alri edition
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Vienetta on a stick
had a dream about the high school oneitis last night. she laughed at me for being a virgin so i punched her in her face and then she showed me her tits, but they were proper saggy so i just walked away.
its a shit gimmick bront
alan earns about 40,000 baht a month, thaimong earns about 70,000 baht a monthh
post a limerick about /brit/
What the fuck are you appropriating my culture by naming a dessert after the capital??
remember when brendan rodgers fucked a tranny
my poppy's name is alan
all brits are pasty babies
turns out you're all literal children
might be time for me to move on
The proper Vienettas are one of the greatest ice creams, it's a great tribute
t. west brit
to get tenured you need to at least be an associate professor and according to his CV he was only ever a teaching assistant, my insight into the mind of alan is that he couldn't hack it in real academic countries so pussied out and ran off to some literally who thai uni where they've never even had foreign staff before
his CV hasn't been updated since 2014 so assuming he is a professor of some description now it still doesn't help him because he's already out of the running compared to most of his peers, they've been padding out their publications in nature and science magazine while he's been banging hookers in thailand, sad desu
brain hurty lads
me vs the clingy gf
but patrick... you ARE british
not Irish
There once was a man from Algeria
Who had a bout of hysteria
He moved to Thailand
And transplanted his hair
Now he's a bit of a munter
Welcome to heartbreak
We are all children of God
Luca DESTROYS /brit/ manchildren
one of you mongs even managed to have multiple children
doesn't have that same devoid expression like alri kid does
have great hopes for the 2 germans with whom we'll be sharing a hostel room
he'll still never truly toil and for that he's a winner
i'm 37. makes me feel a bit sick typing that ngl.
There once was a general called /brit/
The posts were unbearably shit
Discussion of wanks,
and pooing and yanks
Entirely devoid of all wit
most reddit flaggers are closing in on 30 so that might need updating
We are special
We are perfect
We were born in the sight of god
what do you call a malteser stripper
hook line and sinker
Boris Johnson is a hero. Brexit means Brexit.
How could you be so heartless?
loook at my name lol
think ive seen this before
aha classic
Don't get it
Jim'll fix it
my quiff's pure lethal and my banter's well naughty
A malteaser
arteta or allegri?
the deano epithet
... Yeah my broom and stuff is in there ... Guess I'm doing this kind of stuff today ... Picture by and of me Timothy James Byrne in my rented flat in High Wycombe Buckinghamshire England today on the 9 May 2018 ..
Do you know everyone in the country?
You probably all went to school together because your island is the size of a tesco extra
the man who saved england
*fixes it*
Love Brian Snail
bros.. sikhs are based bros..
imagine Tim having sex
is he aware of the snail
yeah mate know each of the four hundred thousand maltese personally
*Rorke church choir singing jubilantly*
*grabs assault rifle*
*guns them all down*
*look at camera*
the maltese language is weird
who's erica?
Is madina dungeon still open
it's all just underwhelming and tedious. Feels like life should be more than what it is. I suppose that's exactly what life is actually, and I just grew up on one too many stories. Still can't not be bored by it though. I don't see any point in it.
he unironically has three children which is more than you'll ever produce
The United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Island and Malta.
Were you not born in Ireland?
don't believe the US of A is a real place
what happened to the famous british stiff upper lip you sad cunt
And Gibraltar
Ah yes a/c in my room now smells of pussy for some reason
You micks are paler wtf.
The tarquins lost it
would heem your weak chin in an instant you little runtsect
everything jeremy corbyn says in his speeches/ pmqs is designed perfectly to be cut up in to small video clips that will be shared by arrogant students on social media
alan what's it like working at a thai university are they really weird compared to western ones? do you have to speak thai to teach them? what are your hours like?
i can't believe irish people actually think they're not British
if you suddenly got teleported to a random street in ireland, the literally the only way you'd be able to tell you weren't still in England is the road signs being in metric
stomach is rumbling
can tell the next poo will be utterly rancid
assume so
don't blame him, can't be doing with waiting behind non-whites for services, it's our bloody country, our ancestors built it, their's did fuck all.
It's better and I don't have to do any of those things
Were similar but not the same Nigel
umm already forgot cheddar man sweetie?
might go back to bed
It works, too.
cannot make sense of it
might build a shed
might break into your terrace flat and destroy that tight virgin hole with my fat australian cock
Wtf why do the Brits of all people get the stoic ideals to be symbolic of them
>The ideal of the stiff upper lip is traced back to Ancient Greece – to the Spartans, whose cult of discipline and self-sacrifice was a source of inspiration to the English public school system; and to the Stoics. Stoic ideas were adopted by the Romans, particularly the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, who wrote, "If you are distressed by any external thing, it is not this thing which disturbs you, but your own judgment about it. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgment now."[5] The concept reached England in the 1590s, and featured in the plays of William Shakespeare; his tragic hero Hamlet says, "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so".[1] Poems that feature a memorable evocation of Victorian stoicism and a stiff upper lip include Rudyard Kipling's "If—" and W. E. Henley's "Invictus".[5] The phrase became symbolic of the British people, and particularly of those who were products of the English public school system during the Victorian era. Such schools were heavily influenced by stoicism, and aimed to instill a code of discipline and devotion to duty in their pupils through competitive sports, corporal punishments and cold showers.
Cheddar man is our ancestor not theirs
cutting down to a dyel and still no six pack
every nation does this about everything
being a normie is hard lads
He documents himself so well that psychologists will be able to easily track the development of his mental illness and use it as a case study for to explain the phenomena of being messed about