My class is doing a shitty stock market game, how do I win?

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Can you use options?

Buy high sell low

the website it's on is and I have 100,000 dollars to use and the final day is May 24th, I don't know what you mean by options though

Don't play. Buy crypto and swing trade decent alts against BTC, that way you will have real money instead of a teacher who wants to fuck you.

Guessing they use real stock prices so there's no real way to win unless you can predict what will happen (hint: you can't).
You should do some high risk high reward stategy, if it pays off you look like a trading god but if it fails nobody will give a shit.

I'm a complete jackass and sold my btc before it mooned and I've been too salty to pay attention to crypto since, what coins should I go for

always do the opposite of Jow Forums
also wojack irl

If you can't short, just keep everything in cash. You'll win just by not losing as much as everyone else

1.go for an extremely low volume stock and go all in
2.use real money to flash pump it
3.sell it on your fake account

If you are brand new and would like a simple method on investing in Crypto or stocks use the boss method
Guaranteed you beat all everyone in your class.

also OP, long RTN.

go 50/50 commodities/leveraged etfs

get a mix of commodities like GLD, SLV, USO, etc.
randomly select a couple sectors you like or hate e.g. FAS, LABD, ERY
use tight stops for the leveraged positions and don't bet bummed when you get stopped out. rinse, repeat

Exactly this. But on the other hand the majority will do that and mostly everyone will lose with that strategy. Maybe only blue chips will make you win too

>1hr 07mins

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low risk investments probably

pick randomly
raytheon & other milliaty will be going up as we are marching to war...

Buy some big company stock, when it has gone down for 2% in 1-2 days. It will go up within that time period (until May 24th) at some point. Sell it with a slight profit (even 0.5%) is good. Then just sit on that profit, do nothing and you'll have a good chance of being in the top of the class. Most normies will try to constantly trade without having patience or a plan and inevitably be in the red very soon.

>sep 2017

10x leverage long right away and sell at the top

Check biotech stocks that are about to announce a clinical trial result/fda hearing.
Go all in on the one that sounds most likely to succeed.
You'll either make mad gains or massive losses. Most likely smashing everyone elses results or being last.
Since its not real money and people will only care about the winner, you have nothing to lose.


Over a short time just hold cash, you won't lose anything.
Other than that long the index since it's not allowed to drop.

We once played this in school and i put 100k in penny stocks, made a shitton of fake money.

teacher didn't believe it at first, A+ motherfuckers

if you can't trade options just keep the cash

lol this

This is actually a good strategy. You might even make real money, although probably not. But it would still allow you to win.

Just go long on bitcoin you mong

Buy gold and then whatever the prices at the end say you won because only you have real money and everyone else just has credit. Accuse them of shilling when they disagree.

don't forget to mention gold can't be a bubble because it has real world use and was valued since ancient times


My class is also doing a mock stock exercise in the coming weeks. If you do this can you coordinate with me so I can get in on the pump. This exercise is 30% of my grade.


Let me know as well so I can buy beforehand.

Just make a discord and post the link.

If it doesn’t matter how you perform if you don’t want then you should just go all on the most volatile stock you can find. That way you’ll maximize your chance of winning.

I agree with the options idea if you can do it. Specifically buying some slightly out of the money calls on a volitile call. You'll either lose all your money or win a sizable jackpot. If options aren't available, you can still get some volatility with leveraged ETFs and VIX mirroring ETFs. Check out VXX, VXXB, VIXY, SH, UPRO, SSO. All of these are great ways to make lots of money, but odds are decent you'll lose all your money too. Don't do it with real money.

Short BAC


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