What do you defend yourself with in your country?

What do you defend yourself with in your country?

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my body odour

Nothing, because I don’t live in a crime ridden american shithole. No need for a weapon in my area

We don't do self-defense we call the cops if something happens

Sexual favors

>get burglarized
>call cops
>they arrive after it happens
>"ah well I guess we'll file a report or something"
>never hear back from them again

meanwhile in america
>burglar breaks in
>can't decide what you want to kill them with

I know E*ropeans are quite pathetic if you'd ask me

RK 62
>Always works
>Never jams
>Penetrates all body armor

Attached: rk62-rynnakkokivaari.jpg (1024x576, 197K)

weaponized autism

Mutts keep having this power fantasy of people breaking into their house when they're at home so they can kill them


Palestinian through rock at me so I grabbed my rifle and killed him and his family I then laughed and went back to my post with my battalion

keep up the good fight


baseball bat

>tfw you will never throw white phosphorus grenades at Palestinian school children while firing from the hip and laughing in hebrew

>What do you defend yourself with in your country?

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My self build pocket 4w diode ((illegal dosage)) laser.

your guns kills instantly, my laser gun blinds u for life, killing your hope for a better tomorrow...while still being conscious.

even satan will not answer your prayers, kiddo

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>implying you don't have that fantasy as well
Everyone likes to think they would kill the bad guy in certain morally justified scenarios. Personally I would go to my hunting shotgun if I had to. When there was a series of break in and enterings in my home town (and the media was giving it attention) baseball bats were literally sold out in every sport store.

I live in a first world country.

My official Ted Nugent guitar gun.

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>living in a shithole where you actually fear for your safety and feel the need to "defend" yourself
I feel sorry for you

Did you make sure to buldoze the block they lived on?

That's like saying your country shouldn't have a military because it's not currently at war or close to war

A functional police force and criminal justice system.

>That's like saying
No it's not. Not at all. You are a fool.

get on my knees and beg the favelado to end my life, which he refuses to take because bullets cost money

call the police like you would in any 1st world country

>A functional police force and criminal justice system.

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Not an argument

nothing because we don't have guns and most people learned that if you do bad things to others you may end up in big trouble with the law

I heard drugs make leafs believe in some ludacris shit but this just takes the maple covered pancakes right out of the pan.

It's not. If you don't understand what I'm saying, I feel sorry for you as well.

This but unironically. I live in a pretty safe community and could even leave all my shit unlocked and my garage open if i wanted to, but there is always that chance of someone busting in, and i'd be lying if i said i haven't thought about a justice scenario....

>A functional police force and criminal justice system.
>*Run over by an Incel

The same thing euromonkeys have in case of a war. Nothing.

>1 attack per decade
>1 attack per 3 days

US truly is comparable to Canada.

I really never want to kill anyone. There's nothing more valuable than a human life, I could never take one and would feel horrible for the rest of my life if I was forced to.

Bamboo Sword!!

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Those cleaning chemical fumes getting to your brain? Our crime rate is lower than yours, let alone America.

Sane people on Jow Forums? That's kinda surprising.

>What do you defend yourself with in your country?
Comfortable casual footwear.

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>I really never want to kill anyone. There's nothing more valuable than a human life, I could never take one and would feel horrible for the rest of my life if I was forced to.

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Nothing. I just have to call the cops and improvise, unfortunately. I wish we had the 2nd amendment. Please make us the 51st state.

a puukko, while hopped up on kossu to attain the maximum amount of sisu needed for the task

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Best legal weapon I can get

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The 2nd amendment doesn't say "we need gunz n shit to kill ppl lmao" like many people seem to think

It's about having a tradition of a population able to defend themselves and not being completely dependant on a functioning government. It's more like an insurance in case shit happens and shit always happens and has always happened in the past. It's exactly the same as having a military

Just look at Mexico and how villagers weren't allowed weapons to chase out the cartels, partly due to a corrupt government

It's a bit of a silly fear to have, nearly all burglaries are committed by somebody who knows the resident of the property and will target them when they know the property is empty, in the odd chance it's a genuinely random burglary they are just looking for something to grab to fuel a drug addiction and will run the second they hear somebody waking up.

>american soldiers loot all nippons katana swords,

>All poor takeshi now has is his trusty bamboo sword.

dont worry senpai, you can take your frustration out at the airport screaming "whittu piggu go home" over a megaphone as the next batch of US military negros come to fuck your women

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Self defence is about defending yourself and your property. If you're enjoying killing other people, then there might be something wrong with you

Naive yuropoors who are lax about security and have lots of material posessions = eastern european gangs coming over here to steal.
Stuff gets stolen over here all the damn time, on some occations times when the tenant(s) is at home.

The situation just needs to be extreme enough and you would find your moral justification to kill. For example a very black and white self defense scenario where the only way to save your family is to kill a drugged up asshole who can't be reasoned with, and you've done all you can to reason with him, deescalate etc... even you would kill if you were pushed to the extreme

yes I would kill, that's why I wrote if I was forced to, but I'd still feel like shit

>lol I'm american if someone is robbing my house I will fucking shoot him loool haha 2a
what prevents burglar from having gun as well?

go unironically get your T levels checked

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Not wanting and not being able to are two pretty different concepts, you know. I never felt any desire to kill anyone, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't do it if really needed to. I just don't think it would be a good experience in any way.
You wannabe vigilantes are pathetic.

I show them my "Do not burgle this residence" licence.

>chechnyakrutostan talking shit about 2A
kill yourself beta male liberashka

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You would probably get over it if you dindu nuffin wrong.

One less burglar

i have a spanish short sword hanging on my wall, i have a rapier hanging next to it and i have a small axe in my room too

I'm more than capable of defending myself against anything but firearms. And the chance of a gun-armed robber breaking into my house is so small I don't feel the need to worry about it.

why dont you go back to mordor chechen subhuman


look at this tough guy living in one of safest European countries, absolute death machine

Old army bayonet and a rock hammer

>chechen subhuman
are you retarded
why would I be criticizing russia for bowing over to muslim mountain niggers if I was a muslim mountain nigger myself

>t. county has a lower murder rate but 3 times the violent crime rate (1051.62 versus 386.3) and almost twice the assault rate in 2016 (607.17 versus 386.3).
So sage.

Say: Switzerland - Cool!

they dont bow to chechens, they enslaved them

>American power fantasies thread

If Americans had conscription their obsession for guns would decrease. After you've been bored for months with weapons training and tactical exercises you'll see guns as boring. Now American manchildren think they are so cool when they can spray pointless bursts from their firesticks at the track.