Your country must import 1 million people from one of these. Which one do you take?

Your country must import 1 million people from one of these. Which one do you take?

Attached: bgrs.png (270x325, 33K)

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b*lgarians are worse than turks

S*Rbia obviously

Already tried it with Serbs.


I like them both, but Bulgaria is more racist and misogynist.
So Bulgaria.

Bulgarians speak funny so I choose them, I'd like to have to some good laughs in my life dbi

literal nigger
mongol arab
rectangular head

What's the difference anyway?

Attached: 1502713170522.jpg (960x960, 75K)


Serbia, Why?

>good conservative people of God
>follow superior religious morality
>do not give in to the degeneracy that is the West, feminism, hate kikes

>niggas and women representing them
>but Bulgaria is more racist and misogynist.

Attached: 1509646947990.gif (400x206, 3.34M)

>bugar shit determining whiteness
The absolute irony

wrong, they are turks

Serbs because Bulgarshits are our ennemies, they were allies with the G*rmans during the world war and haven't been sanctioned for that because they are irrelevant, while Turkey lost its empire.

srvia of course bcause they r d based kebab removers xddd

Attached: 1496855978588.png (711x197, 67K)

>turk rapebaby in charge of determining who is white and who is not

all our prostitutes are from Bulgaria anyway so I'd say Bulgaria

t. jamal de maroc

we have turkish loanwords, you have (are) literal turks lmao
>As of 2011 there are 588,318 Bulgarians of Turkish descent, roughly 8.8% of the population,[11] making them the country's largest ethnic minority

Hello, Arne Jensen speaking, disregard the flag, I am from Denmark but currently in Sunny Beach. Though my objectiveness makes it hard for me to make a quick decision, which at the same time is balanced and well through thought, I am going with Bulgarians.


Attached: 370531584.jpg (576x360, 31K)

>Bulgarians speak funny
From my perspective, you're the ones speaking funny. You speak Bulgarian with a lisp, and that's actually really cute and makes me wish I had a macedon bf.
We were on Germany's side in both world wars, FYI. And we got royally fucked after the first one.

Attached: 1460884536779.jpg (650x550, 98K)

LMAO maybe because your Turks just seceded and made an own state 20 years ago you soyboy piece of shit

we have a turkish minority, while ethnic serves are turks

this was a fun animeme

It was incredibly fun. Not sure if I would've enjoyed it that much if I didn't watch it together with /a/ and fooled around with Photoshop, though.

We can always be together and laugh at eachother's dialects you know

Attached: 1514312778360.jpg (165x148, 9K)

Serbia. Fuck turkgarians, they're smell like sweaty turkish asses.

Serbia of course lmaooo how is this even a question?

T-that would be nice!

get lost, blyad, go get bullied by a chechen

cCc i am 100% turko-pomak gypsy cCc


Attached: 1511464622151.png (658x285, 111K)

You sure know how turkish ass tastes like you mongolian subhuman

Attached: download.jpg (324x155, 11K)

probably not,the whole point was to shitpost in those generals and make those ebin compilation pictures

Attached: 1462054417901.jpg (590x720, 73K)

calm down shitskin

Attached: 116-680x380.jpg (680x380, 64K)

>mongols in charge of whiteness

Attached: a85d8eaa-743f-439c-9ed4-2e20740837bb.jpg (700x441, 128K)

here you ho bby jus 4 u

Can we take Macedonians?

bulgaria, they seem more civilized

I dunno.
What the difference?

>turks who roleplay as orthodox christians
>turks who roleplay as orthodox christians

tough decisions

Attached: burglar and serf.png (459x360, 13K)

Attached: me in a pool.jpg (547x300, 17K)

do I even have to answer?

Зaчeм бpaтyшeк-cepбoв ocкopбляeшь? Oни никaкoгo oтнoшeния к чepнoжoпым бoлгapaм нe имeют

Хaйдe хopa кaтo зa пocлeднo

>nema ni 100Kg

Attached: 1517606635942.jpg (690x460, 62K)

we already do take in g*psies from your country

чтo тe чтo эти pycoфилы c oгpoмными нocaми, тёмнoй кoжeй и cyпep чёpными вoлocaми
пocтpoй в pяд 2 cepбoв, 2 бoлгap и 4 aзepoв - хyй paзбepёшьcя, ктo тaм ктo
нy и дpoч нa cвятyю paшкy зaщитницy зeмли пpaвocлaвнoй этo тaкoe, cлaвянaм нyжнo вooбщe peлигию зaпpeтить, чтoбы пoyмнeли

Serbians everytime

Bulgarians are so fucking retarded. Muh cyrillic alphabet wtf french people dont know the history of glorious bulgaria grr grr

>Muh cyrillic alphabet
>Freanch education
Serbs use cyrillic too

bulgarians are bros

they don't really use it, except they want to lick Russian asses or just in official documents

calm your tits Rechep and Abdul


>Bulgarshits are our ennemies
and pounded your bagette boipiccies pretty good in every WW


Bulgarians wouldn't even beat Serbia, you have never won any war against Serbs, literally never

Bulgaria is way better than serbia

he's literally gonna take this b8

you're stupid

it's true, Serbs are better than Bulgarians at literally everything except for sucking cocks

Both are shit to be honest just keep your nationalists away from macedonia

И? У нac и тaк в Гeйpoпкe coюзникoв нe ocтaлocь, нaхyя ты paзжигaeшь?

Poland good in sucking cocks too

I'm a Croat

as different as a syrian to a Egyptian

>use bulgarian alphavet to lick russian asses
based polak larping as croatian larping as serbian larping as yugoslavian retard

i rather waste my (You) to you, friend-o

real Bulgarian alphabet is pic related

Cyril and Methodius were Serbs.

Attached: 800px-Bilge_Khagan_inscription_lines_36-40_in_original_Old_Turkic_script.svg.png (800x1343, 128K)

I take half of both

Attached: Bulgaria.jpg (999x562, 393K)

Dunno what is it

Hes the worst poster to be honest
There are no words to describe his retardness

t. butthurt Tatar

Attached: 62f98358affdfe279a0a1ad8cbfcfd92.jpg (850x478, 299K)

Nope actually im a macedonian and i dont like bulgarians
But serbs are shit as well

i know, right?
when Ikibey arrived i thought no one could use a less effortless shitposts, then this idiot arrived with gaping asshole, pulling whatever he can grab from it

500,000 from each


no question

Lot of serbs here already so I'll say Bulgaria

>I'm Macedonian

You wouldn't exist without Serbs then. They literally created your nation.

what makes you think so, mon cheri?
*ships gypsies instead*

Attached: heh.png (500x500, 34K)


Serbia obviously. Turkgarians are not welcome here, we're full of churkas.

very accurate depiction

we are thracian

Which one is whiter?

Serbia because their skin color is very similar and i want to fuck serbian girls

Nope you are stupid and uneducated serbs did nothing

Vmro and macedonian regional identity is what created macedonia also tito who was a croat with the help of macedonian commies


Attached: Bulgarian Girl Lukov March.jpg (2048x1152, 225K)

this is your average Bulgarian

Attached: $(KGrHqJ,!qoFDkmU81m,BRH8Hk(mbg~~60_57.jpg (663x1159, 122K)

Looks like he could be my cousin

>bulgarian girl
>looks manlier than me

Very good thread, but surpsingly little butthurt

>*ships gypsies instead*
No I only asked for 500,000 Bulgarians

>surpsingly little butthurt
what are you talking about, serb buttholes are fuming?