficient correspondence
>all French aren't shaved
>all V4 fags are butthurt, racist bydlos about to tell me how totally not eastern european they are

That every Dutch flag is secretly a Moroccan/Turk (cause I spend so much time on Nederdraad)
>>Most Japanese posters are just Westerners using proxies and typing in broken English to try to be funny

THIS, whenever I see a Korean/Japanese flag I automatically assume its a white English teacher or proxy

Well you're right about one for the American one ;)

>I'm whiter than every european flag
>all swedish flags are muhammad
>all german flags are türk al türkci
>all OPs are gayer than me

Attached: 1520685629240.png (377x396, 129K)

every poster is white, out of shape, dishevelled, stinks and is on estrogen replacement therapy.

this applies to 99% of int posters

hello muhammad

>All American flags are mutts/ mulattoes if not full fledged blacks
>Most Russian flags are drunk
>Every 2nd British flag is a mudslime masquarading as a brit

>D*nish posters are not human, but evil demonic monsters and puppets of the devil

It's true tho

Attached: Pepe_Shrug.png (560x407, 80K)

Chi here

its the real red pill

You are all ugly and overweight

>>Most American posters have never left their country and also have an intense dislike for a state or group of states in the U.S.

Spot on.

>>Most americans are el horror de las tinieblas
dios y la virgen maria me salven amen, protejanme del horror de las americas, la creatura salvaje, el ogro LA MUTTACION

Attached: mutted.jpg (960x747, 199K)

From the south and hate the south