How did you know Jow Forums?

How did you know Jow Forums?

I knew Jow Forums as I think most francophones on here through jeuxvidé, a francophone forum specialized in video games.

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From Anthony Fantano videos, leading to /mu/.

i've been here since 2003

Been here since 2012. Damn... hard to believe I was cancer then but now I'm just a newfag after 6 years.

2016 here. >:)

World of warcraft brought me here. Wow wasted my life in more than 1 way apparently

When I was in high school, some friends showed it to me. This was in 2004. These friends liked anime and World of Warcraft. I never really got obsessed with anime, but WoW and Jow Forums... these things have stolen more hours from me than anything else in my life.

2009-2010 Newgrounds
sure miss those days

Back in 2010, some Marxists in my uni back when I was doing my Masters at france made me discover /lit/, I've been there ever since, it was and still the comfiest board in the website aside from the election newfags posting political bait thread from time to time

Oh no. The new generation will be indians... atleast the summer kids were trying to be funny.


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eh i just had aol when i was way too young and moot used to post on the same board i did

I'm on my phone. What's your country?


I knew about it after finding out most of those old memes like rage comics and advice animals came from there.

wach li ki mchi lfrança ki rja3 lmaghrib, wach men niytek a sat ma dabartich 3la chi gawriya

I got to know Jow Forums thanks to weeaboo mic spam servers in TF2 back in 2010.

r/thedonald we get our memes from here

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Unironically because of Anonymous hacker group like 8-10 years ago don't remember when exactly

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does 2013 fag count as cancer
i just bored and discovering english discussion board at that time

Nah you're old now.

Don't remember. But I certainly didn't come from JVC.

Some faggot was spamming 4 chan in one mmo forum i frequently visited, like it was the coolest thing back in 2006-7

Funny. I was aware of this place since '09. But I was certain I could never go so low as to start coming here. That was until I graduated from school.

Pony thread simulator from youtube

2008, was browsing a site called shitbricks or something like that. Ended up on encyclopedia dramatica and then Jow Forums.

Learning about Chris-chan in '07 brought me here
t. Every American ever

Been here since 2006, back when I played FFXI there was a Linkshell (guild) forum which had you laugh you lose threads, occasionally people would comment that they were just reposts from Jow Forums which led to me going to the funny image source.

I was linked here from the comments section of a hentai game on Newgrounds in 2008ish.

someone from school told me about it.


I discovered it in 2008 while lurking in anime forums looking for compressed mp4's of Lucky Star, someone posted a link to /a/ and I thought it was a shitty designed image board.

Then in 2013 I came back while looking for FLAC Japanese albums, someone in baka bt commented about /t/ and ended up lurking /b/, /jp/, /mu/, /a/ and /mlp/.

Nowadays I'm grateful about knowing Jow Forums


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Reddit, unironically.

Dont know when, I've known about Jow Forums for ages but never used it much for some forgotten reason, began going here more often a few years back.

encyclopedia dramatica leaded me here in 2016

I heard of it in 2012 from 9gag. But I didn't even click on any of the boards. Then I came back in 2017. By then the website had had its second coming with the public at large thanks to the american election.

>How did you know Jow Forums?

found it on wikipedia

Pareil, à l'époque du 15-18