/lang/ - language learning


>What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Find people to train your language with!

Learning resources:
First and foremost check the Jow Forums wiki (feel free to contribute)
>4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Check pastebin.com/ACEmVqua for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides.

/lang/ is currently short on those image guides, so if you can pitch in to help create one for a given language, don't hesitate to do so!

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
MEGA folder with books for all kinds of languages:

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Other urls found in this thread:


I will kick this thread off, I just started learning Spanish a few days ago.
I am learning it because it is second most useful than English since so many people speak it.

Does anyone have any good resources for learning Spanish or any tips?

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Nice thread. Bumping.

cheers lad, learning any languages or know any languages that you would like to share?

Learning Italian and Swedish

Well, how are you going about it?

Same boat as you (I think), just about to start learning Spanish. Just know English atm.

Currently learning Korean. I started a week ago and it’s been great so far. I don’t know if I should drop it for Russian though, but for now I’ll just keep doing Korean!

I'm new to language learning, all I have used so far is tinycards and Duolingo but hoping to buy Assimil With Ease Spanish or any other tool if one is recommended.

The Korean script is meant to be super easy right?

I recommend that you do this to learn the verbs, Duolingo is very limited, especially for someone that speaks a language where you don't conjugate verbs (except for "to be")

Attached: verbos.png (630x524, 24K)

I plan on using duolingo for the basics to get used to the flow and feel really, then use it as a supplement to a proper resource.

Hi guys, I'm looking for a German language partner since I'll be moving there next year


>try something ambitious with regards to language learning
>it's too difficult and not interesting enough
>realize today I haven't really done any studying in a week

sheeeit. better keep it simple for my peabrain

What were you learning?

What do yous think of not using any particular language course, but instead just consuming media and memorising words with some vocabulary study?
Im thinking about just making myself, read, write and listen to stuff in my target Lang everyday, actively trying to understand them, so Im not just watching shit doing nothing, but taking notes etc. and studying a certian amount of words everyday?

Do you think that would get results?
I think Id rely a lot on flashcards , and there would be a lot of revision and repition.

Sounds excellent.

You're gonna need to study at least some grammar

use duolingo to supplement your vocab, but only once you understand grammatical structures

learning Irish. it's very fucking hard

German. It's not the language but the method I was trying was bad.


I've decided to start learning latin on top of the other 2 languages i've been learning. I'm taking it easy and i have a pretty good knowledge of romance languages already, I like the way it feels so far

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What is your reason for this? Following a course will teach you the same words, just much faster. The problem is that you won't understand anything, and thus not learn anything. Beginners need material for beginners, expect a years study to get the meaning from a random youtube clip (much longer to undertand everything).

Listening to crappy pop songs in spanish to see if i can pick anything up...
>A mí me gustan más grandes
Que no me quepa en la boca
Los besos que quiera darme
Why are sudacas so lewd ?

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Has anyone here tried clozemaster ?

Learning Russian and about to start learning a little Hebrew. I usually try to time language learning with my trips but it would be nice to learn BEFORE I go somewhere for once

My penis constantly betrays my language efforts. How can you focus on a language when you hear someone who looks like Miriam speak Italian/?

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Confusing post. You won't learn a complete language from a course. You are supposed to do all of that at once. This is not an either/or thing.

I'm getting really demotivated. I'm wageslaving away, come home exhausted, then just want to watch a comfy movie or something. I try to watch in my target language but I can't understand anything and it doesn't seem to help learn. I watched an entire series and don't think it helped me at all.

I don't want to give up, but I'm really getting de-motivated. :o(


yeah I learned that the hard way, you can't learn from watching qts it always turns into a fap session or at least a distraction.

periscope i found some qts and was trying to learn from listening to them but then one ended up having a boyfriend (dropped) and the other i would just end up fapping to the idea of holding her head underwater while fucking her in the ass (she was a huge bitch teenager, really wanted to hate fuck her in the best way possible).

Dont just watch a movie, you need to study it.

Get a film you like
Break it down into roughly 10 min segments (a contained parts of the plot in a segment is preferred)
Study each segment learning the words until you can mostly understand the segment
Do the same for the next segment
Continue until you can understand the whole movie

I've tried similar to that but I can understand so little and when I look stuff up I don't learn the grammar. It's like I need a better basis in the structure of the language before I use media, but I'm struggling to get into that.

