>all British flags are white English Londoners name Nigel
>all Canadian flags are white prairie farmers who speak the Fargo dialect
>all Croatian flags wear Croatia football shirts at all times
Subconscious assumptions you make on Jow Forums
bunch of guys with avg sex life and social life who spend time making black humor
>all Finns are gay sissy sluts
>Most American posters have never left their country and also have an intense dislike for a state or group of states in the U.S.
>Most British posters are working class and drink a ridiculous amount of tea. They're also skinnyfat.
>Most Japanese posters are just Westerners using proxies and typing in broken English to try to be funny
delete this
>all brazilians have big butts
>all germans are engineers
>all finns are gay
I unironically assume every American flag is a Chicano. Probably cuz I spend to much time on /sp/.
chi here
in all fainess i unironically assume half of british posters are desi lol
I always initially assume that every american flag that replies to me is a cute tall white american femboy
>>Most American posters have never left their country
Wrong for me
>and also have an intense dislike for a state or group of states in the U.S.
VERY right for me (Fuck the South)
>all Americans are not worth the (you)s
>all Russians drink while they post
>all Germans need special attention and extended explanations for efficient correspondence
>all French aren't shaved
>all V4 fags are butthurt, racist bydlos about to tell me how totally not eastern european they are
That every Dutch flag is secretly a Moroccan/Turk (cause I spend so much time on Nederdraad)
>>Most Japanese posters are just Westerners using proxies and typing in broken English to try to be funny
THIS, whenever I see a Korean/Japanese flag I automatically assume its a white English teacher or proxy
Well you're right about one for the American one ;)
>I'm whiter than every european flag
>all swedish flags are muhammad
>all german flags are türk al türkci
>all OPs are gayer than me
every poster is white, out of shape, dishevelled, stinks and is on estrogen replacement therapy.
this applies to 99% of int posters
hello muhammad
>All American flags are mutts/ mulattoes if not full fledged blacks
>Most Russian flags are drunk
>Every 2nd British flag is a mudslime masquarading as a brit
>D*nish posters are not human, but evil demonic monsters and puppets of the devil
It's true tho
Chi here
its the real red pill
You are all ugly and overweight
>>Most American posters have never left their country and also have an intense dislike for a state or group of states in the U.S.
Spot on.
>>Most americans are el horror de las tinieblas
dios y la virgen maria me salven amen, protejanme del horror de las americas, la creatura salvaje, el ogro LA MUTTACION
From the south and hate the south