My living mates are throwing a big party and I'm scared to cook in front of them but I'm also really hungry

My living mates are throwing a big party and I'm scared to cook in front of them but I'm also really hungry

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assert your dominance pussy

Have a couple drinks to loosen up the old nerves

Go to R9k you weirdo

Also wtf are you doing not drinking with them?

finally a post from a true autist and not the bullshit imposter posts we see all over biz.

tfw autist like OP and spent three years living in dorm with shared toilets, bathroom and kitchen
it was hell

Tell them about your stinky linkys and the 4th industrial revolution.

Order a huge pizza, when it shows up offer the guests some. Sit down eat your pizza and talk or don't. If you're actually too autistic to not enjoy pizza and company take it to your room.

>inb4 just join them OP
he's already made an autistic scene by hiding in his room for this long

also if you come out of your cave to cook food it will only make you look more antisocial and autistic

You need a hug bro. just go to bed or grab a beer and go make you some nom noms, don't get stuck in your head out there.

I am like you OP :( life is hard for us. My only advice is you don't leave your room and go to sleep, you'll wake up not hungry and this will be over. If anyone asks say you felt ill or some bs. Why the fuck are we like this? My theory is low test.. I'm usually smarter and stronger than dudes around me (been doing MMA for 2 years), but it's not helping me shit. Unless drunk I can't maintain a convo, look them in the eye or be around people for too long. Shit we could have so much in this life but somehow this fucking autism is dragging us down. :(

How does it feel to know that your roommate talked to all his friends about how fucking weird you were?

>tfw no one comes over since i have to wake up at 4 am to wagecuck and i rage when my housemates keep me awake by leaving the tv on, ect

im a terrible person to live with :(

>My living mates
you mean your parents?

these are the kind of thoughts that drive the weirdness, unfortunately


You fucks need to get off your asses and experience life. Seriously, just grow some balls and learn to talk to people. It's just like any other skill, you need to practice it. And no, talking to people on a plantation cotton picking nigger forum doesn't count. Otherwise you'll be weird all your life. For example join a blockchain meet up group or club or some shit.

I don't like you nazi faggots but I'm going to help because I remember this feel. In college my little cousin died and I was so depressed I became a weirdo too. So this is not autism like you think it's th result of continued isolation. I used to stay in my room thinking exactly like you even when my roommates whom I literally had been friends with since 13yrs old would have girls over and everything. It got so bad and they were so weirded it out that it ruined our friendship and we only just recently started talking at all again and I'm turning 30 this year...tdlr don't be like me

This is all in your head. Drink some beers and go out of your's better to be a little awkward than look like a complete me the bit of uncomfortableness is waaay preferable to the alternative

This is a great idea op
Do this

do the pizza and beer thing it's really that easy to make friends

Jesus remembering this is so embarrassing now lmao I really lost like an entire social circle of like 30 people over many pussies I left unlicked

Literally why?
>They ask you what's up
>I got hungry so I'm whipping something up
>proceed to chit chat about what everyone is up to as you cook

Personally, I'd see if any of the girls are hot and tell them I can make pizzas from basically scratch (they eat this shit up and they're easy as fuck to make as long as you buy good ingredients) and if they ask if I'm going out or whatever tell them I'm chilling out tonight to eat pizza and watch netflix or w/e

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kys normie
you'll never understand how true autistst feel
your ``attempts to help" only make things worse

Oh and
>ask you why you were in your room and didn't come out earlier
>"I really had to finish [blank] up, keeping my priorities in check and all that crap hah"

just remember if you don't go out its only going to get worse

honestly he may just end up killing himself if he doesn't go out there and nip this shit in the bud right now

Like I'm not missing out by not meeting shitty people

So what's your bright idea faggot? Hide in your room and don't eat like a sperg? You're not even an autist, just a pussy, he shouldn't try to become you.
t. NEET for 2 years out of college

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Enough with the pussy shit. Honestly user, go to the redpill subplebbit and read their sidebar guides. Just grow some fucking balls man, don't let your 'autism' control your life. Stop self-diagnosing and telling yourself you aren't good enough.