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please don't tell me that watching movies is your primary tool for learning a language...

Learn the grammar and basics first, then a base of vocab to go with it.

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Well no exactly. So I started with Pimsleur and have done I, II and III. That got so boring I tried Michel Thomas, and I've gone through two of his training programs (Basic and now on whatever the next one is called). I've also done YouTube videos and I go on hispachan and read and translate. That kinda backfired because like I ended up in the fap section and now know a bunch of lewd words and have a latina fetish.

Anyways, I got bored with MT and Pimsleur - both of which I still practice from, and so I tried watching Spanish TV with subtitles. It's still way above my head.

I want to get a tutor at some point. I donno what to do. Spanish people are so helpful is the nice thing, anyone I speak some Spanish to goes out of their way to help me. It's a very friendly language. I'm just too stupid.

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Oh I almost forgot, I also use Quizlet to do space repetition but that is boring too. I'm fairly good about trucking along with it anyways.

Then get a tutor! This will (hopefully) make you study continuously. The number one reason people get nowhere with languages is because they acutually don't study. It takes a lot of focused work

I just feel like when I do study I don't make much progress. Work is crazy now which isn't helping, but I DO study. Just, it ends up being 15minutes to a half hour a day and that isn't enough I guess.

Maybe true for non-autistic plebians. For autistic geniuses like me it's rather an obstacle.

This is correct. Spend lots of time. Optimally while student or NEET or unemployed.

>learning Russian
>start adding case declensions to words in Spanish
Russian is taking over my native language D:

Is it not sticking? Just drill the basics til you know it without looking in your papers. Repetion is the mother of learning. How much of this do you know? learnthesewordsfirst.com/

Declension is just a superior system, you're improving Spanish in every way.

you won't survive unless you finish swedewhoreson.

I just wish it was more fun. I'm doing it as much because it is useful to me as it is that I want to learn it, which isn't helping. I moved to Miami and everyone speaks it here, and I want to build a house in the next few years so want to be able to communicate directly with workers and all that.

Yeah, it just isn't sticking. Or it kinda sticks for Quizlet or a flashcard but when I go to try to speak I can't use it.

Often I'll be catching onto a concept and then when I move to learn the next thing that takes so much time I don't have time to review enough and I lose what I learned before. That's a common problem I have too.

> How much of this do you know? learnthesewordsfirst.com/
Ballpark like 80% of the first 12 lessons. Ballpark. Where Spanish gets confusing isn't the words it's the tenses. Vocab is fairly easy.

don't "wish". you need to Decide it's fun.

Hopefully it won't affect much with Polish

Yeah yeah and here we go with nightly dosis of "think of yo mommy". What if I told you I realize it's all a fucking LIE?

It's good. but use text input instead of multiple choice otherwise you will just recognise the word and won't be able to use it properly. Also don't use Clozemaster if you're not at least Upper A1

I was just hoping to find a way that is more enjoyable. I'm hoping to get good enough where watching TV and talking to people will help me, but right now it seems like all I can do is just drudge through spaced repetition and boring audio lessons.

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>ah so he likes dutchies. let's make him angry at some of them.

it's not my fault your dad got a spanish whoredaughter.

I don't know what you mean but I wish I had a latina gf and not in a tfwnogf kinda way but more in a "be cool to learn with a friend" sorta way.

yeah right, try better martin.

Then you have a decent base I think. Try a online tutor, maybe it's what will make you take the step to the next level.

i genuinley have no idea what you're implying

You're planning to learn that one too?
Most likely it'll be a non-issue, declension should become very intuitive in other Slav languages once you get the hang of it in one of them.

stop sending me breeder whores, ok? or else i will not visit my parents this summer.

wtf. Who says that?

I'll keep truckin', thanks user

>Actually going somewhere
What kind of sorcery is this?

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Can't you just read piles of children stories? They're always very easy and still more entertaining than yet another "Hello classmate, what are you doing tonight?" dialogue from a textbook.

I'd love to! I tried to find some anime and came up short there, I looked for spanish childrens cartoons and didn't have much luck on trackers (but I also struggled to find names of them), books I need to check on book trackers to see if there are any childrens books.

seriously even better are childrens songs


will get very intinuitive as you are nearing 25-30.

