Will Spain back Macron and his European reforms?

will Spain back Macron and his European reforms?

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who cares about the opinion of Spain

I don't see why not, their government is fairly pro-EU afaik
The real question is, will Germany? Will Italy?

spain is a fairly large country which could fill the void left by italy in the case it adopts a populist government
germany will back france whenever it suits them. they have the upper hand, because macron needs their help for reforms and the current government is content with the status quo
italy is still unclear

>italy is still unclear
Let's see if we'll actually have a government tomorrow

Only if he leaves the old bitch

The EU's favorable opinion decreased greatly since the whole catalan thing and how Belgium and other countries didn't support us.

He already left Merkel for Trump

>regional opinions mattering
>in a unitary state like Spain

Spain will do everything its masters say.

That's emperor Macron to you

Yes as far as they could be considered as "progressive".

Yes, we are, unironically, the most progressive country on tyhe planet.


Whats Macrons European reform? I heard Europe is going to make their own military instead of leeching off USA 24/7 (looks like having a meme president might be good for something) but I thought that was Germanys idea

It's mostly a French idea afaik, the Germans were opposed to it initially
Macron is a European Federalist

Like USE style? I support that idea. I think too often it seems like EU feels divided. I know its a mixed idea because Europeans still have a lot of regional pride, but USA has that too.

The one thing that bugs me is how for example, you hear stuff like "Greece is in debt to Germany". It makes no sense if they are a United Europe for one country to be in debt to another. Europe should be like USA as so:

Federal Govt = European Govt. Every country can vote on representatives for the European parliament, and their European president.
State Govt = Every country has their own govt the citizens of the country vote on.
Local Govt = Every country is broken into counties etc. to help their local needs and vote as such.

>Like USE style
Yeah, that's the idea. It was actually what the Fathers of Europe had in mind when they dreamed of a United Europe but it has been delayed

In this way you can still have regional pride and regional govt but also national security and unification.


Yes, we support that here, anyhow we always do what France/Germany/US say

>Yes, we support that here
Spanish politicians* not the people from here

>Spain will do everything its masters say.

Are you a mulatto or black?

mullatto with little mixture , (15% or so)

Politicians will do it, the people wont but nobody cares about the people in this country.

are you cuban too?

No, I am Spaniard, although I was born in Cuba.

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>implying the people even care

El mutto de las cuevas...

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only in size.
our leader will always say yes to whatever the EU proposes like a good boy, and say yes to whatever the citizens ask in order to stay on power. actually doing stuff is rare for spanish presidents tho.
pretty much

Yes, my master

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