I can read 90% of english

>I can read 90% of english
>I cant form sentences

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>tfw my english is unironically better spoken and written than my swedish
feels not ok man

this is a english world, you're just living in it

i speak and write english better than swedish too

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Learn German instead

Probably autism?

i don't come to Jow Forums to read your retarded posts that have nothing to do with this board, you are a waste of space just like everyone who participate in your shit threads, just kill yourself already because you will never ever get a life, that's for sure

but ur participating in my threads


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h-how could that happen

All the media i consume is in English, all my literature and uni books are in English, all of my friends are from the US.
So i use English for 99% of my daily life, i basically only speak Swedish to my parents and at the shops, never use it otherwise

no, i just don't bother to sage because some retard like you will just bump it anyway

>mfw the immigrant in sweden speak better swedish

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Trust me, they don't

That's cucked as fuck

>tfw you have excellent grammar
>very refined and distinguished vocabulary that gets you lots of compliments
>your accent is so thick, the natives can tell you're a foreigner from a few words
Just end it. I wish I never learned this wretched language.

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You can always tell if somebodies a foreigner because of the accent anyway

magyar cigany

yeah but then you can tell them you're from hungary and they can make a hungry joke

I also find that my le serious formal writing is better in English than Norwegian.

>lived in argentina almost 7 years
>almost perfect spanish
>never write tildes because i dont understand them
>still cant roll r's

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>tfw since I became a NEET i use more English than Spanish

Es ok Juan, io no puede make bueno sentences tambien de espanol.

this desu

why it matter? My dad did it through no problem. Has a house at Los Angeles.

this 2bh

Where are you from originally? How did you move to Argentina?

Same here spanish bro.