I mean getting confused between declensions for the same case/gender

That's a good idea too

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Here is a Kot for you murryfriend.


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I use wlingua, Spanishdict, /lat/, YouTube (I watch big youtubers with Spanish captions) and a book "easy Spanish for beginners". I feel like I make progress each week. Also Spanish music, but I don't think that helps too much

Wlingua is really good, but you need to subscribe to continue to get the best of it unfortunately.

I need some advice, /lang/tists.

I've been studying my target language for a while now, and for vocab drilling I was using a memerise course. But now, after having accumulated a few thousand words in that course, I'm really just sick and tired of memerise's bullshit. I realize in hindsight that I should have just created my own Anki deck from the start, but it's too late now (the idea of transferring thousands of words which I've already learned to a new Anki deck is simply soul-crushing). So now I'm in this sort of limbo where I no longer have any daily learning/reviews to do (I've been in this state for roughly a week now), which is surely bad for language learning. Anybody have any advice on what to do in this situation? Keep in mind that I'm a wageslave who doesn't have that much time to dedicate to language-learning, generally I cannot afford more than an hour a day.

I was thinking maybe I should start completing sentences with Tatoeba. I might lose some of the vocab I had learned, but it should still keep me at a decent level vocab-wise. Or maybe just start "real" applications, e.g. reading children's stories?

duolingo is definitely good enough for a free source.

i'd love to cum in her boca if you know what i mean :^)

bad advice. instead use duolingo to learn grammatics and then other sources for vocab.

Thanks user. Have you tried Readlang? I just started using that for website translations and it has been pretty good. I'm going to try your suggestions, thank you.

Fuck i am so close at subscribing ,i thought i could finish A1 with the free stars but didnt even made it to the middle

Oh and what Spanish YouTubers do you recommend for a beginner?

I don't know how you hating czech whores that work in the Netherlands has anything to do with clozemaster at all

for example there are lots of websites for TV programmes these days, maybe you will register and then you can get many hours of listening to your language. or VPN to national tv stations (obv.)

i am talking about the annoying american women you are sending after me, retard.

I can see the electrical ameriplug all over from here, lol.

omg seems i got spooked now, didn't I? Lol.

Never heard of it. I just woke up so I'll give it a go on the train to work.

It's so fucking powerful mate. I've ended up subscribing.

Hate to admit it but PewDiePie. I only started watching him at the start of the year, he's pretty funny now. Plus he's so popular someone always translates his videos to have Spanish subtitles. Only the big youtubers have people that translates their videos for them unfortunately.
I don't watch any Spanish speaking youtubers yet but I'm downloading El Chavo Del Ocho (Mexican sitcom) to watch.

I was going to do it because its a pain in the fucking arse to find decent courses, so I thought Id cut out the hassle and do it myself. But I completely see where you are coming from, your right thank you.

duolingo is decent and english is the default language with most compatibility with other languages so you really don't have any excuse.

>really dont have an excuse
Im not trying to make excuses, I was going to go the more difficult way and study independtly.
Duolingo is alright but its not good enough to structure your entire learning around, thankyou for the suggestion though, and I cant afford actual courses and cant torrent for my life.

Still have no idea that the hell you're talking about

maybe you don't but I know fer shure that the ones who do are reading this.

So this is what being insecure about your country looks like,

if you have any affinity at all for learning stuff, then its good enough to get started. then the rest you can get from other sources.

Hah, I am not insecure about my country. I have very clear opinions about my home country. I am a westerner in exile.

a westener in exile, this might be bait, but what do you mean?

But it isn't bait. You saw me on the metro, mr grumpy fancy toes.

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Is this new duolingo update any good?

yep its great. it outs all of their silly hypotheses about you lol.

start with the greeks they said

What do you need? If you're on steam I can answer dumbfuck questions whenever, already doing that for some people

Is it okay to be learning a language just because it is popular?
I am learning Spanish because it is more spoken than English and could open some doors, but I am passionate about Italian and Italy and would love to learn Italian one day, but it just doesn't have many speakers so wont open much.

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I'm not 12 years old for one

νε τι

It is ok, but really difficult and its unlikely to happen. Italy has a high population, decent relevancy and if it interests you you might actually learn it. Whereas Spanish, well youll probably just drop it, eventually.