What is your favorite region of America?

What is your favorite region of America?

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New England sounds romantic

>southern midwest
>actually on the east

uhhhh... Texas?
I don't know what most of these mean

Pacific Northwest

Central Finland is considered Northern Finland

New England > Rural Midwest > Rocky Mountains > Pacific Northwest

Rockies, rural midwest and the southwest obviously

pacific northwest and new england

what would you know about finland? i dont even consider northern ostrobothnia 'the north'

Bay area
New england
Great basin
The Midwest

Soutern California


This. Midwest is populated by Stepford wives type of people. Creepy aggressively conformist drones who smile all the time.

probably new england

retarded map

Where the scandis settled

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Appalachia. Despite being filled with crackheads, rednecks, and retards the area is beautiful.

It is also the part were most of the Rust belt happened

Unusual flag friendo
Great Basin except there's no humidity.
You don't realize how much you miss it till it's gone. It's insanely beautiful there tho

Rural midwest.

New England, Rural Midwest, Rockies

Best: Mid-Atlantic
Worst: Mid-west and Rural-midwest. Literally definition of white-trash.

Attached: midwestflyoversloveit.jpg (835x560, 284K)

Everything west of the original 13 Colonies is considered "west"
The Midwest used to be called the Old West, since it was the western half of the country during the early 1800s before we bought Louisiana and took land from the Mexicans

Thr Midwest becuase that's where I live

Oh, subtract NJ from mid-atlantic. Pretty much everything around NJ

Should Denver be part of the Midwest? I know they would be separated geographically, but they’re definitly not rural, nor do they fit very well culturally with the rest of the Rockies.

Midwest is full of niggers or its just Detroit?

New England
>some of the whitest states in the nation
>good economies
>near the water
>not fat like midwesterners
>low crime

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>muh huwhiteness
Kill yourself.

El Goblino detected
Shoo shoo, no genetics for you to steal here Mr. 56%

>hurr why are Americans so obsessed with race
>heh the only good parts of America are the white parts xD

Are you sure you intended to respond to me, because you're bringing up random things friendo.
You feeling ok cobber?

Detroit, Chiraq and Saint Louis are full of niggers. They are the cities with the highest rate of niggers after the cities of the South and Houston.

I'd like to visit the midwest. It looks comfy as fuck from movies and tv shows. I also like midwest emo

That's also that state with the most Somalis

I forgot Baltimore and DC which have many niggers too.


what's retarded about it?

nyc > souther california > bay area > pacific northwest > hawaii > anything else not mentioned > southwest > south > midwest > appalachia

>7 regions just in california
Is this what commiefornians actually believe?

Maybe Alaska, or the "Rocky Mountais", I don't know.

The rural areas of the United States seems to be very comfy. I wish I could live there, in the middle of nowhere.

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Best grills are in rural midwest in case you were wondering


Pacific Northwest and Midwest (Rural Midwest too)