At what point does the rope become viable?

>be 28
>apply for every minimum wage job in town
>7 months unemployed
>live off around $2 a day, $60-70 a month
>savings gone
>had to sell what little crypto on hand
I cant even move in with my parents anymore now theyve downsized to a little house.
I'm trying so fucking hard to do what I can, I get up every day and exercise, I share a place with a friend to keep outgoings near nil, I'm polite to everyone. All I've done since September is work about a weeks worth of days, being on call doing cleaning work at a racecourse when other people phone in sick.

At what point does the value proposition in the rope become viable? Do I need to rack up huge debts first? Criminal activity?

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How the fuck does one fail to get a minimum wage job?

your parents sound like decent people, i don't think you should ruin their lives by killing yourself
>t. also staying alive entirely because I don't want to disappoint my family

Arent you white or at least a local?

I enjoyed two yeats neet and simply stayed home and fapped.
I loved it.
Im now working blue collar and earn 37 an hour.

Sadly theres a whole city full of people scrambling for the same shit work, even the covering work I do at the track sweeping up cigarettes and bits of paper has a couple of hundred people behind me desperate to do it.

There must be millions like this.

I'm about as white as it gets, hasnt really helped me get even a fast food job.
What do you do?

Time to join the Army, son

Assembly technician or whatever
Fun job. Assemble shit together with a big nice team.
Compared to the white collar job i had before neeting the people are so much more open and alive. Day 1 someone just told me how he hates niggers. I knew i was going to like this place

Rob a bank? Or maybe a jewel heist? Or perhaps you can go on the internet and find a job in another part of the country...Or an old lady and fuck her and take her money when she dies. Maybe go to a temp agency to get your foot in the door somewhere? Or just give up and kill yourself. But if u kill yourself u might as well try to a bank and do it in the midst of a failed robbery. At least then you would have some what of a real reason

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That shit looks disgusting

I've always had criminal activities planned if I where in your situation, have you thought of any?

My friend refuse to go that way, I always suggest > chaturbate to him, he laugh it off. But it is money.

gl OP

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This, join the military or just stay poor

time to abandon the west

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I just cant bring myself to hurt people no matter what fantasies I come up with in my head, though robbing a bank wouldnt be hurting anyone I dont hate already.
There must be another way out of this shit.

How do people make money on chaturbate?

Web cams of you sticking stuff up your butt for fag boys to watch and fap too

look into carding, credit card fraud is the easiest way to make it with no risk of jail

Seriously. Why won’t you join the military. Might make a man of you actually........ fucking pussy

Man, just do some small time pot selling. Learn programming on the side, worked for me.

>small time pot selling
does that even work i thought ikea had it pretty wrapped up
anyway love to your new dad

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> apply for every minimum wage job in town
> 7 months unemployed

There's something that isn't right here. It shouldn't be that hard to get a job.

Do you fill out the app and not get called, or do you get interviewed and not get hired?

If it's the second, then you might go as far as to ask the person who chooses not to hire you to give you honest advice about what you did wrong at the interview.

If the problem is that you aren't getting calls, do you have a criminal record or shitty handwriting?

When he walks in for an interview they just smell pussy and tell him to leave. JOIN THE ARMY YOU FAG

that right user, join the military, fight for israel, the jews always have money

The correct answer.
I'd join up with you but I'm too fucking old.

Whats up with all these cut dick niggas

Yeah the marines helped me get my shit together


So OP let me get this straight.
- You live in the USA
- You are white
- You are Jow Forums I'm guessing from the workouts
- You have basically hit rock bottom which means there is literally nothing to lose.
- You want to kill yourself

You know how many pajeets in India and niggers in Africa dream about being white and living in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

You are in the land of opportunity and freedom. Do anything. Go to some better city, dress as a hobo, sit down at a subway and get $50 a day. Better yet do some ball juggling(lol) or something or do card tricks. Fuck sake go door to door selling fucking physical Bitcoins. Start selling weed or LSD. Order from darknets and sell them. Whatever it takes really.

Almost forgot this one important thing. Read Think and Grow Rich. Keep an open mind when reading it.

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I swear I know you, or someone who's done identical. What city you in?

The whole reason young people can't find jobs is because free trade is equalizing wages between China and US. And White losers will still be losers in China as evidenced by how disgruntled many expats are

meant to respond to

apply for disability.

Yes, be a good goy and die for Israel.