>go to college user that's how you'll get a good job :^)
>to many people looking for college trained positions
>look at trades
>jobs all over the place
>everybody's old
>nobody to replace them
>no debt
>no 4 years learning fluff
>apprenticeships usually pay
>can work anywhere
Why haven't you gone into a trade user?
>hurr durr you'll die at 50
learn a trade that doesnt kill your body like locksmithing
>hurr durr robots
we're not at the level of automation necessary to make tradesmen obsolete yet and if you're not a dumbass you should be able to make enough money to combat that when it happens
face it, Trades > College now
anyone telling you to go to college is a faggot
Go to college user that's how you'll get a good job :^)
somebodys mad about not having math in his education
>he thinks college level math is necessary
everything you need to learn in math for the real world you learn in high school
Obviously learning a trade is where it's at, but like locksmithing, what are some other examples of trades that won't destroy your body?
Because millennials+ are fucking pussies and don't want to get into trades.
They'd rather sit at a desk, do fuck all and get paid for it.
I'd assume woodworking isn't too hard on you, unless you chop something off
Problem is, not many of those around vs the number looking and inevitably they get replaced by software.
Software can’t write software.... yet
I've seen a lot of tradesman do the same thing in manufacturing plants lol. Literally kick back and go to sleep
>Software can’t write software.... yet
Technically we already have software that generate code after being fed the expected parameters and results. It's just dreadfully slow doing anything useful.
You can learn undergrad math from wikipedia and libgen.
Trades are okay, but if you want 2 days off a week you're gonna need to finish a degree probably. I would know
Trade is fine if all you want to be is mediocre. If you are aiming for low tier peasant life then yeah, college is a waste of time.
>muh low tier peasant life
>muh college degree fields
look at every household business name right now and say how many of them went to college
Bullshit. I get weekends off as an apprentice.
I'd assume it depends on the field
This is shaping up to be another very juicy COPE thread where those not smart enough to go into the chad degrees like engineering, applied sciences and finance all circle jerk about how its not so bad to dig ditches for a living. Dont worry guys i need people to maintain my lawn and do little odd jobs around my house while im making a real living doing a job people are impressed by lmao
> he pays 6 figures to "learn" math
>digging ditches
nowhere near the same thing
at least if you're going to college for engineering it's worth it but a lot of people go for fucking B.A.s in stupid shit that wont get them anywhere and are pretty much on the same level as a smart tradesman
>tfw 23 yo trade scum
Went to hvac trade school then dabbed In that before realizing it was shit got a comfy job with the city before a boomer got me fired now I'm a comfy heavy equip operator. It's a comfy life
Imagine dying and at the end of your life the thing you can look back on that you did, the thing that you spent your chance on this earth doing, was putting locks on peoples front doors and helping them get into their house when they locked themselves out. A life well lived lmao. Ditch diggers, painters, locksmiths, its all the same. Youre the worker ants that mean nothing in the bigger picture
>everybody's old
>nobody to replace them
I have a plan, we kill the boomer.
Who gives a shit? The only significance you attribute to this is completely subjective.
>t. someone who lives a meaningless life that revolves around making enough money to survive
what is a trade union
>implying I want a big contribution
99.99% of people will contribute nothing of note in the big picture you dink
I accept that and will live the way I want
>implying the average person who doesn't go to college is in the same tier as CEOs who dropped out of ivy league schools.
not everyone can be nikola tesla. the best thing you can be is to be helpful and do good, live an honorable life. no one gives a shit about the wolf of wall street because he scammed people and was a kyke in general to everyone. meanwhile some random tradie who died today is loved and remembered by his friends and family.
Sad. You've given up on having any bigger aspirations for your one chance to be alive. Whats it feel like to have accepted youre only ever going to be a meager wage slave
>he'd rather chase a dumb aspiration that most likely will never happen than just accept it and live a quiet happy life
you will die alone
I own my own company and have more money than 99% of people my age. Im living my aspiration and well on the way to reaching my final goal. Youre settling for being a lowly peasant that does meaningless jobs for other people and lies to himself saying its a ''happy quiet life''
>implying tradesmen don't own their own businesses
are you stupid?
>projecting this hard
Those big wallstreet guys and millionaires are all sad and lonely!! its not possible people are fulfilled in their relationships AND have a succesfful career because that would mean they have more than me!! aha nah cant be they just have all the success! ive got the relationships and happiness!! im the real winner guys!!
