If you're not all in on Vechain you'll never make it.
If you're not all in on Vechain you'll never make it
true dat bro
Id rather be poor than buy a dirty chink scamcoin
Seriously debating selling of my 16.5k ven stack to go all-in on link. have 41k, could have 180k
VEN a wanterbean wooly cone! Chinks scams!
hehehe looks like i will make it
The only reason I'm not all-in is so that I can profit off other coins and funnel that in to more VET.
Which rumor was true though?
>Trusting the Chinese.
Nigga must be a retard.
I’ve seen some dumb shit posted on this board but this might be the dumbest ive ever seen
that you are a massive faggot.
I'm not a faggot. I'm just gay. Fuck off.
If you’re all in vechain you guaranteed to never make it
that just makes you a gay faggot. coz you are definitely a fucken massive faggot.
I'm not a faggot, faggot.
that's something a faggot would say faggot.
We shall see ;)
you're just mean salty loser
i hate you
x node bros where you at?
The dumbest
16.6k x node here. Will I make it????
>supply chain
gets beaten by ibm, maersk, hyperledger on private chains.
people won't care that much to look up their products on public chains.
>ecosystem for dApps
people will use the superior one, Ethereum (network effect) and they have big scaling developments coming up
>automobile manufacturers
the partnerships are still very low-key, not much of an importance. this is probably the best thing they got going though
>healthcare data vending
Good idea but chainlink & smart contracts would beat this
>jim breyer
He can be wrong.
>China government cooperartion
You're deluded
>CCK, "great marketing team"
In my opinion this isn't good for a project
Look up their competition. Like Maersk. While it is a good partnership, it isn't as big as they make it out to be.
>smart cities
Good project.
>x-node system
i don't like how they are essentially forcing you to hold while giving no information about the passive income
>well thought out token economy
it actually seems to me that they want to keep the vethor price low and stable, not something i am looking for in an investment (low roi)
Valid arguments, but I think there is a lot of money to be made over the next few years before a real winner is crowned. BTC remains king in almost every scenario so I still take profits to BTC for now.
Oh what about the non existant white paper 'this is not a white paper, it just isn't' um, ffs if they are going to be that casual with the white paper, how casual are they going to be with the project. stay poor
Thanks for adding nothing of value to the discussion
I believe in long term. VeChain is best. I buy now
>biggest bull pennant I've ever seen
literally firing off any minute now desu
that is a nice bull pennant, pretty interesting.
nice loss faggot
desperate bagholders
holy shit breyers capital just dropped vechain off their site something big is happen sell now
Kek thanks for looking out for us faggot
I'll keep saying it
VEN has classic examples of it -- get out while you can
>he’s trying to fud on a cantonese lolli forum
> he missed the dip
>will be a bag holder until it drops to zero
>he thinks “the Midas touch” investor Jim Breyer is bagholding kek
thinks Jim Breyer is holding long term
Course he is
He says his crypto investments are 5/7 years minimum
thundernode ready to become super rich. Have other coins that will do well so never all but it is my biggest holding