Why do they change their names when they move here? Are they that ashamed of their heritage?

Why do they change their names when they move here? Are they that ashamed of their heritage?

Attached: east and south east asia.jpg (1014x1238, 216K)

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who what?

roberts or jhonson is easier to pronounce than xi schuan or hong tong

We change them because wypipo can't pronounce our names so we make it simpler for them by changing it to something they can understand.


but then why am i told to keep my name when i travel to asia? it's impossible for them to say my name

We change them since Chinese is one of the few languages that rely heavily on pitch (eg; Teacher and Old Fashioned an naiive all spund the same in latin alphabet (lao shi). It’s just the tones and writing are different).

Therefore we know non chinks will fuck it up so we adopt white names

wypipo can't pronounce african/arab/muslim/indian/slav names either, but they don't change their names.

It's only something that Chinese and Korean (and maybe Vietnamese?) do because names in Chinese culture are a big thing and given that foreigners are going to mispronunced them anyway they rather just changed it

They want to be Americans

also, most people in the Philippines and Australia and a few in Singapore have actual anglo names as first names.

foreigners are actually encouraged to adopt a Chinese name while in China (I don't know if that also applies to Korea and Vietnam though?)

Lu Wang sounds more american than Marcus Wang t,b.h.

*blocks your path*

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Flips have Spanish names

they have Spanish last names, barely anybody has Spanish first names

They don't just mispronounce it, they abuse it. So it's something less for them to make fun of.

Why are Flips such subhumans

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I think only Maria/María is kind of common but still not really that popular

never change and our names are usually easy to pronounce even for burgers
but other EA/SEAsian people may be Catholic and have Christian names

Probably this.

Only chinks and gooks do it

when i taught english in korea everyone told me to just use my english name

No we dont. Only chinks does this, names like Angeline Tan, Alvin Tan, Michael Wang etc.

can you spell Trần Hưng Đạo without butchering it? there's your answer

A heads up as well, consider something like
>they went to Canada, they'll said they came from Singapore despite theyre malaysian
>they went to Australia, and they will said they came from either singapore or north america
And so on.

For some reason Japanese names are really easy to remember and pronounce? I think its cause they use a lot of vowels.

Why though

that nigga barely understands Japanese

they need to change it to something that's easy to pronounce, it's a bit annoying if they need to correct people all the time when they can just use John or Tom

user, i wish this would go away but it won't. names have become so fucking retarded here.

What's with the stupid Anglo names? I thought you all had nice Spanish names.

its like "english name"

they wanna show you that they are friendly to westerners

even those mainland chinks and gooks do it in business

some even have "japanese name" like anime or prostitute-ish

or just their parents are cucks

why do Asians adopt weird English names like Trevor, Andrew and Charles?

We’re more Americanized

Tfw chinese with greek name

If I ever get Russian citizenship I'm changing my name on my Russian passport. It's just an enormous pain in the ass sometimes. Different alphabet and whatnot. I have two different spellings on two different visas, and my bank spelled my name differently too. And then there's the whole patronymic thing.

Because they're very easy and everyone knows how to spell and pronounce them, is my guess. Meanwhile, Vietnamese that don't Anglicize their surnames are just infuriating. Nguyen or whatever.

Arabs only use a handful of names and all of them are pretty easy. Half of them are named Mohammed or Ahmed and then there’s Soufyiane. Arab females are either Fatima, Yasmine or Sabrina.


Sorry pal but Rome was the literal inspiration for our country, at least in the Founding Fathers' minds

>300 years of Spanish rule
>30 years of American rule
Does this make Americans 10x as efficient?

Attached: logh char laugh.png (960x720, 882K)

>Ni-Kou Changopolous
Not bad, not bad at all

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You actually brought civilization to them after Spanish wrecked it, so yeah.

My name is a variant of Andrianòs actually so not that bad.

I've known a Muhammed Huang once he was unironically british lol

they hate their countries so they moved to america and change their names, that's it.



What an awful meme. We use wh*Te/wh*Toid here.