Just because you work for yourself doesnt mean you own a business. Earning 100k a year laying bricks with maybe 1 other guy with you doesnt constitute being a business owner lmao
Yes it can
Lies my dad is in trades he get weekend off unless sweet overtime
drive around and look at some random store with an odd name
that's probably a tradesman with his own business
I guess we have different concepts of what owning a business is. That guy makes less money than employs at any middle sized company. Id consider it more like a hobby. Whats the point of having some little 1 man shop if you make fuck all money and it takes up all your time. Owning a company is supposed to be financial freedom
are you stupid?
where do you think a lot of businesses start?
do you think someone just majors in something and then HERP DERP MILLIONAIRE?
My tuition was $12k a year at a high-tier state school. Nice meme.
my grandfather busted his ass in a field from sunup to sunset and lived until 92 as a farmer, it being hard work is literally not an excuse
>m-muh delicate body!
good for him
some bodies cant handle that
>Imagine thinking there is a meaningful profession other than surgeon.
>muh I helped design the pillars of a factory that produces concrete to build bridges and hospitals
>Using this reason to justify getting a degree that doesn't make him take math classes
50k instead of 100k .Ok, you already paid for it. Honestly, do you think the cost was worth what you got. Thats the entire point.
a degree with a lot of math is fine
most careers you don't need math beyond algebra
I paid 7k a year to go to one of the best universities in the world m8, you got ripped the fuck off
Surgeon is the worst grade of wagecuck.
Slave away your entire life to sew up niggers, Miss out on the family, get cucked later on.
t. Doc, but thankfully not a surgeon
If you were worth a shit at math you finished your college level math in hs
>Genuinely thinks people creating new technology that will be used by billions, people creating new ways to harness power and fuel to world, people finding cures for diseases is the same as laboring or working in a factory
Yep you got it man youve worked it all out. Your minimum wage job is the exact same, youre a winner. Is that what you want to hear lmao?
"Six figures" implies $100k a year, and we both know that's what you originally meant. I paid 1/8 that.
Because I'd rather have a cush job in finance where I can dress nice and not smell like shit and work with hotties and not gross fucking sweaty tradesman and felons all day and I can have sweet hours and nice vacations and go hiking and to the gym instead of being so fucking beat all I can do is crack a beer open every night
well you don't even know the difference between to / too / two. So..
Yep, you clearly didn't have math in your education if that's what you think.
No I was just shitposting but I do believe that not everyone has the IQ, ressources and interest to do pursue a career in the STEM field. On average engineers have IQs nearing the 125 which is barely 10% of the population. I genuinely believe that STEM jobs require IQs higher and higher and that new generations cannot and will not be able to keep up eventually.
I wanted to be a general surgeon for this exact reason. I felt that every day I would see something new.
tell me how half of college majors would use anything more than algebra
Even humanities majors like psych, econ, and polsci are using math these days FFS. The only people that don't use math are english lit majors.
Degrees that don't require math don't have the classes. However, when looking at a lawyers profile, it is considered an advantage to have some form of physics education as it develops the type of thinking used in court.
>are using math now
are they really or are they just getting a program and plugging in numbers?
I surely meant 100k per annum, you retard.
Six figures to learn math, not six figures per year to learn math, It is pretty clear to anyone who is not a IQ90 faggot.
Oh No! Rakeem is at the grocery store and wants to buy 57 grapefruits and the amount of sausage he wants in pounds is exactly equal to the cotangent of the derivative of the grapefruits times the amount of watermelons squared he needs for son's birthday tomorrow. Unfortunately he only has 400 dollars to spend and wants to get the best value for his money, whatever shall he do?
I got to go to one of the best universities in America for free because I'm a dreamer.
You got ripped off.
Check em
Judging by your ID you've brought the Brazilian aids with you too
That's why you have useful hobbies you nigger
Watch out! We have an internet badass here.
Fire Protection Installer (sprinkler fitter) here,
I can make around 90-120k a year with pension and great benefits. It's by no means easy though, so try it out and see if you like it.
Also important to realize that different trades get paid differently depending where you live. Elevator guys generally make good coin everywhere though.
Check out different unions and talk to them if you're interested in getting an apprenticeship.
we dont need office jobs, its a load of workfare for college debt babies
the only real work is in the trades and that shit is getting automated
face it late stage capitalism is just a big workfare program
Is this post some kind of post-irony?
If you study CS, engineering, economics, physics etc. then the math goes far beyond high school level.
yeah STEM needs math
plenty of college degrees arent STEM and dont reallyh require math
I would, but I've already disappointed my parents enough
Ah ok I guess I misunderstood your first comment. I agree that you learn all the math you need to live a normal life in high school. But there are a lot of things you can't do with just high school level math.
But that applies to literally every single thing right now. The only guy who is free of this argument is the guy working on inventing AI which will then render everything else as useless and all effort wasted by humanity so far as pointless
What exactly is "the bigger picture"?