>hosting a party of about 10 people at apartment suite
>roommate stays in his room the entire night
>everyones heading out to go clubbing
>me and friend are last ones out the door, putting our shoes on
>room mates door cracks open
>have awkward conversation, hes visibly stifled
>"you should've joined us bro!"
>friend gives me the yikes look while we head out

Just trying to give you some perspective into how it looks from the other side

I'm not afraid of people nor unable to talk to them. I'm very confident around people because I know I'm strong and intelligent. I just fucking hate people. They're boring, stupid, and annoying. I don't want to be around them, I hate being around them, I REALLY hate being forced to live with then and interact with them, I hate most of the things norms like, TV shows, music, sports, hookup culture, I fucking hate it. I don't want to make smalltalk with idiots, I don't want to make friends or need friends. The only time I feel joy out of interacting with people is when I shitpost with other NEETs and outcasts on Jow Forums (not you though, you're part of the nunormie plague that has been ravaging this site for the past several years and I wish you were not here)

Order takeout
Tell him its the house with the party
Tell him to deliver it to your room when he arrives
>Problem solved .

I really hope op had the balls to leave his room..I've done things so outlandish that none of you would believe me if i told them but when I was in OP's I was a little bitch and stayed in my room every time and ended up needing like 5 years to deprogrammed all the weirdness I put in myself

Be a big boy op

I too suffer from severe anxiety of thinking about how awkward I am in front of people to the point where I'd rather avoid the situation entirely by keeping to myself (at work for instance) but I realized that this only worsens the situation. its all in your head, but sometimes us introverts don't really care about socializing as much with normies just because its the same bullshit over and over they talk about.

Think about it this way: The rest of your life is slowly draining out of your body every second.
You probably spent an hour feeling hungry. That hour would be precious to you on your death bed. use your time in a better way that suits yourself.

Fuck off you dumb nigger, I've been browsing Jow Forums since /v/ griefed Youtube back in 2010. Just because I'm not a scared pussy like you doesn't mean I'm a 'normie.' Besides this is biz not r9k, get off your fucking high horse

this is heav fucking autism. I want to know if it actually works. LOL

Stop being bitch
You can go one night without eat

Lol just say you are gay or sthing.

Then proceed to make a blowbang

Been here since 07 and still get called newfag by newfags trying to act like what they think were supposed to act like here

How can I order a blowy from you babe?

Call the cops. They'll think it was the neighbors.


Then go be a hermit faggot, that's still not autism, that's anti-social personality disorder. I hate normalfag TV, music, sports and hookup culture too, you just surround yourself with negativity instead of trying to improve yourself. You're a loser and aim to bring people down with you, whereas I'm trying to uplift fellow anons before they turn into you. No one should listen to your pathetic whining and appeal to authority on Jow Forums of all places.
t. been here for a decade so kys cock mongler

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It's pathetic, these r9k-tier faggots think the whole site belongs to them

do this
also if you're worried about looking weird, say you were in your room trading Bitcoin (which also gives you an excuse to leave after a while)
shill them your favorite coin while you're at it

>no friends to live with
>move into house with strangers off craiglist to save money
>really terrified of meeting new people
>meet up with my landlord move in date and get key
>dont move in that day
>instead move in in the middle of night so the housemates dont see me
>too scared to introduce myself
>hide in my room trying to work up the courage
>day by day goes by digging my hole deeper
>stand at my door and lsiten for noises to make sure no one is outside before i open the door
>run in and out of the washroom
>have only eaten cookies and peanut butter sandwhiches in my room this entire time
>fill up old bottle from bathroom sink
>been 3 months
>still don't know what my housemates look like
>other day i really had to go to work but they wouldnt leave the living room from what I could tell
>I was so autistic I actually climbed out the second story window and jumped to the ground to avoid seeing them
>have wandered around out in the middle of the night in -30C weather for hours waiting for them to go to bed so I can come inside

how do I fix myself Jow Forums? living like this is making me want to an hero, which is what I deserve at this point.

