wipe your arse
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why are cucknadians like this?
I will wipe it after.
i've never heard him mentioned or referred to in real life
got called a newfag on Jow Forums
oh, jeremy
>Justin Trudeau
can't they get pregnant from precum?
remember in sex ed they told us never to use that method
got called a piece of shit in argos
I have.
Sort yourself out, stop being a manchild and get yourself some pussy
they can but it never happens
germans are weirdoes
no that's just a lie they tell virgins
Got called a nonce in Barnsley.
they can but if you have pissed since your last ejaculation, you will be fine
really sorry about your brain lad
What happened to that Greece lad? Quite liked him 2bh
The Yank and Canadian who keep bumping 190's failed thread on /sp/ are honourary Brits as far as I'm concerned.
This used to happen to me all the time
They could sense your virginity
periods seem grim
weird to think all girls go through them
>”recovery spending” (whatever the fuck that means)
t. 190kg bastard
doing give a shit about your shit thread fuck off
got called antonio in the office
he's literally your largest cultural export right now
Doesn't even make sense. It's an anti 190 thread.
Fucking a girl on her period is a unique experience though
immensely happy that vietlad moved to Vietnam so he doesn't get confused for being another Canadian now
he must have been the only good Canadian poster, every other leaf flag post is absolute pig shite
wish Western countries would implement Chinese-tier surveillance that automatically names and publicly shames litterbugs
how's life under the rock?
On my way to work a woman asked ME for directions
She was an attractive Eastern European who was slightly taller than me
I ended up walking her part of the way to her destination
We didn't speak much on the way and it's really haunting me, what should I have said?
What questions would have been suitable to ask?
I wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable
Bit weird of me to wear my hat throughout but whatever, I should just be happy that she probably asked me because I passed unless she was thirsty for non-white cock
what was that all about then?
Yeah it's great, he was raging about it yesterday as well
Why are Americans so obsessed with black willies?
life goal is to run a business from funds of honest hard work with a qt wife with lots of kids lads
I'm not a man interested in getting rich by money, but rich in other ways
night cap before bed?
don't care virgin
Yanks sitll arguing in the old thread
Reckon if anyone deserves cancer it's 190cm (children molested)
Having a wank
I’m just here to help you guys realize what you need to do to get laid
Take my advice or don’t, but if you don’t you can’t whine about being a PNVF
you what mate
you mean piss then have sex?
Got called a bender by a group a schoolgirls as their bus drove by
could get behind this
ummmm sweaty canadians are actually honorary brits they aren't yanks okay
ah yes fucking an extremely slick hole that leaves burgundy uterine lining on your bellend and smells like copper
positively unique
once wore my ex gf's tights and used one of her toys on my bumhole
You lads coming to the /brit/ meetup in Hastings Ontario this weekend?
Just come back from the pub, Mum made a fish pie which doesnt look too nice, She will be well mad if i dont eat it.
I don't recall the captain from Police Academy ever saying that
>Clean your room and fuck her right in the pussy, bucko!
Scrape it down the drain outside
Women are vile. Give me a good ol cock any day of the week
if you have a dog can i walk it
love tights
imagine if a /brit/ meetup would take place and it was all canadians and yanks with one brit
how would that one brit feel
on second thoughts, the Anglosphere countries are fucking cancerous
kinda wish I was a continental
what about a woman with a cock
yes, otherwise you will have semen in your pipes (potentially).
A lot of research leans to this
ive literally fucked a girl on her period without a condom, what a retarded post
How does a period work? Why doesn't the egg just decay after a few days, why doesn't the womb just have a permanent lining? I really don't understand what was intended here.
Ireland is not angloshpere and we're the best posters 'round here tbf
Probably like this thread
This would also be acceptable
couldnt think of anything better
would never shag a girl witout protection or some contraceptive
too risky ygm
honestly without me and my inane rambling /brit/ would fall apart
lol yes you are you English speaking runt.
whom is coming to the newcastle meetup tomorrow
(((they))) work in mysterious ways
he cute
Sure buddy. If you really had and weren’t lying you wouldn’t need to break it down all scientifically. You would have just said you didn’t like the feeling. But you had to try and act all smart and outed yourself, better luck next time
IUD is king fampai
god made eve from adam's rib so of course there were some issues including the new functionality
>Irish is the third most spoken language in Ireland, behind English and Polish
>what was that all about then?
*enters thread*
did you not learn about this in school?
well good thing I also speak polish then haha
runtus maximus
card expired
see something new every time i watch this webm haha
America is unironically a cancer on this planet. Don't know why my fellow Yanks deny it.
Look who I ran into lads!
absolute bear