Battle of the Vaporware


Which should I sink $100,000 into until EOY 2020?

Attached: 11.jpg (259x194, 10K)

Neither. Semux

>Which should I sink $100,000 into until EOY 2020?

2020 too far.

but EOY EOS is best bet
ADA until Mid 2019

ADA is superior vaporware.

>2020 too far.

Have you seen Cardano's roadmap? Not to mention EOS ecosystem needing adoption.

The correct answer is ETH duh

buy icx aion or just eth, neither ada or eos will be adopted

EOS.. why is this even a question, only literal retards would buy cardano at this mcap at current development stage while eos is basicly finished

> muh peer review

credits will be one of the only cryptocurrency in a couple years and by far #1

> we just had a go-no-go meeting... and... it's.... a GO!
> so we will have a meeting in a few more days to peer review our decision

Ada just got paired with tether on binance lmao

Since its apparent you enjoy losing money EOS. I think it is more of a scam and it should lose more of its current value once everyone finds out.

lol are you the same guy from like 2 weeks ago

you have to be youre the only person ever on here talking about that

"I never see Credits posted here, gonna be huge in 2 years."

lol i still have the tab open

what a great development leap torwards more vaporwave..
absolute state of crypto

Matrix AI if you are smart.

nice erc20 youve got there

Probably EOS. Working product in testnet right now. Cardano is falling further and further behind.


>Have you seen Cardano's roadmap? Not to mention EOS ecosystem needing adoption.
A roadmap doesn't mean shit. Cardano started before EOS and is going to finish after. This is a very bad sign.

>buy icx aion or just eth, neither ada or eos will be adopted
ETH maybe. Fuck ICX and AION.

>Matrix AI

Cardano will be back up to 30 billion market cap imminently, hold immense prospects gor thr future. So knowing that much make your decision

Put your money in Zilliqa user.


>talk buisness
>ignore adaption cost
EOS is simply hipster ruby on rails bullshit
it maybe first to market but will be not secure enough and most likely very costly
ADA looks right now to be more future proof secure and probably cheaper(in deployment and servicing) then EOS
even if they come 1 year later to market this would kill the EOS

just remember the Microsoft Zune

Attached: 35wo5u.jpg (625x481, 42K)

Pos isn't much more secure than dpos imo.
Honestly I'm so excited about zilliqa because of that, but hard to predict how it will work in real life.