Kek I wonder how many people here actually have been browsing for that long. By that time you should be able to just magically create gets whenever you want (like the one above, check em)

holy triple checked


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You have to break your comfort zone, sorry there is no other option except this. If you keep putting it off you only dig yourself into a deeper hole, as evidenced by what you've done. The outcome is never as bad as what's cycling through your mind 24/7, believe me I know, I overanalyze situations and deal with it as well. Since you've been hiding from them for 3 months you only have two options, lay out everything on the table and tell them you have had very bad social anxiety but are trying to finally break it and introduce yourself, you cannot really lie at this point except throw in other sob stories for sympathy purposes. Other option, if the pressure is too much, move out and try again fresh with new roommates and introduce yourself the first day you meet. You have to relax and not let your mind wander to every possible horrible scenario, look up meditation and coping mechanisms.

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nice trips desu ne


Please tell me this is true.

Sear up a tasty steak in front of the grills. Girls love a guy who can cook.

Jesus Christ user. If you just take 2 secs to talk to them/introduce yourself it will make your life so much easier

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Just pretend they're NPC's and don't exist except for when you're looking at them.

Jesus Christ

Like the other user said at this point you have to come clean or you have to move and try it again this time forcing yourself to actually say hi

Fuck..there are groups and meet ups you can go to to work on shit like this bro

I'm not even kidding. I used to be fairly social idk what happened to me after I moved out for college I started spending all my time in my residence room alone and it just went from there I guess

Yeah I hear you user. I know you are right. I actually did a very similar thing to this before, and I told myself it would be different this time. I really need to just force myself to break the ice at the start. I have a very bad problem of putting it off and then it just gets exponentially worse.

Do any of you guys know if therapy or something would help? I always thought it was just a meme but idk I'm clearly fucked in the head at this point. I have thought about looking for axiety medication or something, but I work as a research scientist and don't want them to impair my mental capabilities.

>tfw when have to pee in bottle

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Read my other post in here this is more about isolation than autism, you lose touch with reality and fuck your brain up. I'd honestly just write a note apologizing for being weird say I had changed medication and it made me depressed or some shit and now I'm readjusting then stick it on the fridge. Next day come out the room say hello and order a bunch of pizzas (still a great idea from earlier in the thread) everybody is nicer to the guy that fed them for free sit out in the living room drink a couple beers and eat. Would do wonders to relieve the tension since they probably think you're a school shooter by now.

Oh and I used valerian root and calming teas when I was climbing my way back from the worst of it. It's honestly like jumping in a cold pool you just have to do it

what the hell causes people to be nervous like this? im short, ugly, never had any friends and isolationist as hell but still wont avoid people if it inconveniences me

do this u autismo, link is gonna go 1k eoy easy. Tell them that, make them rich.

It really isn't hard desu, you just need to time it right ;)

double trips...

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The reality is no one gives a shit. Stop making it so important.

>the absolute state of this dead board

I'm almost in the same situation as you, user. I've gone from being surrounded with friends in college to sitting mostly at home (saving money so I can leave now); mildly depressed wondering what happened, but have made progress out of that mental trap and you can too. This same scenario also happened to an old friend of mine when he graduated college and he fell into a rut as well before I helped him snap out of it and he got his shit together to head off to professional school to finish his education. This is common if you don't find an immediate purpose or motivation out of school. Metaphorically speaking you're just further near the beginning on the playing board than me. I promise you're not fucked in the head permanently. It's simply a mindset that you've allowed to develop around the comfort zone you created. The brain is very adaptable and can handle a lot of things, you can break your poor habits by taking steps to change them little by little, that or adopt a "jaded who gives a fuck what people think, I'll do what makes me feel good again" attitude (or combo them). The key is to realize there is nothing permanently wrong with you, you need to accept that you've allowed yourself to become too complacent and its making you unhappy to be isolated and alone and you want to change that. You can try some prescription drugs to help if you really feel you need the boost if necessary, that's up to you; as for me I use nothing. It's really a mind game you've let into your head, and you have to conquer it instead of let it conquer you.

