Going to market buy 105eth worth of link RIGHT NOW

Going to market buy 105eth worth of link RIGHT NOW

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Post screenshots

What a terrible idea


okay, watching


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I'm getting an "insufficient balance" message?

(((they))) are trying to stop you

Is there not 120,000 link on the eth order book?

well then buy less..

someone bought something

let's see it then faggot

thanks, bought 100k

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No thank you. We need more heroes market buying and not being pussies looking to save a few bucks

And now hodl till filthy rich!

Its a stupid binance glitch
Close the browser and try again

also that usually means that you already bought but the shit you bought wont show up til u refresh

>buying at the top

>b-buying at top!

Yeah I'm sure he'll be sorry when he sells his bags at 20-30x eoy.

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so close to quads of profit
you did good

lol madman

170k link. Am I whale now?

Millions coming your way, user.

>he doesn't have 200k LINK

15k linklet here im feeling bad

You will make it.

You'll make it user. Keep your head up, keep your heart strong

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t-thanks guys

Your eyes are gleaming! Thanks Rory

>15k linklet
>tfw 700 link

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15k too, we’ll just need to be ok with $1.5m-$3m at the end of this year

u will make enough to then setup for a nice /makeit/ run.

Why would you market buy?

I really hope so.

Because he’s a chad, unlike you soyboy

buying/selling big lots at market is the very definition of soyboy

I dont know how old u are, but if you got 3/4 years ur set.

Have you tried to buy LINK with limit buys? It ain't fucking happening. The only way to buy the amount OP bought is to do what he did or do multiple smaller market buys to try to avoid moving th e price to much.

>multiple small market buys

Unless you have a week to dedicate to this thats a very bad idea. The bots will move up every substantial market buy and youll end up pumping even more.

One instant buy or a LOT of tiny buys, which would takes days at least. But 10x 10 eth buys would pump it.

good luck

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That's what I meant. Many buys spaced over days to weeks.

Kek, beautiful