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why are they so stupid
>urka durka durka why won't you pay us not to become a rogue nuclear state allah snackbar
You paid Israel for it to become rogue nuclear state though.
Israel isn't an Islamofascist theocracy?
Because they know Trump will back down just like in Syria and North Korea while still claiming victory.
That kind of state - you support them too - is called Saudi Arabia.
Judeofascist theocracy then
Israel are the good guys of the middle east. They're the only nation there that isn't an Islamic shithole and they actually value democracy. Plus, the btfo sandnigger terrorist on a daily basis
But they win nothing from this. No matter what Trump does, this just puts them in a bad light.
Conman is always conman
Saudi Arabia doesn't have nuclear weapons
no, not really
>Israel are the good guys of the middle east. They're the only nation there that isn't an Islamic shithole and they actually value democracy. Plus, the btfo sandnigger terrorist on a daily basis
They are the people in the power, they will lose credibility if they don't act like they have a strong grip in this situation.
it does,they funded the whole pakistani nuclear program.
i would think they would atleast get themselves a few missiles, no ?
>their whole culture and religion in stake
>they will win nothing from this!
money isn't everything m8
are these ideologues the majority?
drumpo sucks but i think people are getting sick of these shitshows, except for amerimutts
>it does
no, it doesn't
die kike
Saudi Arabia makes shit and genocide with no nuclear weapon, you are right.
And you love them. Hypocrites.
would you fund a billion dollar nuclear program if you wouldnt gain shit ?
that's nice but we were talking about nuclear weapons and specifically Iran
Israel is about as much of a democracy as Saudi Arabia is.
Explain how fueling a fire protects their culture and religion?
>they will lose credibility if they don't act like they have a strong grip in this situation.
Do they think appear strong by doing this? Flag burning is just a petty insult by people without power to actually do anything.
Aren't we talking about them because "they support terrorism" and such?
sure thing buddy
based mossad agent
>Saudi Arabia doesn't have nuclear weapons
Yet. Didn't they state today, that if Iran continues to build nuclear weapons, they start their own program? Isn't escalating the situation FUN?
Based cuckposter
>Do they think appear strong by doing this? Flag burning is just a petty insult by people without power to actually do anything.
You say that, but the important thing is what their people say.
Nope. We are talking about US politics that is hypocrite, lies after lies, and never were honest.
>Trump will back down just like in Syria
He said we were only fighting ISIS and then destroyed 1/4 of Syrian airforce and their chemical weapons facilities. How is that backing down?
>Explain how fueling a fire protects their culture and religion?
Quite simple. The conservative groups in question gain more power when their "DEATH TO AMERICA" -policy is in vogue.
>Because they know Trump will back down just like in Syria and North Korea
Holy fucking what?
Neither does Iran
There were medical shops destroyed, no chemical weapon facility.
Why did you post that pic? How is it relevant to the discussion?
>it does,they funded the whole pakistani nuclear program.
>i would think they would atleast get themselves a few missiles, no ?
It doesn't but if Iran gets one they basically will immediately get them from Pakistan.
He's right.
With north Korea you will get the same shitshow PR and no substance.
>Yet. Didn't they state today, that if Iran continues to build nuclear weapons, they start their own program? Isn't escalating the situation FUN?
Turkey probably will as well. Iran is the country escalating things. If they don't have nukes then the others won't obtain them.
No he isn't
He's got $380 mln bonus for nothing recently. Trump style.
>There were medical shops destroyed, no chemical weapon facility.
Yes Israel is a horrible theocracy where you can be an atheist or a believer of any religion freely
Right again, we are so facist we literally let 20% of our arabic population (mostly muslims) to hold citizenship, to vote, to be parliament members and shout "Israel must dissapear" in the knesset with nothing bad or illegal in it.
We are literally a sweden tier fascist country and I hate it
I'd prefer some more substantial instead, if you wanna make an argument about chem weapon facility. Well, idk, Nikki Haley photo with some brave right hand up maybe.
>We are literally a sweden tier fascist country and I hate it
Sure you are. youtube.com
He might be redpilled about muslims but the situatuion is still not good.
good goy
dios mio....
dios mio...
VERY good goy
All I know is that Euros on r*ddit are absolutely seething about this. That makes it a good move in my book.
Not all Euros though, some still know their shit.
being this much of a good goy, baka