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This, honestly I could do this all night if I felt like it. During the day it's more difficult because there's a higher post volume

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do it again

You clearly function enough to get out of the house and have a job.

My question is why haven't your roommates knocked on your door to introduce themselves?

Do what again? Kek

I hated this shit in uni. I'd usually just go run down to a fast food place. It gets exhausting having to be polite all the time, but then I'm faced with the bullshit even in the sanctity of my own home. It wasn't that much better when I got my own place because people would still try and impose by saying hi every fucking time they saw me, even using my name. Inconsiderate egomaniacs the lot of them.

I moved in with my grandmother after my grandfather passed and it's been great. We are both pretty aloof, but when we're feeling it we'll have a pleasant chat, watch the news, etc.. We live in the middle of nowhere so the only person who invades our privacy is the mailman, and he is a good guy, drops off mail, maybe ask for a signature now and then, then he quietly fucks off. All the noise and light from cities and suburbs is enough to drive a man mad. You'll be much happier in the outskirts. People were not meant to live together in big cities. The commute sucks but the trade-off is well worth it in peace of mind.

So close bruh

It is a skill you fuck. Most of you became like this because you are hentai watchinh neets that don't leave the house.
Guess what, if you don't talk to another person for 3 years then the first few times will be scary and hard. But after that it gets better.

I hope you don't spread your genes. But there is a low chance anyways.

Eh, parties are awfully boring half the time and if it's a party with normies it's pathetic to watch them pretend that "it's the time of their life" and they're "finally letting loose on a friday night", just fucking. Yuck. Although sometimes I miss out on meeting cool people generally fuck normies.

fascinating. I would absolutely love to live with you as I absolutely understand the impulse but don't have it nearly that bad

Assert your dominos pizza

ya blew it

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>t. normalfag
your meme depression is nothing like the sense of dread some people experience at the mere idea of social interaction. your advice is shit, you're a terrible person and this is why you will die unfulfilled

>hurr durr i'm not a normalfag, i've been a neet for a whole TWO years
you're a cancerous cell and you don't even know it

amazing how losers with no redeeming value always have to appeal to seniority as if it made up for lack of substance
incidentally, never been on Jow Forums before 2014 because it was too normalfag for my 90s kid ass used to the tiny communities that made up the eternal september wave i was part of
now i'm appropriating your lingo and calling you newfags
deal with it

>been here for a decade so kys cock mongler
>heh what a fucking loser 10 fucking years hahaha
>2011 was 7 years ago

I'm surprised they haven't faked you out yet.

>delusions of grandeur

No one cares about your emotional ramblings nerd not even when you're anonymous now enjoy your You and the only interaction you'll get this week LOL

Autist thinks everyone who socializes are shitty people

time sure flies

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Just curious, do more than 50% of your selfies on FB feature your mouth wide open ready for cock?

>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.

what do they mean by this?

It means you have a brain tumor

congratulations user for having friends & having friends that socialize


This thread made me remember the time my parents' friends came to visit with their kid, so I escaped through the window and his behind a water tank but he found me.

This is not Jow Forums fren. I know you hate normies but you can ask to join their party and tell them stories about delusional linkies in return for food.

I used to drink myself stupid to get over my social anxiety proceeding to consistently make an ass of myself and the reputation stuck. Atleast I got out of the house.

Can't make this shit up.

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> mouth wide open ready for cock
there is nothing wrong with that

>now i'm appropriating your lingo and calling you newfags
Did you realise the irony of what you were typing before or after the fact?

Holy fucking shit, if you're not larping this is the most autist thing I've ever read.
Just imagine their conversations about you. I wonder if they even know you exist, or if they assume the room is empty.